1 Introduction
2 2DPSF Data File Formats
2.1 Summary of 2DPSF file formats versions
2.2 The PSF Extension (HDUVERS = '1.0.0')
3 Sample FITS Files
3.1 ASCA
3.2 Chandra ACIS
1 Introduction
Within the OGIP caldb
the term "Point Spread Function" (PSF) is used to refer to
the spatial/angular spreading of incident photons from a point source
caused by the instrument (detector and/or mirror).
In the most common and simple case, imperfections in the surface smoothness
and shape of the mirrors result in incident photons from cosmic sources
not being perfectly focussed on the focal plane. Thus the number of
events detected as a function of position in the focal plane is not
the idealized δ-function at the expected position, but
has a characteristic shape (depending upon the optics and detectors in use)
with a finite "width".
More generally, the PSF also can include spreading of events
due to "geometrical" effects
(eg obscuring structures,
the detector surface not laying exactly on the focal plane,
including coma),
and effects within the detector
(eg lateral charge-cloud drift in gas experiments), etc.
Thus, generally a point-source at infinity gives rise to a 2-dimensional
image of finite size. Within the
the OGIP caldb
such a dataset is refered to as a 2DPSF, and it is
the FITS file format for such calibration datasets which are described
The corresponding file formats for the analogous
1-dimensional calibration datasets (based upon azimuthally averaged
values of a 2DPSF, centred on the theoretical point of focus based on an
idealized optical path) are described in CAL/GEN/92-020
(George & Yusaf).
2 2DPSF Data File Formats
The OGIP FITS Working Group (OFWG)
Header-Data Unit (HDU) keywords and values for this type of dataset are:
- the name of the organization that defined this file format.
- HDUDOC = 'CAL/GEN/92-027'
- the name of the document describing the format
(ie this document)
- giving the HDUCLAS hierarchy for this format.
- HDUCLAS3 = (see below)
- HDUCLAS4 = (see below)
These are valid for all datasets described in this section, and
should be present in the header of the extension containing the
2DPSF dataset.
2.1 Summary of 2DPSF file formats versions
The following versions of file formats for a 2DPSF
dataset have been defined:
- HDUVERS = '1.0.0' (Section 2.2)
This format is currently still VALID, and can be used
for calibration datasets.
2.2 The PSF Extension (HDUVERS = '1.0.0')
A 2-dimensional array either in the Primary FITS array or in an
IMAGE extension.
Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required,
and the HDU keywords/values given in Section 2,
the following keywords/values are mandatory:
the names of the coordinates represented by the first and second
the locations of a reference point along the first and second axes
in units of the axis index.
These value is based upon counters which run from 1 to
NAXIS1/NAXIS2 with an increment of 1 per pixel.
The reference point values need not be that for
the center of a pixel nor lie within the actual data array.
the values of the coordinate system specified by the corresponding
CTYPE keyword at the reference
point given by the CRPIX keywords
in units specified by the CUNIT keywords.
the length of one side of the pixel at the
reference point given by the CRPIX keywords
in units specified by the CUNIT keywords.
the units of the physical quantities
specified by the
CTYPE keywords.
Allowed values are given in CAL/GEN/93-001.
- TELESCOP - the name of the satellite/mission.
Allowed values are given in CAL/GEN/92-011.
- INSTRUME - the name of the telescope mirror/detector assembly.
Allowed values are given in CAL/GEN/92-011.
- HDUVERS = '1.0.0'
- giving the version of the format.
- HDUCLAS3 - further describing
the scientific content of the dataset, specifically regarding
the origin of the dataset.
The allowed values are:
- indicating the PSF dataset
has been generated from an observational
- indicating the PSF
has been generated using a
theoretical model.
- HDUCLAS4 - further describing
the scientific content of the dataset, specifically regarding
the contents of the dataset. The
allowed values are:
- indicating the PSF dataset includes
counts from the 'source' as well as
any counts from the 'background'
- indicating the PSF dataset has been
- BACKGRND - the background count rate in units of counts per pixel
(where the pixel size is definded by PIXSIZ).
If no underlying
instrument or cosmic background is expected, then a value of
zero should be entered.
