TBURST Users Guide


Prepared for
Goddard Space Flight Center
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Prepared by
Edward J. Schneid

User's Guide ---------- 3/26/97


This document provides information on how to use the TBURST program. Section 1 contains a general description of the program. Section 2 lists the steps to execute the program. Section 3 describes the program I/O interface.


    1. Program Purpose
    2. Program Description
    3. Applicable Documents
    1. Preliminary Requirements
    2. Program Execution
    1. Main Panel Inputs
      1. Solar Burst Analysis Option Panel Inputs
      2. BATSE Burst Analysis Option Panel Inputs
      3. Anti-coincidence and TASC Housekeeping Rate Option Panel Inputs
      4. Spectral File Panel Inputs
      5. Plot Generation
    2. Solar Burst Analysis Option
      1. Console Display Outputs
      2. Solar Analysis Outputs
    3. BATSE Burst Analysis Option
    4. Console Display Outputs
    5. BATSE Analysis Outputs


The EGRET instrument has the standard elements of a high-energy gamma-ray telescope based on electron-positron pair conversion and charged-particle detection. It consists of a multilevel spark chamber triggered by a directional scintillator coincidence system, and has a large scintillator dome used in anticoincidence to veto charged particles. There is a large (76 x 76 x 20 cm.) NaI(Tl) Total Absorption Shower Counter (TASC) used as its principal energy-measuring device. The TASC calorimeter analog signal is fed into a pair of pulse height analyzers, one for high energy (20 MeV to 30 GeV) and one for low-energy (1 to 200 MeV). The high-energy results are telemetered individually for each triggered event. The low energy results are accumulated continuously onboard in a spectrum of 32.76 seconds and telemetered separately when the spectrum is completed.

The TASC calorimeter is located at the base of the high-energy telescope and is not covered by the anticoincidence scintillator dome or any other active shield. The amount of material surrounding the TASC is a minimum in the telescope direction and therefore the TASC has its highest sensitivity in that direction, but it is sensitive to gamma rays incident from any direction. The backgrounds in the TASC are due to incident gamma rays (including atmospheric, gamma rays from onboard radioactive sources or induced radioactivity), SAA activation, and charged particles passing through the TASC. In flight, gamma-ray lines are observed in the low-energy spectra and are useful energy calibration standards. The two lines are produced by materials in the instrument: radioactive 40K (1.46 MeV) from the spark chamber material and the neutron capture lines in iron (7.6 MeV).

The accumulation of a low-energy spectrum is the normal or solar mode of data acquisition. However when a gamma-ray burst occurs, The Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) provides a trigger that initiates a special burst mode of accumulation that acquires four sequential spectra in addition the normal acquisition spectra. The time intervals for the BATSE related spectra are programmable and are usually 1, 2, 4, 16 seconds. The BATSE related spectra are telemetered separately over the next one half hour period. When all the data packets corresponding to the four spectra are accumulated on the ground, these spectra are inserted into the Primary Data Base (PDB) file. Therefore the BATSE related data spectra are found in the PDB file among the normal TASC spectra approximately one half hour after the corresponding normal spectra. The TASC record in the PDB file contains an indication whether the spectrum is a normal spectrum or a BATSE triggered spectrum. An alternate database, called the TASC Burst (TBDB) contains the same TASC spectral records, as the PDB, and it includes essential housekeeping and rate data. It is smaller and consequently more convenient for analysis.

The low-energy spectra are accumulated and telemetered in a compressed format. The low energy signals are digitized with the pulse height analyzer over a range of 8196 channels but are stored onboard only as a 256 channel spectrum. For the compressed spectrum, the first 64 channels have a compression factor of two with the compression factor doubling for every set of 32 channels after the initial 64. Therefore the channel energy and channel bin width for the spectrum must take into account these compression factors.

