1.1 Overview
1.2 Supported FITS file formats
2.1 Input Parameters
2.2 Temporary Files
2.3 Warnings on Use
3.1 Spawning all the tasks
3.2 Generating a theoretical dataset only
3.3 How to make "pretty" QDP plots for extended sources
4.1 st2rpsf - To convert the RPSF o/p from stwfits to an OGIP-standard format
4.2 rbnrpsf - To rebin an RPSF dataset
4.3 Theoretical Radial PSF generators
4.3.1 ROSAT HRI (hrirpsf)
4.3.2 ROSAT PSPC (pcrpsf)
4.4 qdprpsf - To dump an RPSF dataset to ASCII with embedded QDP commands
5.1 imcnts - How to use it to create an RPSF dataset
5.2 stwfits - How to write an ST table to a FITS file
calcrpsf is essentially a multi-task wrapper, or FORTRAN 'script',
to spawn a number of ftools associated with the generation and
manipulation of Point Spread Function (psf) datasets.
All the ftools spawned by calcrpsf
are of course able to be run independently (i.e.
outside calcrpsf),
however the task was written in order to minimize the
number of tasks users must run (and hence reduce the
associated book-keeping) in order
to perform certain common types of analysis on psf datasets.
At the current time its functionality is limited to the generation and
manipulation of 1-dimensional, Radial psf (RPSF) datasets.
However a number of future
enhancements are planned to deal with 2-dimensional psf
(image), and Encircled Energy Function datasets.
1.1 Overview
calcrpsf provides the following functionality:
- The conversion of an observational RPSF dataset exported
from IRAF/PROS to the OGIP format for such a dataset
(via the st2rpsf task in the ftools/caltools package)
- Rebining of an observational RPSF dataset
(via the rbnrpsf task in the ftools/caltools package)
- Generation of a theoretical RPSF dataset
(see Section 4.3)
- Conversion of an RPSF dataset to an ASCII file
with embedded QDP commands
(via the rpsfqdp task in the ftools/caltools package)
Users have the facility to perform some or all the above steps within
a single calcrpsf run.
1.2 Supported FITS file formats
All tasks read and write FITS files which
adhere to the format given in
the OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-020,
with the exception of the format conversion tasks
st2rpsf (input in non-OGIP format)
and rpsfqdp (output in non-OGIP format).
The CAL/GEN/92-020 document is available on-line:
2.1 Input Parameters
In the light of the functionality described in Section 1.1,
calcrpsf has the following input parameters:
[character string]
The name of the input file. The file required obviously
depends upon which tasks are to be spawned as detailed below.
Users who simply wish to generate a theoretical profile should
enter NONE.
[character string]
The name of the final output file. The task which produces the
output file obviously depends upon which is the last task to
be spawned (as detailed below).
Logical flag indicating whether the task st2rpsf
is to be
spawned by calcrpsf.
- If yes, then the value of the
parameter above
should be the name of the FITS file produced by
running the imcnts task in the PROS/xspatial sub-package
of IRAF, followed by the task
stwfits in the stsdas/fitsio sub-package of
(see Section 5 for further details).
- If no
other tasks are to be spawned from within calcrpsf,
then the
value of the
parameter should be the name of the
desired o/p file. (If other tasks are spawned, then
intermediate files will be produced & removed whilst
is executing; see Section 2.2).
Logical flag indicating whether the task rbnrpsf
is to be
spawned by calcrpsf.
- If yes, but st2rpsf has NOT been run,
then the value
of the
parameter above should be the name of the FITS
file (in OGIP-standard format) to be rebinned.
- If no other
tasks are to be spawned after rbnrpsf from within
then the value of the
parameter should be the name of the
desired o/p file. (If other tasks are spawned, then
intermediate files will be produced & removed whilst
is executing; see Section 2.2).
[character string (pseudo-logical)]
A character string indicating whether one of the available tasks to
generate a theoretical RPSF dataset is to be spawned
by calcrpsf
(see Section 4.3).
- If yes, but NEITHER st2rpsf nor
rbnrpsf have been run, then
the value of the
parameter above should either
be the name of
the FITS file to which the theoretical RPSF dataset is to be
appended, or NONE indicating a new file is to be created.
- If rpsfqdp is NOT to be spawned afterwards from
within calcrpsf, then the value of the
parameter should
be the name of the desired o/p file. (If other tasks are
spawned, then intermediate files will be produced & removed
whilst calcrpsf is executing; see Section 2.2).
The special character ? displays a list of instruments for which
theoretical generators are available.
Logical flag indicating whether the task rpsfqdp
is to be
spawned by calcrpsf.