- ENERG_LO - the minimum energy (in keV)
for which the
the PSF dataset was constructed or is valid.
The value -99.0 indicates that the value is unknown.
- ENERG_HI - the maximum energy (in keV)
for which the
the PSF dataset was constructed or is valid.
The value -99.0 indicates that the value is unknown.
- CHANMIN - the minimum detector channel number for which the
the PSF dataset was constructed or is valid.
The value -99.0 indicates that the value is unknown.
- CHANMAX - the maximum detector channel number for which the
the PSF dataset was constructed or is valid.
The value -99.0 indicates that the value is unknown.
- CHANTYPE - the type of detector channels
are expressed in, with the allowed values:
- CHANTYPE = 'PHA' - for 'raw' detector channels
- CHANTYPE = 'PI' - for (corrected) 'Pulse Invariant'
detector channels
- SUMRCTS - the sum of the raw counts 'under' the PSF
dataset. Essentially the value of this keyword can provide
the 'normalization' of an observed dataset. It is strongly
urged that the PSF supplied to the OGIP caldb be
normalized to 1 count (ie SUMRCTS = 1.0).
and the following keywords/values are mandatory for CIF purposes
if the dataset is ever to be included as a calibration file within the
OGIP caldb (see CAL/GEN/92-011; George, Zellar & Pence 1992):,
- CCLS0001 - the OGIP class of this calibration file,
with allowed values:
- CCLS0001 = 'BCF' - for Basic Calibration datasets
- CCLS0001 = 'CPF' - for Calibration Product datasets
- CDTP0001 - the OGIP class of the data type, with allowed
- CDTP0001 = 'DATA' - for 'true' datasets
- CDTP0001 = 'TASK' - for 'virtual' calibration datasets
- CCNM0001 = '2D_PSF'
- the OGIP codename for the contents
- CBDn0001
- the parameter-space limitations of the dataset (see below)
- CVSD0001
- calibration validity start date
- CVST0001
- calibration validity start time
- CDES0001
- a descriptive string of the calibration dataset
Data Format:
A 2-dimensional array either in the Primary FITS array or in an
IMAGE extension.
Points to Note & Conventions
- The parameter-space limitations on the dataset involving the
following pname strings are recommended to be specified
via the CBDn0001 keywords (see CAL/GEN/92-003):
- pname = THETA - giving the off-axis angle for
which the dataset is valid;
- pname = PHI - giving the azimuthal angle for
which the dataset is valid;
- pname = ENERGY - given the energy range for
which the dataset is valid
- pname = CHAN - given the range of PHA detector channels
for which the dataset is valid
- pname = PICH - given the range of PI detector channels
for which the dataset is valid
(or corresponding alternate values of pname if a different coordinate
notation is employed)
along with any other limitations the authors of the dataset
consider necessary.
3 Sample FITS Files
Here we give an example of keywords used for a number of
PSF images already in the calibration database.
Example 1
A 2DPSF dataset given in detector coordinates, constructed from
observations, background subtracted, valid over a restricted energy range
(1.0-2.0 keV) and at specified position in the focal plane
(off-axis angle θ = 6.0 arcmin, azimuthal angle ϕ = 9.0°),
stored in the Primary array.
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 63 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 63 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the
COMMENT FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.
