&USERIN ifilnm='/analysis1/data/fits/counts.vp0040.g002', ofilnm='/home/sage0/albert/fits/counts.vt0040.g002', rpoint(1)=180.0000,rpoint(2)=40.0000, binsiz(1)=.500000,binsiz(2)=.500000, &END ifilnm : name of the input counts file ofilnm : name of the output counts file rpoint(1): reference point east longitude in the input file's coordinate system rpoint(2): reference point north latitude in the input file's coordinate system binsiz(1): output map bin size on the first axis binsiz(1): output map bin size on the second axisAfter the namelist is modified, the program is executed with
nice +priority transmap -s &