- If yes, but NEITHER of the tasks
st2rpsf, rbnrpsf has been run, AND a
theoretical RPSF has NOT been generated, then
the value of the
parameter above should be the name of
the i/p RPSF dataset to be converted to ASCII.
- If no
then the
value of the
parameter should be the name of the
desired o/p file.
[character string]
The name of the mission/satellite (e.g. ROSAT)
carrying the instrument for which the theoretical
RPSF dataset is to be modelled. This parameter is only required by calcrpsf
= NONE, and
= yes.
[character string]
The name of the instrument (e.g. PSPCB, HRI, etc)
for which the theoretical RPSF dataset is to be modelled.
This parameter is only required by calcrpsf
= NONE, and
= yes.
[integer] (hidden)
Integer flag to indicate how chatty calcrpsf is at execution.
A value of 9 is the default, with lower/higher values
producing quieter/verbose output respectively.
Users who discover bugs within calcrpsf are encouraged to
send a transcript of their calcrpsf run at high chatter flag
along with the bug report.
This significantly speeds up locating the problem.
[integer] (hidden)
Integer flag to indicate how chatty the tasks spawned by
calcrpsf are be
during their execution. A value of 5 is the default, with
lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output
Users who discover bugs within the tasks spawned by
calcrpsf are encouraged to
send a transcript of their calcrpsf run with high
values of the chatter & schatter flags
along with the bug report.
This significantly speeds up locating the problem.
2.2 Temporary Files
The following temporary files can be generated in the
local directory by calcrpsf
during its execution. Which files are actually created by
a given calcrpsf run obviously depends on which combination
of tasks are spawned:
- st2rpsf.tmp (generated by st2rpsf)
- rbnrpsf.tmp (generated by rbnrpsf)
- rpsfpred.tmp (generated by any of the
RPSF generators listed in Section 4.3)
All these files should be automatically removed on successful execution.
However under certain circumstances (for instance if calcrpsf
crashes) this might not be the case, and the files can/should be
removed manually.
2.3 Warnings on Use
Users should be aware that many of the ftools spawned by
calcrpsf have hidden
parameters (see Section 4). These parameters
enable users some flexibility in 'customizing' their output, and
in some cases provide added functionality.
However in order to minimize the number of parameters users need to define
prior to execution of calcrpsf, calcrpsf itself does not have the
full functionality that is provided were all the spawned tasks
are executed independently (ie by not running calcrpsf).
Furthermore, since calcrpsf simply spawns the ftools,
all hidden parameters will be used.
This has the disadvantage that users may have occasionally set hidden
parameters within the parameter files of the spawned task (eg in
a previous execution) and get unexpected results, but the
advantage that users are able to perform some degree of
customization by manually changing the hidden parameters
within the parameter file of the spawned tasks.
Users should therefore ensure that they understand which hidden
parameters are set within the parameter files of the spawned
Due to the generation of temporary files (Section 2.2),
calcrpsf must be run from a local directory in which the
user has write privilege.
Since this task spawns other ftools,
it is crucial that users have their
account properly set up. Specifically, users must have the path to their
local copy of the ftools executables, and the environment variables
pointing to the local system & user copies of the parameter files
defined within the set-up files executed by such spawned jobs. For example,
users running the c-shell on unix/ultrix platforms must have the above
defined within their .cshrc file (NOT their .login file).
Users who use
the ftools initialization procedures recommended by a given
ftools release
should experience no difficulties. Those that do not are on their own.
In this section we provide sample calcrpsf sessions which
demonstrate the major components of its operation. User input is in
bold, and comments in italics.