CTYPE1 = 'DETX ' / GIS detector coordinate system
CTYPE2 = 'DETY ' / GIS detector coordinate system
CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / GIS detector pixels (0.2456 arcmin)
CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / GIS detector pixels (0.2456 arcmin)
CRPIX1 = 2.8500E+01 / X axis reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 3.3500E+01 / Y axis reference pixel
CRVAL1 = 1.2850E+02 / coord of X ref pixel
CRVAL2 = 1.2850E+02 / coord of Y ref pixel
CDELT1 = 4.0000E+00 / X axis increment
CDELT2 = 4.0000E+00 / Y axis increment
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Extension is OGIP defined
HDUDOC = 'CAL/GEN/92-020' / Document containing extension definition
HDUVERS = '1.0.0 ' / Version number of OGIP definition
HDUCLAS1= 'IMAGE ' / Extension is an image
HDUCLAS2= 'PSF ' / Extension is a PSF
HDUCLAS3= 'OBSERVED' / Extension is observed data
HDUCLAS4= 'NET ' / Extension is background-subtracted
TELESCOP= 'ASCA ' / Satellite
INSTRUME= 'XRT ' / Instrument
FILTER = 'NONE ' / Filter
CDTP0001= 'DATA ' / Type of calibration
CCNM0001= '2D_PSF ' /
CDES0001= 'Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 6.0 arcmin, phi= 9.0 deg and E= 1- 2 keV'
BACKGRND= 0.0E+00 / background count/pixel
ENERG_LO= 1.0E+00 / min energy used for PSF
ENERG_HI= 2.0E+00 / max energy used for PSF
SUMRCTS = 1.132884E+00 / total counts in image
CBD10001= 'ENERGY( 1- 2)keV' / Energy range for PSF
CBD20001= 'THETA( 6.0)arcmin' / Distance from optical axis for PSF
CBD30001= 'PHI( 9.0)deg' / Azimuthal angle for PSF
COMMENT GIS images are smoothed before binning with a position-independent
COMMENT Gaussian with sigma = 0.85,1.35,1.51,1.54,1.64,1.67,1.66,1.60,1.46,
COMMENT 1.18 GIS pixels for the 10 energy bands, respectively, and have
COMMENT the final resolution of sigma=0.5 arcmin in all energy bands. This
COMMENT is done to compensate for the GIS energy-dependent detector resolution
CCLS0001= 'BCF ' / Basic Calibration File
Example 2
As for example 1, except stored as a FITS IMAGE extension
(and for this eaxmple, a different energy range).
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 63 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 63 / length of data axis 2
PCOUNT = 0 / number of random group parameters
GCOUNT = 1 / number of random groups
CTYPE1 = 'DETX ' / GIS detector coordinate system
CTYPE2 = 'DETY ' / GIS detector coordinate system
CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / GIS detector pixels (0.2456 arcmin)
CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / GIS detector pixels (0.2456 arcmin)
CRPIX1 = 2.8500E+01 / X axis reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 3.3500E+01 / Y axis reference pixel
CRVAL1 = 1.2850E+02 / coord of X ref pixel
CRVAL2 = 1.2850E+02 / coord of Y ref pixel
CDELT1 = 4.0000E+00 / X axis increment
CDELT2 = 4.0000E+00 / Y axis increment
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Extension is OGIP defined
HDUDOC = 'CAL/GEN/92-020' / Document containing extension definition
HDUVERS = '1.0.0 ' / Version number of OGIP definition
HDUCLAS1= 'IMAGE ' / Extension is an image
HDUCLAS2= 'PSF ' / Extension is a PSF
HDUCLAS3= 'OBSERVED' / Extension is observed data
HDUCLAS4= 'NET ' / Extension is background-subtracted
TELESCOP= 'ASCA ' / Satellite
INSTRUME= 'XRT ' / Instrument
FILTER = 'NONE ' / Filter
CDTP0001= 'DATA ' / Type of calibration
CCNM0001= '2D_PSF ' /
CDES0001= 'Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 6.0 arcmin, phi= 9.0 deg and E= 4- 5 keV'
BACKGRND= 0.0E+00 / background count/pixel
ENERG_LO= 4.0E+00 / min energy used for PSF
ENERG_HI= 5.0E+00 / max energy used for PSF
SUMRCTS = 1.195189E+00 / total counts in image
CBD10001= 'ENERGY( 4- 5)keV' / Energy range for PSF
CBD20001= 'THETA( 6.0)arcmin' / Distance from optical axis for PSF
CBD30001= 'PHI( 9.0)deg' / Azimuthal angle for PSF
COMMENT GIS images are smoothed before binning with a position-independent
COMMENT Gaussian with sigma = 0.85,1.35,1.51,1.54,1.64,1.67,1.66,1.60,1.46,
COMMENT 1.18 GIS pixels for the 10 energy bands, respectively, and have
COMMENT the final resolution of sigma=0.5 arcmin in all energy bands. This
COMMENT is done to compensate for the GIS energy-dependent detector resolution
CCLS0001= 'BCF ' / Basic Calibration File