OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-024

(TRANSVER = 1992a)
Ian M George & Ron S Zellar
Mail Code 668,

Version: 1994 Aug 09


Ths document describes the standard format adopted by the OGIP for the storage of the transmission of a filter or window in front of an instrument as a function of energy, and position.
Intended audience: primarily OGIP programmers & hardware teams.
Log of Significant Changes
Release Sections Changed Brief Notes
1992 Jul 24 First Draft (within memo CAL/GEN/92-003)
1993 Oct 03 All Separation from CAL/GEN/92-003
1994 Apr 29 All Reviewed & Updates
1994 Aug 09 All General review/updates


The following documents may also be of use:

1  Introduction

In the general case the transmission of a filter or window consists of 3-dimensional grid, Ttot, with axes photon energy (E), and two coordinates specifying position of photon incidence (e.g. in physical cartesian coordinates XPhy & YPhy across the window/filter). Thus within the OGIP caldb both filter and window transmission datasets are stored (in separate files) using an identical format (with the CCNMxxxx codename used to distinguish between them), comprising of two extensions: Clearly the former is of most immediate use to s/w and users. The latter was designed to provide users with the ability to experiment with the nominal filter/window thicknesses, composition or mass absortion coefficients.

1.1  Storage Options

For instruments containing both a filter and a window, separate BCFs containing the respective transmission etc. should be created.
The extension containing the atomic data is not mandatory.

1.2  Dataset Origins & Storage Recommendations

The construction, format used (within the limitations discussed here) and delivery of the data to the HEASARC (including any updates) is the responsibility of the h/w teams and/or GOF. However, below, are the recommendations of the HEASARC calibration team based on their experience.
To avoid the chance of ambiguities, it is strongly urged that both the above extensions are supplied to the HEASARC. No other specific issues.
Prior to launch, the thickness of the flight filters are usually measured at a limited number of positions during ground calibration experiments and/or assumed from the h/w specifications. The transmission functions are usually measured at a (limited) number of photon energies during such experiemts and/or calculated from atomic constants.
The transmission of a filter or window usually cannot be measured directly in-orbit. Rather, observations of standard cosmic sources (e.g. the Crab) combined with spectral modelling enables the Spectral Response of the instrument to be determined. In the case of moveable filters, clearly a pair of such observations - one with the filter in place, one with the filter removed - enables the transmission to be calculated. In the case of static filters/windows, the transmission cannot be decoupled from the other components of the Spectral Response. However, should should measurements reveal a discrepancy with the expected spectral response which is identified with (or interpreted as) a mis-calibration of the filter/window transmission(s), h/w teams are urged to isolate and supply an updated dataset to the HEASARC.

1.3  Dataset vs Task Summary

Due to the complexity of the Transmission of a filter or window as a function of energy (as the result of sharp discontinuities due to atomic processes etc. ), such a calibration dataset is not easily parameterized. Thus, whilst theoretically possible, it is recommended that Filter & Window Transmission datasets are not described by a virtual calibration files (CAL/GEN/92-013).
It is strongly recommended that the extension containing the atomic data should not be a virtual either.

1.4  Software Considerations

Data Files:
Interpolation between the XPhy, YPhy grid points is usually required. By default, downstream software will use a simple 2-dimensional linear interpolation when calculating the Transmission between XPhy, YPhy grid points. Thus the XPhy,YPhy grid should be of sufficient resolution to enable this to be reasonable approximation.
As discussed in CAL/GEN/92-003 (George & Zellar), it is strongly recommended that the energy grid is of sufficient resolution and carefully chosen such that interpolation of this parameter is not required. However, in cases where interpolation is required, as simple 1-dimensional linear interpolation will be performed (which will clearly be inaccurate close to sharp features).
Virtual Files:
Not applicable (see Section 1.3).

