OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/ASD/93-021


Ron Zellar & Ian M George
Codes 664 & 668,
Greenbelt, MD20771
Last Update: 1993 Sep 30


This document describes the installation of an OGIP Calibration Database.
Intended audience: Guest Observers and institutions performing data analysis in conjunction with the OGIP.

How to Get this Document

A current version of this document can be obtained via anonymous ftp from:
legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov (
from within the directory /caldb/docs/asca
The TeX version of this document is named cal_asd_93_021.tex while the Postscript version is called cal_asd_93_021.ps
If you should have any trouble in retrieving this document or if you require further explanation of it's content, please contact:
Ron Zellar
email: zellar@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
phone: 301 286-3636 (USA)
Ian M. George
email: george@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
phone: 301 286-6094 (USA)

1  How to Use this Document

This document should be used as a step-by-step guide for installing an OGIP Calibration Database (caldb) for the ASCA mission. If the installer follows these instructions, s/he will end up with a exact duplicate of the Primary ASCA caldb at ISAS. In addition, no editing of site dependent files will be necessary and the database will be fully functional at the end of this installation. Modifying any of these steps may require additional edits to some site dependent files. Please contact any member of the OGIP caldb team if you choose to modify this installation procedure or if you need additional assistance.
This document is UNIX/ULTRIX specific. VMS users should contact the OGIP Calibration Database for additional instructions.
At the writting of this document, "mirror" software is not available for automatic installation and maintenance of an ASCA caldb. Please check with the ASCA caldb to see if this software is available before reading this document.

2   Creating the Caldb Directory Structure

Even though the directory structure of an OGIP caldb is very flexible and is capable of handling almost any configuration, we recommend (at least initially) that ASCA Calibration Databases have the structure described below. If your site requires a directory structure different from the one described here, please contact a member of the OGIP caldb team and they will be glad to help you create a suitable database.
The general idea for this section is to duplicate exactly the directory structure of the Primary ASCA Calibration Site at ISAS.

2.1  Choosing a Location

Begin by choosing a location for your local Calibration Database that has enough room to hold all the data and extra room to expand. Check with the ISAS or OGIP Calibration Database to see what their current disk space requirements are for ASCA calibration data.
Once you have chosen a location, create a directory there called "caldb".
For example, the Calibration Database at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center was placed within our anonymous ftp area. Thus, the physical location of our calibration database is /FTP/caldb. You may want yours to be /asca_stuff/caldb or something similar.

2.2  Root Level Link

Create a root level link called /caldb which points to the real location of your local caldb using the command:
unix> ln -s path /caldb this makes a soft link
where path is the real path to the Calibration Database.
By using a root level link, the entire calibration database can be moved without disruption to users by simply redefining the root level link. The link at GSFC points to /FTP/caldb,
i.e. an "ls -l /caldb" command yields:
lrwxrwxrwx	1	root		10 Jul 28 07:50 /caldb -> /FTP/caldb

where the link was ceated using the command:
unix> ln -s /FTP/caldb /caldb

2.3  The Software Directories

Create the software directory under /caldb by executing the commands:
unix> cd /caldb move to the /caldb directory
unix> mkdir software make a new directory called software
The software directory will later contain files accessed by calibration database software supplied by the OGIP.
Create the tools directory under /caldb/software by executing the commands:
unix> cd /caldb/software move to the /caldb/software directory
unix> mkdir tools make a new directory called tools
This directory will contain the files necessary to set up the caldb Environment Variables, which are required by certain tasks to allow access to the calibration files.

2.4  The Documents Directories

(The docs directory and it's contents are not strictly required. The user may optionally disregard all of this sub-section without affecting the functionality of the Calibration Database.)
Create the documents directory under /caldb by executing the commands:
unix> cd /caldb
unix> mkdir docs
unix> cd /caldb/docs
unix> mkdir asca
These directories will contain documents related to the maintenance of the caldb and memos pertaining to ASCA calibration issues.

2.5  The Data Directories

Create the data directory under /caldb by executing the commands:
unix> cd /caldb
unix> mkdir data
unix> cd /caldb/data
unix> mkdir asca
Create the instrument directories by executing the commands:
unix> cd /caldb/data/asca
unix> mkdir gis
unix> mkdir mis
unix> mkdir sis
unix> mkdir xrt
Create the BCF and CPF subdirectories in each instrument directory by executing the commands: unix> cd /caldb/data/gis
unix> mkdir bcf
unix> mkdir cpf
unix> cd /caldb/data/mis
unix> mkdir bcf
unix> mkdir cpf
unix> cd /caldb/data/sis
unix> mkdir bcf
unix> mkdir cpf
unix> cd /caldb/data/xrt
unix> mkdir bcf
unix> mkdir cpf
All Basic Calibration Files will be contained in the bcf directories and all Calibration Product Files will be contained in the cpf directories.

3  Populating your new Caldb

Each of the directories created in Section 2 now needs to be populated with files. Table 1 describes where the files for these directories can be obtained. The left hand column lists the directories which should exist in your Calibration Database. The right hand column lists the directories in the Primary ASCA Calibration Database that contain the files to be transferred. For example, the directory /caldb/software/tools should be populated from the directory /caldb/software/tools. The installer should ftp to the required directories at ISAS retrieve all the files in those directories. An explanation of how to ftp to the ISAS machine xray follows.
Table 1: Locations of ASCA calibration files

Local Directory ISAS Directory
/caldb/software/tools /caldb/software/tools
/caldb/docs/caldb /caldb/docs/caldb
/caldb/docs/asca /caldb/docs/asca
/caldb/data/gis/bcf /caldb/data/gis/bcf
/caldb/data/gis/cpf /caldb/data/gis/cpf
/caldb/data/mis/bcf /caldb/data/mis/bcf
/caldb/data/mis/cpf /caldb/data/mis/cpf
/caldb/data/sis/bcf /caldb/data/sis/bcf
/caldb/data/sis/cpf /caldb/data/sis/cpf
/caldb/data/xrt/bcf /caldb/data/xrt/bcf
/caldb/data/xrt/cpf /caldb/data/xrt/cpf
The Primary ASCA Calibration Database is located on the ISAS machine xray.astro.isas.ac.jp. The installer can ftp to this site if they have an account on this machine. The commands to be executed for connecting to this machine are:
To initiate ftp, type the following (boldface) commands at your local computer operating system prompt (comments appear in italics):
unix> ftp xray.astro.isas.ac.jp start an ftp session
Name: username enter your ISAS username
Password: password enter your ISAS password
ftp> binary set binary transfer mode for ftp
The commands necessary for transferring all the files from directoryA on the ISAS machine to directoryB on your local machine are:
ftp> cd directoryA move to directoryA on ISAS machine
ftp> lcd directoryB move to directoryB on local machine
ftp> mget * transfer all files from ISAS to local machine
ftp> quit exit the ftp session
For example, to populate the Calibration Database directory /caldb/software/tools, one would execute the commands:
unix>ftp xray.astro.isas.ac.jp
Name: . . .
Password: . . .
ftp> binary
ftp> cd /caldb/software/tools
ftp> lcd /caldb/software/tools
ftp> mget *
ftp> quit

This section completes the final step in duplicating the Primary ASCA Calibration Database.

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On 7 May 2010, 15:59.