3.1 Spawning all the tasks
system prompt > calcrpsf
** CALCRPSF 1.3.0
... calcrpsf parameters:
Input filename ():
Output filename (): myfile.out
Run st2rspf ? (yes):
Run rbnrpsf ? (no): {\bf yes}
Generate a theoretical RPSF dataset ? (yes):
Run rpsfqdp ? (yes):
... Note that the default values of the last four parameters were
'learnt' from the last time this user ran the task calcrpsf. Above, three
of the four default values were acceptable,
and hence the user simply hit return
... end of calcrpsf parameters:
*** spawning ST2RPSF to convert o/p from STWFITS:
st2rpsf chatter=5 infil="" outfil=st2rpsf.tmp
... the above is the expression spawned to run st2rpsf
STW format PSF -> OGIP format PSF
... additional parameters required for st2rpsf
Please enter Telescope name ():ROSAT
Please enter Instrument name ():PSPCB
Please enter Minimum PI channel for image (10):
Please enter Maximum PI channel for image (30):
Please enter background count rate (ct/pixel) (0.00015):0.0002
... Note that the default values of the last three parameters were
'learnt' from the last time this user ran the task st2rpsf. Above two of the
three default values were acceptable,
and hence the user simply hit return
Main ST2RPSF Ver 1.0.5
... control is now returned to calcrpsf in preparation of spawning
*** spawning RBNRPSF to convert rebin RPSF dataset:
rbnrpsf chatter=5 infil="st2rpsf.tmp" outfil=rbnrpsf.tmp
... again, above is the spawned expression. Note that both the i/p and
o/p files are temporary
... one additional parameter is required for rbnrpsf:
Please enter minimum No. counts/bin : (100): 20
... the user wishes to reduce the minimum number from that entered
(and 'leant') last time the user ran rbnrpsf
Main RBNRPSF Ver 1.1.1
Program RBNRPSF completed
... control is now returned to calcrpsf in preparation for spawning
the theoretical RPSF generator. The values entered above concerning the
mission/instrument are written to all temporary files created thus far,
hence calcrpsf is able to automatically determine which generator to use.
Here it is the ROSAT PSPC
*** spawning PCRPSF to generate prediced RPSF dataset:
pcrpsf chatter=5 infile="rbnrpsf.tmp" outfile=rpsfpred.tmp
... above is the command string spawned for pcrpsf, and again
both the i/p and o/p files are temporary
... four additional parameters are required for RPSF generator for
Please enter PHA filename : ():pspc.pha
Please enter Off Axis histogram filename : (): pspc.pha
Please enter RMF filename : (pspcb_jan12.rmf):
Please enter background count rate (ct/pixel) : (): %
... above, the user has specified that the off-axis histogram is in the
same file (but a different extension) as the PHA dataset. Also the
user specified that the background count rate to be used by the
theoretical RPSF generator should be read from the i/p file to
pcrpsf (i.e. rbnrpsf.tmp)
Main PCRPSF Ver 1.0.6
Program PCRPSF completed
... control is now returned to calcrpsf in preparation for spawning
*** spawning RPSFQDP to convert RPSF dataset to QDP:
rpsfqdp chatter=5 datafile="rpsfpred.tmp" outfile=myfile.out
FITS format PSF -> QDP format PSF
... at this stage, all the temporary files are being removed
** CALCRPSF 1.3.0 Finished
system prompt >
3.2 Generating a theoretical dataset only
system prompt > calcrpsf
** CALCRPSF 1.3.0
Input filename (
Output filename (myfile.out):!myfile.out
... Note that the user is preceeding the desired o/p filename with an
! in order to force any pre-existing file named myfile.out to be removed
Generate a theoretical RPSF dataset ? (yes): ?
... User wants to first querry what is available
... PSF datasets can be generated for the following instruments:
ROSAT HRI (using hrirpsf)
ROSAT PSPC (using pspcrpsf)
Generate a theoretical RPSF dataset ? (?):yes
... User is now prompted for mission/instrument
Telescope (ROSAT):
Instrument (PSPCB):HRI
Run rpsfqdp ? (yes):n
*** spawning HRIRPSF to generate prediced RPSF dataset:
hrirpsf chatter=5 infile="NONE" outfile=myfile.out
... this is the spawned string
... etc ...
... etc ...
3.3 How to make "pretty" QDP plots for extended sources
The "RPSF s/w suite of FTOOLS" (st2rpsf, rbnrpsf,
pcrpsf, hrirpsf ... etc ...) is
currently designed to enable users only to check and demonstrate whether the
radial profiles of their sources are (or are not) consistent with that
expected from a point source. (They are NOT designed to allow a detailed
deconvolution of the observed vs true radial profiles from an extended
source). Thus, by default the tasks which generate the theoretical profiles
(pcrpsf, hrirpsf... etc ...)
make an implicit assumption that the observational dataset
is indeed from a point source and calculate the appropriate profile based upon
the number source counts (having subtracted any background the user or i/p
files have specified).
Unfortunately this has the consequence that in cases when the source is
indeed extended, the theoretical curve will often over-shoot the observed
dataset in the innermost regions. Of course, this is exactly what one would
expect from the above arguments. However a number of users have quite rightly
asked why they cant use the RPSF s/w suite to produce "pretty"
QDP plots
to demonstrate the ëxcess" extended emission where the observed and
theoretical profiles agree in the innermost radial bins, and the data
sits above the model at radii appropriate to the extended emission.
This is possible (though a little painful),
and this recipe expains how.
The basic "trick" is to appropriately rescale the total number of
photons the theoretical PSF generator uses.