Analyses of gamma-ray bursts and solar flares showed that data accumulation and telemetry errors occurred in the TASC spectral records. Some spectra had missing or low values in the live time counter. TBURST computes the live time for all spectra and compares it to the hardware times. Generally, the two values closely agree within a few percent. The analysis uses the computed times for all its calculations. Several other errors were identified in the spectral records. Some examples of errors are: shifted spectrum (that is, the compression breaks were found in the wrong channels), data found in channels below the PHA thresholds, and missing or erroneous data. Results derived from these spectra were found to give inconsistent results. After the onboard tape recorder failure, data dropouts in the spectra were found to increase due to lack of continuous telemetry coverage. This is often noticed in the BATSE spectra which take a long time to read out so that there is a significant chance of a telemetry gap. Special efforts have been made in the TBURST program to screen the data in the PDB or TBDB files for errors and to reject the data from the analysis. In some cases the spectrum is only flagged as having a potential problem so that the user can be made aware of the problem during the analysis.

1.1 Program Purpose

The purpose of the TBURST program is to analyze the TASC low-energy spectral data for the presence of gamma-ray burst or solar flare related signals. TBURST locates the BATSE spectra or normal spectra for the period of the burst or flare event and the normal spectra for the time periods immediately before and after the event. The spectra before and after the event are used to provide an estimate of the background during the burst or flare event.
Before the spectral data can be analyzed, TBURST reads either the PDB or TBDB file or files that cover the time period in the burst or flare and extracts only those records that contain the TASC spectral data. These spectral records are written to a program defined default file that is used by the data analysis routines. During the reading of the input files, the records are screened for the known errors. Records that contain known serious errors are rejected and not written to the default file. Less serious errors are flagged, and if those records are attempted to be used during an analysis, warning messages are given to the program user. If the user is analyzing the same input file as used in the previous analysis, the input file does not have to be read again. In that case, the program uses the default file for the TASC spectral data.
The purpose of the TBURST program is to accomplish two separate, but related tasks:
1. The analysis of TASC BATSE triggered spectra acquired during BATSE burst mode data acquisition for burst or flare signals. The program locates the BATSE triggered spectra and the spectra acquired immediately before and after the event. These spectra are used to estimate the backgrounds during the event. The backgrounds are subtracted from the BATSE triggered spectra in order to establish the presence of any residual signal due to the burst or flare.
2. The analysis of the TASC spectra acquired during the normal mode of operation for burst or flare signals. The program locates the normal spectra for the user specified time interval for the burst or flare and the spectra acquired immediately before and after the event. These spectra are used to estimate the backgrounds during the event. The backgrounds are subtracted from the burst or flare period spectra to establish the presence of any residual signal due to the burst or flare.
TBURST has three additional options that can be useful in the analysis of burst or flare data. The third option in the panel allows the user to obtain the anticoincidence shield and TASC housekeeping rates around the time of the gamma-ray burst or solar flare. This option helps to establish for the user the total time period of the burst or flare event so that proper selection of backgrounds before and after the event can be made. The fourth option generates a separate file containing dead-time corrected spectral data along with spacecraft position information. This file has two purposes. First, this file allows the user to examine all the spectra that are used in the analysis in order to ensure the quality of the data. This file is also useful in other analyses by programs requiring data from multiple orbits for the analysis of an event. The last option provides plots of the analyses of the first three options that can be viewed and also stored in postscript files. The ability to view the spectral allows for interactive adjustments of the time or energy ranges for the analysis.

1.2 Program Description

The TBURST program runs in the following sequence:
  1. A set of panels appears that are used to establish all the parameters required for the execution of the program. A main panel will appear containing an area displaying the selection of the five program options, and an area containing a listing of all the files in the directory available for the analysis in either of the selected PDB of TBDB databases. The user selects one of the program options, and the file or files that cover the period of time containing the gamma-ray burst or flare event. Selection of a program option will result in a second panel appearing specific to the running of that program option. For the solar or BATSE burst options, this panel contains the following inputs: user adjustable analysis parameters with their default values, specific start time and or duration for the burst or flare being analyzed, and an option to save the results to a files. When both panels are completed, the user selects the "run" option on the main panel and the program will proceed.
  2. The program then reads the PDB or TBDB file or files indicated by the panel selection. The program copies only the relevant TASC spectral records into another program-defined default file to permit efficient program execution. During this process, all TASC records are checked for errors and only acceptable records are saved to the default file.
  3. Selection of the Solar burst option analyzes the normal or solar 32.76 s records for the presence of gamma ray burst or flare signals within the input time interval.
  4. Selection of the BATSE burst option analyzes the four BATSE triggered spectral records for the presence of gamma-ray burst or flare signals.
Selection of the Solar burst analysis option.