1.5  Relationships to Other Calibration Datasets

Downstream s/w should assume further calibration input is required for a Window/Filter Transmission dataset under the following conditions: and for the corresponding Atomic data extension under the following conditions:
A Window/Filter Transmission dataset is used in the construction of the following calibration datasets: The corresponding atomic data extensions is used in the construction of the following calibration datasets:

2  Data File Formats

The dataset file formats currently allowed are: However, see the comments in Section 1 regarding the necessity of the optional extensions.

2.1  The Filter/Window Transmission Extension (TRANSVER = 1992a)

A single row BINTABLE extension for each window or filter on each instrument containing 5 columns.
Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required, the following keywords/values are mandatory: and the following keywords/values are mandatory for CIF purposes (see CAL/GEN/92-011; George, Zellar & Pence 1992): and the following mandatory to supply further information:
Data Format:
The data within this extension is organised as a BINTABLE with the following columns:
  1. Elow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_LO.
    The recommended units are keV.

  2. Ehigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_HI.
    The recommended units are keV.

  3. XPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical X-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYX (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  4. YPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical Y-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYY (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  5. Ttot, a fixed length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the transmission of the filter/window at each E,XPhy,YPhy grid point.
    The FITS column name is TRANSMIS.
    The order of data storage is Ttot (E,XPhy,YPhy), where E represents the Elow and Ehigh array (see below).

These are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the OGIP format for Filter/Window Transmissions (TRANSVER = 1992a).

to (filename).(ext)

Version: TRANSVER = 1992a
Description: Transmission as a function of energy and position for filters and windows
An alternate spatial coordinate frame may also be used (see text).
Optional columns containing the statistical and systematic error arrays are not shown.
1 23 4 5
Low energy High energyPosition Grid coords Transmission
bounds bounds
Elow Ehigh XPhy YPhy Ttot
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real real real real
array array array array array
total number of elements per row
i i j j i ×j
column name

Points to Note & Conventions

2.2  Filter Atomic Data Extension (FATVERSN = 1992a)

This (optional) extension was originally designed to provide users with the ability (should they wish) to experiment with the nominal filter/window thicknesses, composition or mass absortion coefficients. However, following the design of formats for General Atomic (Section ) and Filter/Window Thickness (Section ) datasets, the necessity for this extension has reduced. Therefore, if General Atomic and Filter/Window Thickness datasets are supplied for a given instrument, this extension is not required.
There are two types of calibration information stored within this single (optional) extension:
  1. the mass absorption coefficient (Kabsj, in units of cm2  g1) as a function of energy (E) for each of the j components of the filter/window

  2. the effective surface thickness (Lthickj, in units of g  cm2) of each of these components as a function of position (XPhy,YPhy etc. ) on the filter/window.

Thus the transmission Tj at an energy E and position XPhy,YPhy of the jth component within the filter/window is given by
Tj (E) = exp(− Lthickj ×Kabsj(E) )
where Lthickj ( = ρ×d) is the surface density of atom/molecule j (Lthickj = ρ×d where mj is the mass of an atom/molecule of j and ρ the denisty).
The total transmission Ttot of the complete filter/window (including all ncomp components) at a given E,XPhy,YPhy (i.e. as stored explicitly in the Transmission extension, e.g. see Section 2.1) is given by
Ttot (E,XLin,YLin) = ncomp

Tj (E,XLin,YLin)
Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required, the following keywords/values are mandatory: and the following keywords/values are mandatory for CIF purposes (see CAL/GEN/92-011; George, Zellar & Pence 1992): and the following mandatory to supply further information:
Data Format:
The data within this extension is organised as a BINTABLE with the following columns:
  1. Elow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_LO.
    The recommended units are keV.

  2. Ehigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_HI.
    The recommended units are keV.

  3. Comp, a fixed-length CHARACTER vector (array, each element within which is 10-bytes) containing the names/symbols of each component of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is COMPNAME.

  4. Kabsj, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the mass absorption coefficient for each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is MASS_ABS.
    The recommended units are cm2  g1.