STEP-1: Run st2rpsf
It is highly recommended that st2rpsf version 1.0.7
or higher is run and in "Calculate bkgd mode" by setting
the bkgd parameter to C (or answering the prompt appropriately).
system prompt > st2rpsf
Please enter FITS STW Filename[rho1_cnt.fits] my.file
Please enter Telescope name[ROSAT]
Please enter Instrument name[PSPCB]
Please enter Minimum PI channel for image[] 12
Please enter Maximum PI channel for image[] 200
Please enter background count rate (ct/pixel)[] C
Please enter inner radius for bkgd calc (arcmins)[] 3
Please enter RPSF FITS output filename[] st2rpsf.out
Main ST2RPSF Ver 1.0.7
Calculated bkgd value : 0.007110285
WARNING: Actual sum of pixels is < 90% of sum of pixels calculated
using area of of circle, where the outer radius is used
NOTE: This may be due to regions being excluded
system prompt >
STEP-2: Note a few of the values we will need below
A bunch of values are calculated and written as keywords to the o/p
file by st2rpsf which we will need in STEP-6 below. These can be noted
by running either of the FTOOLS fdump or fkeyprint.
The crucial keywords (and their values in this example) are:
- SUMRCTS 1.9624E4
- BACKGRND 7.11028464E-03
- PIXSIZE 1.38932315E-04 (in DEGREES ... see below)
Below we use the fkeyprint on SUMRCTS as a demo:
system prompt > fkeyprint
Name of FITS file and [ext#][rho1_cnt.fits] st2rpsf.out[1]
Enter the keyname (8 characters or less)[sumrcts] SUMRCTS
# FILE: st2rpsf.out
SUMRCTS = 1.96240000E04
system prompt >
STEP-3: Running rbnrpsf
The observational dataset (from st2rpsf) can be rebinned if desired
using rbnrpsf. Since this step has no impact on the recipe, its ignored
STEP-4: Generating a theoretical PSF dataset
The "first attempt" theoretical dataset can be generated in the
normal way using the appropriate task (pcrpsf for the ROSAT PSPC,
hrirpsf for the ROSAT HRI, ... etc ...).
Later (STEP-6) we'll generate different "customized"
theorertical profile based upon the discrepancy between this one and
the observational dataset. Using the ROSAT PSPC:
system prompt > pcrpsf
Please enter Radial Profile File[none] st2rpsf.out
Please enter PHA filename :[rho3_obs.pha]
Please enter Off Axis histogram filename :[%]
Please enter RMF filename :[../../pspcb_gain2_256.rmf]
Please enter Output filename :[] pcrpsf.test1
Please enter background count rate (ct/pixel) :[%]
Main PCRPSF Ver 2.1.0
Program PCRPSF completed
system prompt >
Remember when running in this mode (ie when an i/p file has been
specified), the theoretical curve and observational dataset are
both present as different extensions of the output file
(pcrpsf.test1 in the above example).
STEP-5: Make a QDP file of observed & "first attempt"
theoretical curves
In the standard way, combine the observational and datasets into a QDP file:
system prompt > rpsfqdp
... etc, etc ..
Please enter FITS Radial Profile Filename :[] pcrpsf.test1
Please enter QDP output filename :[] rpsfqdp.test1
system prompt >
How we look at the plot and determine by what factor (if any) we
wish to rescale the normalization of the theoretical curve in order
to make it "pretty".
STEP-6: Generating a "customized" theoretical PSF dataset
Now we make a new "customized/rescaled" version of the theoretical
dataset. This is achieved by "pretending" not to having an observational
dataset at all ... thus entering all necessary paramters by hand.
system prompt > pcrpsf
Please enter Radial Profile File[none]
Please enter PHA filename :[rho3_obs.pha]
Please enter Off Axis histogram filename :[%]
Please enter RMF filename :[../../pspcb_gain2_256.rmf]
Please enter Output filename :[] pcrpsf.test2
Please enter background count rate (ct/pixel) :[%]
Enter Sum of source counts under curve :[1.9624E3]
Please enter pixel size (arcmins/pixel):[1.38932315E-04]
Please enter minimum energy boundary (keV) :[.12]
Please enter maximum energy boundary (keV) :[2.0]
Main PCRPSF Ver 2.1.0
Program PCRPSF completed
system prompt >
The only things to note here are:
- NONE should be enterd as the i/p filename
- the backgrd count rate is from the BACKGRND keyword above
- the pixel size is from the PIXSIZE keyword above,
ENTERED in arcmin NOT degrees (sorry !)
- the Sum of source counts is from the SUMRCTS keywords above, BUT
(a factor of 0.1 is assumed here)
Given we did not specify an i/p file, the o/p file from this run
(pcrpsf.test2) ONLY contains the theoretical curve.