S1. The default file is searched for the records that contain the time interval of interest. A table containing information on selected records for backgrounds and burst or flare interval is provided to the user.
S2. Using a time-weighted averaging of the background records listed in the table, the program subtracts the background from the burst or flare records. Results are obtained for the spectra and selected energy regions. The spectral records can be output to the results file if desired. The results of the energy regions are displayed to the user in summary tables in terms of sigma values (signal/noise) or in residual counts. During the analysis, if there are any flags that would indicate corrupted or suspect data, error messages are displayed to the user who might want to repeat the analysis without the suspect record.
S3. The user is returned to the main panel and the user can repeat the analysis with different analysis parameters or selection of spectral records.
Selection of the BATSE burst analysis option:
B1. The program then starts a search of the input default file and locates the BATSE triggered spectral records. The program then locates the records that correspond to the solar records acquired immediately before and after the interval covered by the BATSE spectra. Note that for bursts that last longer than the time interval for the BATSE triggered spectra, the user should use the background offset option in the panel to select background records that are acquired after the burst. A table of all the BATSE burst records and the corresponding backgrounds records are displayed to the user.
B2. The program performs a time-weighted linear background subtraction of the four BATSE burst related records. Results are obtained for the spectra and selected energy regions. The results of the energy regions are displayed to the user in summary tables in terms of sigma values (signal/noise) or in residual counts. During the analysis, if there are any flags that would indicate corrupted or suspect data, error messages are displayed to the user who might want to repeat the analysis without the suspect record.
B3. The user is returned to the main panel and is given the option of repeating the analysis with different analysis parameters.

1.3 Applicable Documents

 For more information, the user may consult the following documents.
  1. TBURST - Program Definition Manual
  2. EGRET Telemetry and Data Formats, #82-3-5
  3. The Gamma-Ray Observatory Science Plan, Sept. 1981.


2.1 Preliminary Requirements

TBURST runs on a SUN UNIX system under FORTRAN. Three environment variables are used to control the input and output file locations. These should be defined before attempting execution. The first environment variable, $PDB_DIR, defines the directory that contains subdirectories, /pd, and/or /tb that in turn contain the PDB and/or TBDB input data files. The second environment variable, $TBURST_LOG, defines the directory that will contain the output files that are elected in the input panels when the program is executed. The third environment variable, $REPORT_DIR, is the location where details of the program execution are written.

2.2 Program Execution

To begin execution of the program the user types "tburst"


The TBURST program uses panels to establish all parameters required for the analysis. During execution of a program analysis option, program-generated messages and a summary of the analysis results are displayed on the user console and are written to a file in the $REPORT_DIR directory named "tburst_report.yyyymmdd_hhmmss" where yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mm, and ss are the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second when the program was executed. Program analysis outputs can be saved in the files defined by the panel options. These files are written in the $TBURST_LOG directory and are named according to the type of analysis and output type and a time stamp based on the date of the data.

A brief description of the TBURST input panels is given in section 3.1. A description of the program messages generated during program execution for the two analysis options, Solar burst and BATSE burst, are found in section 3.2 and 3.3 respectively.

3.1 Main Panel Inputs

Figure 1 gives an example of the TBURST main panel. The user selects one of the five options to be run and selects the PDB file or files that cover the period of time for the analysis. The user would scroll through the list of PDB or TBDB files and click on those files that cover the desired period of time. The name of the file contains the information on the period of time covered by the file. In the example of Figure 1, data is selected for 09/09/1996 from 09:00:19 to 12:00:31. More than one file can be chosen if the event spans files.