  5. XPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical X-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYX (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  6. YPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical Y-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYY (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  7. Lthick, a fixed length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the effective surface density thickness at each E,XPhy,YPhy grid point for each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is THICKNES.
    The order of data storage is Lthick (E,XPhy,YPhy,Comp), where E represents the Elow and Ehigh array (see below).
    The recommended units are g / cm2.

These are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of the OGIP format for Filter/Window Atomic Data (FATVERSN = 1992a).

to (filename).(ext)

Version: FATVERSN = 1992a
Description: Atomic Data required to calculate the transmission of a filter/window as a function of energy and position.
An alternate spatial coordinate frame may also be used (see text).
Optional columns containing the statistical and systematic error arrays are not shown.
1 23 4 5 6 7
Low energy High energyComponent Mass Absorption Position Grid coords Surface
bounds bounds Name Coefficient Density
Elow Ehigh Comp Kma XPhy YPhy Lthick
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 10-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real character real real real real
array array array array array array array
total number of elements per row
i i j i ×j k k k ×j
column name

Points to Note & Conventions

2.3  Filter Atomic Data Extension (FATVERSN = 1992b)

As for comments in Section 2.2.
There are four types of calibration information stored within this single (optional) extension:
  1. the total absorption cross-section (σabsj, in units of cm2) as a function of energy (E) for each of the j components of the filter/window

  2. the mass (mj, in units of g) of a single atom/molecule of each of the j components of the filter/window

  3. the density (ρj, in units of g / cm3) of each of the j components of the filter/window

  4. the effective thickness (dj, in units of cm) of each of these components as a function of position (XPhy,YPhy etc. ) on the filter/window.

Thus the transmission Tj at an energy E and position XPhy,YPhy of the jth component within the filter/window is given by
Tj (E) = exp

× σabsj(E) × dj
The total transmission Ttot of the complete filter/window (including all ncomp components) at a given E,XPhy,YPhy (i.e. as stored explicitly in the Transmission extension, e.g. see Section 2.1) is given by Equation 2 (Section 2.2).
Extension Header
As in Section 2.2, except that:
Data Format:
The data within this extension is organised as a BINTABLE with the following columns:
  1. Elow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_LO.
    The recommended units are keV.

  2. Ehigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_HI.
    The recommended units are keV.

  3. Comp, a fixed-length CHARACTER vector (array, each element within which is 10-bytes) containing the names/symbols of each component of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is COMPNAME.

  4. σabsj, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the absorption cross-section for each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is ABS_XSECT.
    The recommended units are cm2.

  5. mj, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the mass of one atom/moelcule of each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is MASS.
    The recommended units are g.

  6. ρj, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the density of each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is DENSITY.
    The recommended units are g / cm3.

  7. XPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical X-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYX (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  8. YPhy, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the physical Y-coordinates.
    The FITS column name is PHYY (but see below).
    The recommended units are mm.

  9. d(j), a fixed length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the effective thickness at each E,XPhy,YPhy grid point for each component j of the filter/window.
    The FITS column name is THICKNES.
    The order of data storage is dj (E,XPhy,YPhy,Comp), where E represents the Elow and Ehigh array (see below).
    The recommended units are g / cm2.

These are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: Summary of the OGIP format for Filter/Window Atomic Data (FATVERSN = 1992b).

to (filename).(ext)

Version: FATVERSN = 1992b
Description: Atomic Data required to calculate the transmission of a filter/window as a function of energy and position.
An alternate spatial coordinate frame may also be used (see text).
Optional columns containing the statistical and systematic error arrays are not shown.
1 23 4 5 6
Low energy High energyComponent Total Absorption Mass per Density
bounds bounds Name Cross-Section atom/moelcule
Elow Ehigh Comp σabsj mj ρj
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 10-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real character real real real
array array array array array array
total number of elements per row
i i j i ×j i ×j i ×j
column name
7 89
Position Grid coords Component
XPhy YPhy dj
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real real
array array array
total number of elements per row
k k k ×j
column name

Points to Note & Conventions

3  Virtual File Formats & Allowed Standalone Tasks

As noted in Section 1.3, given the difficulty parameterizing the Filter transmission in energy-space, it is not recommended that such datasets are stored as Virtual Calibration Files.