STEP-7: Make a QDP file of observed &
"customized" theoretical curves
Now we combine and plot our observational dataset with our new
customized theoretical curve, using rpsfqdp.
Remember, at this point:
- pcrpsf.test1
contains the observed data and "bad" theoretical curve
- pcrpsf.test2
contains the "customized" theoretical curve (only)
thus we can specify the theoretical curve to be used is that from
pcrpsf.test2 using the hidden parameter predfile:
system prompt > rpsfqdp predfile=pcrpsf.test2
... etc, etc ..
Please enter FITS Radial Profile Filename :[] pcrpsf.test1
Please enter QDP output filename :[] rpsfqdp.test2
system prompt >
Now the theoretical curve in rpsfqdp.test2
should have been rescaled compared to that in the previous QDP file.
STEP-8: Iterate
So now one simply has to iterate STEP-6 and STEP-7 until the desired degree
of prettiness is achived.
In this section we list the important
hidden parameters of the tasks spawned by
calcrpsf, along with any warnings on their use.
4.1 st2rpsf - To convert the RPSF o/p from stwfits to an
OGIP-standard format
st2rpsf reads i/p data from a FITS file produced by the IRAF
task stwfits
(within the stsdas/fitsio sub-package),
assumed to contain a 1-dimensional
radial profile of an image, and writes an o/p FITS data file in OGIP
standard format for radial profiles. The data is written in the form of a
BINTABLE in the first extension of the o/p file.
Hidden parameters to st2rpsf
Warnings on usage
- It should be noted that the FITS extension created by stwfits
containing the dataset MUST contain an annular source region descriptor
expressed in arcseconds. More specifically, an
extension containing (say) a 30 bin radial profile between 0 and 10 arcminutes
from a source at coordinates (123,456) requires the presence of the FITS
keyword SOU_A, the value of which must adhere to the following
- SOU_A = 'ANNULUS 123. 456. 0." 600." n=30
This enables physical units to be assigned to the radial bins as required
by OGIP standards. Note that the coordinates of the source are not used
by st2rpsf and hence can be expressed in any coordinate scheme (eg image
pixels, RA & dec etc).
The above mandatory information required within the i/p file to
can be obtained in a straightforward way by specifying the source region
descriptor (parameter) for imcnts with the inner & outer radii specified
in arcseconds. Thus in the above example, the
region parameter to imcnts should be in the form:
- region = "a 123 456 0" 600" n=30"
where the coordinates (123,456) are in either image pixels or RA & dec.
Given these inputs, the default values for the stwfits parameters can be
used (see also Section 5).
4.2 rbnrpsf - To rebin an RPSF dataset
Often, it is desireable to rebin a radial psf dataset such that each
new radial bin contains a minimum number of 'source' counts. This can be
achieved using the task rbnrpsf.
As input this task takes the names of the input & output files, along with
the minimum number of source counts required in each new radial bin.
The task assumes that the input dataset also contains a background
component (which is constant with radial bin, but may be zero).
By default the task will read the background level from the
BACKGRND keyword within the i/p file. However users may override this
value upon execution by explicitly entering their own background level via
a hidden parameter.
Hidden parameters to rbnrpsf
[real] (hidden)
Background count rate (in counts per pixel), should the user
wish to override the value written in the BACKGRND keyword in
the i/p file. The special/default value (%) indicates that
the value from the i/p data file should be used.
Warnings on usage
- If a radial profile has been background subtracted, with an
over-estimate for the background rate, negative counts can be
present in the input dataset. It is important to note that when
rbnrpsf performs the rebinning, these negative values are
(negatively) included within the summation to determine whether the
requested number of minimum counts are in the new bin. This often
results in wide output bins.
- In order to obtain an optimum resolution on output from
rbnrpsf (especially close to
the putative 'peak' at small radii), it is preferable if the
input dataset is somewhat 'over-resolved' in the radial direction.
For example, in the case of ROSAT PSPC data extracted using
the imcnts task within the xray/xspatial sub-package of
IRAF over a range of 0-600 arcsec,
at least 80 radial bins are recommended.
4.3 Theoretical Radial PSF generators
A separate ftool exists for each mission/instrument combination, with the
requirements & options somewhat dependent upon the complexity of
the instrument. A quick-reference table of theoretical RPSF generators
currently available/planned is given in Table 4.3, and in
the following sections we give a brief description of the inputs required
for the available ftools, listing any points which should be kept in mind
during their use. More detailed descriptions of the characteristics of the
various instruments can be found elsewhere (and are noted below).