3.1.1 Solar Burst Analysis Option Panel Inputs

Figure 2 gives an example of the panel that appears when the Solar burst analysis option is selected. This panel contains inputs that relate to the parameters used in the analysis, the time range to be analyzed and an option to save the analysis results to output files. The analysis parameters are same as those used in the BATSE burst analysis.

The default number of TASC solar records to be used as background immediately before and after the burst is 2 (each background record contains a TASC spectrum acquired for 32.768 seconds). A value of 1 may be too small in order to obtain a good average background before or after the event. Over a large time the background is not linear with time. Therefore selection of a large value will cause an erroneous average that can lead to incorrect results in the analysis.

This panel gives the user an option to move the background regions relative to the gamma-ray burst of flare event. This option may be more important during the BATSE burst analysis if the gamma-ray burst is not over when the last BATSE triggered spectrum is completed.

The energy spectrum's gain (MeV/Channel before channel compression) and offset (MeV) are required to calibrate the spectra. These values should be changed when the user has determined the values for the system. The value for parameter 6 (24) appears not to be drifting with time. The value for parameter 5 does show a drift in time. The position of the 40K peak at 1.46 MeV in the background spectrum can be used to determine the value of this parameter. The apparent position of this peak must be multiplied by 2 in order to obtain its position in the uncompressed spectrum.

The region energy limits can be selected to sum a large portion of the spectrum in order to enhance the signal statistics during the analysis. This is useful in the initial analyses to determine if there is any signal from the burst or flare.

The user can select up to 5 energy regions of interest. Different energy intervals may be overlapping. For each energy interval desired and the low and high energy boundary for each interval must be entered. Channels values corresponding to the input energy range are calculated using the calibration values. The subsequent signal calculations will then be performed for each of the selected energy intervals. The results of the energy region analyses are presented in the summary output that contains the results in terms of a signal/noise ratio. The light curve results present the same information for the energy regions but in terms of residual counts.

The program provides the opportunity to save the analysis results to several output files. One file contains the results of the spectral analyses. The other files are files for the analysis of the selected energy regions allowing the user to readily determine if there is any residual signal associated with the burst or flare.

The spectral analysis file is organized into three parts:

  1. The first part contains the list for the channel number, energy, and counts for the sum of the background spectra before the event, the sum of the burst or flare spectra, and the sum of the background spectra after the event.
  2. The second part lists the individual burst or flare spectrum in sequence. It gives the spectrum number, and midpoint time of the spectrum in seconds, followed by the list of the channel number, energy, and counts.
  3. The third part lists the background subtracted results for each of the burst or flare records. It gives the spectrum number and midpoint time in seconds, followed by the list of the channel number, energy, residual counts (cts/MeV), and standard deviation (cts/MeV).
The summary file contains the signal/noise value and the standard deviation value for each selected energy region is listed for each record associated with the gamma-ray burst or flare interval.

The light curve file contains the calculated residual signal and the standard deviation for each selected energy region in all the records used in the analysis. It starts from the first record of the background before the gamma-ray burst or flare interval to the last record of the background after the interval.

3.1.2 BATSE Burst Analysis Option Panel Inputs

Figure 3 gives an example of the panel that appears when the BATSE burst analysis option is selected. This panel contains inputs for the parameters used in the analysis, the time of the BATSE burst, and the selection to save the analysis results to output files. The definitions for the analysis parameters are the same as those used for the Solar burst analysis and discussed in section 3.1.1. The BATSE burst time interval is defined by the BATSE spectra. However, it is possible to have more than one set of BATSE spectra in a given PDB or TBDB file or set of files. Therefore the time to be input in this panel is the time just before the BATSE trigger so the program can select the burst of interest for analysis.

The BATSE burst analysis has one additional output file. This file contains the BATSE triggered spectra. In the reading of the PDB file, the BATSE triggered spectra are not automatically rejected if record errors are found. This raw spectra output file allows the user to examine and verify the quality of the BATSE triggered spectra used in the analysis.

The other output files have the same definition as those generated during a solar burst analysis.