4  Related Software

The following list of subroutines/tasks are available:

5  Example FITS headers

Below are several examples of files currently available within the OGIP Caldb. Note that the authors of datasets are encouraged to supply copious COMMENT cards to aide human readers.

5.1  ROSAT 

Follows is the header from an extension containing a TRANSVER=1992a dataset. The Window Transmission dataset is stored in column 3 and is a function of 729 energies. There is no THETA or PHI dependence for this dataset. The iCTYP3 and TDIM4 keywords confirm that there is only one dimension to the array, and that that axis is 'ENERGY'.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                 8748 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    1 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    3 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'ENERG_LO'           / Lower boundaries of energy bins
TFORM1  = '729E    '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1  = 'keV     '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE2  = 'ENERG_HI'           / Upper boundaries of energy bins
TFORM2  = '729E    '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2  = 'keV     '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE3  = 'TRANSMIS'           / Transmission dataset
TFORM3  = '729E    '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
EXTNAME = 'TRANSMISSION'       / name of this binary table extension
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP    '           / format conforms to OGIP standard
HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE'           / dataset relates to instrument response
HDUVERS1= '1.0.0   '           / Version of family of formats
HDUCLAS2= 'TRANSMISSION'       / dataset is a transmission
HDUVERS2= '1.1.0   '           / Version of format (OGIP memo CAL/GEN/92-024)
HDUCLAS3= 'WINDOW  '           / for device given by INSTRUME (+DETNAM) kywrd
CSYSNAME= 'XMA_POL '           / spatial coord system used in this dataset
TELESCOP= 'ROSAT   '           / mission/satellite name
INSTRUME= 'PSPCB   '           / instrument/detector name
FILTER  = 'NONE    '           / filter in use
COMMENT   Dataset assumed to be independent of THETA
COMMENT   Dataset assumed to be independent of PHI
TDIM3   = '(729)   '           / Ordering of n-d TRANSMIS array
1CTYP3  = 'ENERGY  '           / Axis of 1st dimension of TRANSMIS array
TRANSVER= '1992a   '           / OGIP classification of FITS format
HISTORY    Extension written by WTTRS1 1.1.0
COMMENT     The following keywords are required for the OGIP CALDB
CCLS0001= 'BCF     '           / OGIP class of calibration file
CDTP0001= 'DATA    '           / OGIP type of dataset (DATA, TASK etc)
CCNM0001= 'WTRANS  '           / OGIP codename for this type of cal file
CVSD0001= '01/06/90'           / Dataset validity start date (UTC)
CVST0001= '00:00:00'           / Dataset validity start time (UTC, of day CVSD)
CDES0001= 'PSPCB Window Transmission (version 1); 729 energies'
CBD10001= 'THETA(0-60.0)arcmin' / dataset parameter boundary
CBD20001= 'PHI(0-360)deg'      / dataset parameter boundary
CBD30001= 'ENERG(0.0546-3.01)keV' / dataset parameter boundary
COMMENT     NOTES: 1994 Jul 21       (Ian M George, HEASARC)
COMMENT     ------------------
COMMENT     This dataset was converted to OGIP FITS format by
COMMENT     Ian M George (HEASARC) from the ASCII file
COMMENT            pspc_b_win.asc
COMMENT     supplied by Steve Snowden (ROSAT GOF, NASA/GSFC).


Angelini, L., et al., 1992. In preparation.
George, I.M., 1992. Legacy, 1, 56, (CAL/GEN/91-001).
George, I.M. & Zellar, R.S., 1992. OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-003.
(available on-line from the anon ftp account on legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov).
George, I.M., Zellar, R.S. & Pence, W., 1992. OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-011.
(available on-line from the anon ftp account on legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov).
George, I.M., Arnaud, K.A., Pence, W. & Ruamsuwan, L., 1992a. (CAL/GEN/92-002).
George, I.M., et al., 1992b. In preparation. (CAL/SW/92-004).

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