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Here is a typical run of PULSAR. Comments will be italicized.

...PULSAR program is run and window is created...

Input file: "0010 <Return>" search $SMDB_DIR for viewing period 1.0 SMDB file

...PULSAR finds file "QVP0010A", and a pop-up window appears...

Pulsar name: "0531 <Return>" find first pulsar startingwith 0531

...PULSAR finds "0531+21", the Crab pulsar...

Pulsar name: "0531+21"
Create file: "crab.0010" selected
-rays will be stored in file "crab.0010"

...Now enter some selection criteria back in main input panel...
Input file: "QVP0010A" Number of bins:
Angular Selection: "Fixed" Minimum energy(MeV): "100"
Acceptance cone: "4" deg Maximum energy(MeV):

...Pressing "<Run>" button selects all
-rays in the SMDB fileQVP0010A within of the
Crab pulsar and energy higher than 100 MeV, and forms a phase histogram with 20 bins...

...PULSAR window title bar grays and cursor becomes inactive as phases are calculated...

...Control is returned to input panel as histogram is displayed...
...Note that "crab.0010" has been moved to Input file...

...Now user changes parameters as follows...

Input file: "crab.0010" Number of bins: "100"
Angular Selection: "Energy Dependent" Minimum energy(MeV): "300"
Acceptance cone: "1" X 68% PSF Maximum energy(MeV): "1000"

...Pressing "<Run>" button now plots a subset of the original
-rays with energies between
300 MeV and 1000 MeV. Events will also be selected based on an energydependent
angle. Remember, though, this file only contains
-rays within of pulsar.

...Pressing the "<Quit>" button exits the PULSAR program...

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