3.1.3 Anti-coincidence and TASC Housekeeping Rate Option Panel Inputs

Figure 4 gives an example of the panel that appears when the anti-coincidence and TASC housekeeping rate option is selected. This option allows the anti-coincidence shield rates and the TASC housekeeping rates around the time of a burst or flare to be stored in a file for off-line plotting and inspection. The program requests the time of the burst or flare event along with a time period on each side of the event.

3.1.4 Spectral File Panel Inputs

Figure 5 gives an example of the panel that appears when this option is selected. No additional inputs are required from the user. The output file is used for additional off-line analyses or inspection of the data records around the time of the analysis. This file contains the following information: the midpoint time of the accumulation, the summed counts in two regions (channels 31-50 and 31-114, approximately 1-2 MeV and 1- 10 MeV respectively), and the spacecraft position and orientation, and the spectrum.

3.1.5 Plot Generation

The last analysis option shown on the main panel is for generating plots of analyses generated in the previous four options either for the current session or earlier sessions of the TBURST. Selecting the "Generate plots" options activates the "Exec_plot" button at the top of the panel and produces two additional panels that are shown in Figure 6. The first of these specifies the file with the analysis results, and the second offers a choice of plot type. After selections have been made, press the "Exec_plot" key to generate the plot. Output postscript files are an option in the plot panel, Figure 6b. Note that in the case of the Anticoincidence and TASC rates plots that the choices of Figure 6b are not used. Samples of the output plots are shown in Figures 7 through 10.

3.2 Solar Burst Analysis Option

3.2.1 Console Display Outputs

The program uses the times input by the panel to select the records corresponding to the burst/flare interval and backgrounds before and after. The program selection is displayed in the burst/flare selection table.

BKG. BeforeEnd BKG. BeforeBURST End BURSTBKG. AfterEnd BKG. After
232425 272829
START TIME BURST/FLARE RECORD UT = (time corresponding to start of rec 25)
END TIME BURST/FLARE RECORD UT = (time corresponding to end of rec 27)

The records may be changed in subsequent analysis when a different set of background records is desired.

Because of telemetry errors and other "glitches" found to occur in the data, any data used by the analysis are checked for error flags and any found error messages are listed to the user on the console display. Results using any record having an error message should suspect. The user should reanalyze the event by selecting different records if possible.

3.2.2 Solar Analysis Outputs

The only analysis results displayed to the user during the execution are the results the analyses of the selected energy regions. The displayed summary table gives the signal/standard deviation value for each energy region Inspection of this table helps to establish if there is any signal present and if changes in the analysis parameters such as selecting different backgrounds or extending the event period are desired.

The spectral results are saved in a file if the user used to option in the input panel to save this file.

3.3 BATSE Burst Analysis Option

3.3.1 Console Display Outputs

The program searches for the requested BATSE triggered spectral data acquisitions and then locates the appropriate backgrounds before and after the BATSE accumulations. The results of the search are presented in the burst indicator table.

This is an example


BKG. BeforeEnd BKG. BeforeBURST End BURSTBKG. AfterEnd BKG. After
110111178 181115116
The burst indicator table lists for the BATSE burst, the record numbers for the BATSE spectra and the selected background records.

The analysis of the event proceeds and if any telemetry errors and other "glitches" found to occur in the data, an error message is displayed to the user. Analysis results using any record having an error messages should suspect. The user should reanalyze the event by selecting different records if possible.

3.3.2 BATSE Analysis Outputs

The program can save the analysis results to several output files. One file contains the results of the spectral analyses. The other files contain the results for the selected energy regions. The only results displayed to the console are for the analysis of the selected energy regions. The program displays a summary of the analysis results for the selected energy regions allowing the user to readily determine if there is any residual signal associated with the burst or flare. The summary table listing the signal/noise value for each selected energy region is displayed for each record associated with the gamma-ray burst or flare. The light curve table presents the calculated residual signal for each selected energy region in all the records used in the analysis. It starts from the first record of the background before the event to the last record for the backgrounds. The associated standard deviation value is not displayed but these results are saved in the light curve file.