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xpose.ctl file
If the Open Windows interface is utilized, the program creates a control file read by the xpose.exe program. This control file emulates the standard FORTRAN namelist format. Items may be delimited only by commas or new lines.
xpose.log file
The run parameters and the resulting total exposure for each energy range used is stored in the xpose.log file. The format of this file is simply ascii text.
Output binary file
The sensitive areas, livetimes, and exposures for each exposure history file entry analyzed are stored to the output binary file (outfile).(energy level). This file may be viewed with the command: "exprd" (outfile).(energy level) The first 100 bytes contain information about the source point and the run parameters as follows:
Parameter                       Type
---------                       ----
source ra                       R*8
source dec                      R*8
source galactic longitude       R*8
source galactic latitude        R*8
observation start time          R*8
observation end time            R*8
energy range upper bound        R*8
energy range lower bound        R*8
event class                     I*4
spectral index                  R*4
zenith cutoff angle             R*8
scale factor                    R*4
version number                  R*4
viewing period acceptance angle R*4
last viewing period included    I*4

After this structure, the entries for each exposure history file begin.  
Each entry has the form:

Parameter                       Type
---------                       ----
entry start time                R*8
entry duration                  R*4
entry live time                 R*4
entry sensitive area            R*4
entry exposure                  R*4
[xpose.ctl file] If the Open Windows interface is utilized, the program creates a control file read by the xpose.exe program. This control file emulates the standard FORTRAN namelist format. Items may be delimited only by commas or new lines. [xpose.log file] The run parameters and the resulting total exposure for each energy range used is stored in the xpose.log file. The format of this file is simply ascii text. [Output binary file] The sensitive areas, livetimes, and exposures for each exposure history file entry analyzed are stored to the output binary file (outfile).(energy level). This file may be viewed with the command: "exprd" (outfile).(energy level) The first 100 bytes contain information about the source point and the run parameters as follows:
Parameter                       Type
---------                       ----
source ra                       R*8
source dec                      R*8
source galactic longitude       R*8
source galactic latitude        R*8
observation start time          R*8
observation end time            R*8
energy range upper bound        R*8
energy range lower bound        R*8
event class                     I*4
spectral index                  R*4
zenith cutoff angle             R*8
scale factor                    R*4
version number                  R*4
viewing period acceptance angle R*4
last viewing period included    I*4

After this structure, the entries for each exposure history file begin.  
Each entry has the form:

Parameter                       Type
---------                       ----
entry start time                R*8
entry duration                  R*4
entry live time                 R*4
entry sensitive area            R*4
entry exposure                  R*4

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