Next: 7.7 SDR_SUM Up: 7 Reference Guide Previous: 7.5 SDR$CREATE



This procedure creates and loads an array of SDRs from an SDB file. Optionally, selections can be made on the contents of the file to be loaded. The default is header, data, errors, edges, and widths from all records in the file. In addition, data can be optionally summed into summary SDRs.

Calling Sequence
SDR_LOAD, filename, sdr [,outsdr]


A character string specifying the name of the input SDB file. The default directory is the current directory, the default file extension is .SDB. The file must exist.
An array of SDR records created from the information in the input SDB file and selection criteria. If the SDR array exists on entry, it is deleted and re-created with the information in the file.
An optional parameter for returning the individual SDRs from the file when the SUM keyword is set to return sums in the SDR argument. If SUM is not specified, this argument is not used.


This keyword specifies the aux types to be extracted from the SDB records in the SDB file. By default, hdr, dat, err, edg, wid, are read. AUXA can be specified as a string of aux types separated by commas - eg. 'dat,err,edg,wid,crc,note' or as a two element long array specifying "bit-picks". AUXA overrides the default and requires default aux types to be specifies in AUXA if desired.
A longword which specifies the AUX1 bits. The default is equivalent to hdr, dat, err, edg, and wid.
A longword which specifies the AUX2 bits. The default is zero.
Input switch which if present and nonzero, specifies that summing should be performed for each unique detector configuration. Default is single sum of available data.
Input switch which if present and nonzero, specifies that summing should be performed for each (approximate) daily interval. Default is single sum of available data.
Input switch which if present and nonzero specifies that summing should be performed by detector. By default, all SDRs are summed into a single sum. The keyword SUM must be set along with BYDET to create individual SDRs for each detector.
Input switch which if present and nonzero, specifies that summing should be perfomed by detector step angle or source aspect. By default, all SDRs are summed into a single sum. The keyword SUM must be set along with BYDSA to create individual SDRs for each step angle. BYSCAN overrides BYDSA and a warning is issued. The combination of BYDSA and BYDET will create a #dsa by #det element SDR array.
Input switch which if present and nonzero, specifies that summing should be perfomed by target scan angle (HDR.TARGSCAN) or source aspect. By default, all SDRs are summed into a single sum. The keyword SUM must be set along with BYSCAN to create individual SDRs for each scan angle. BYSCAN overrides BYDSA and a warning is issued. The combination of BYSCAN and BYDET will create a #scan by #det element SDR array. NOTE: TARGSCANS are rounded to 0.2 degrees to find unique ranges.
This keyword specifies which detectors to extract from the the SDB file. Its format is the standard "bit-pick" specification for 1 or more detectors. The default is to select all detector data from the SDB file.
An input array of indices of SDB records to be read from the requested SDB file. By default, all elements are read. Simultaneous usage of the keywords, TAGS and ELEMENTS is not supported.
A output array containing the SDB$READ status. Array elements are non-zero if the data requested for an associated SDR record was not available.
Input switch, which if present and non-zero, causes summing of response matrices if found in input SDRs. Live time weighted rmtrx is stored in output SDRs.
An input array of indices of SDB records to exclude. By default, all elements are read.
An input array of one or more tagwords of SDB records to be excluded. By default, all tags are read.
This keyword specifies which additional aux types should be loaded. The standard dat, err, edg, wid will be loaded, plus those specified with this keyword.
Input switch which if present and nonzero, specifies that RELSPEC records should be added to input SDR. The RELSPEC records document the file name and tagword of the file and SDR containing the summed data.
Input specifying start time limit for selection. Records with start times greater or equal to this time are selected. Time is specified as tjd and fraction in one of many forms. eg. as string - 'yy/ddd hh:mm:ss', as real - yyddd.fff. See routine TJD_FROM_ASCII . Default TJD_START is 0, ie accept all records.
Input specifying stop time limit for selection. Records with stop times less than or equal to this time are selected. Time is specified as tjd and fraction in one of many forms. eg. as string - 'yy/ddd hh:mm:ss', as real - yyddd.fff. See routine TJD_FROM_ASCII . Default TJD_STOP is 1e10, ie accept all records.
An input logical which if present and nonzero indicates that the sum of the individual records should be performed and returned. By default, a single sum is generated. Keyword BYDET changes this default action. If SDRs exists upon entry, they are delete and output SDRs for the sums are created.
An input array of one or more tagwords of SDB records to be read from the requested SDB file. By default, all tags are read.
Input switch, which if present and non-zero, indicates that unique logical names should be created for each input SDB filename. The default is to abort if duplicate filenames are found, thus /UNIQUE permits using the same filename in different directories.
An integer value which specifies the weighting method to be used when performing the spectral sum. Default is 2 (LTNORM).


  1. get SDRs from file for dets 1 and 2 and sum into individual sums
    	Igore>  sdr_load, '$prod:p931230000_dif.sdb', sdr_sums, $
    	Igore>             /sum,  /bydet,  detid = 3
  2. Get SDRs from file with footnotes, crc, and psdeff data
    	Igore> sdr_load, filename, sdr, auxa = 'dat,err,edg,wid,note,crc,psdeff'

Related Routines

Also see the related function SDR_SUM .

Next: 7.7 SDR_SUM Up: 7 Reference Guide Previous: 7.5 SDR$CREATE