OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/SW/93-018
How to Install Callib & Caltool software
Ron Zellar & Ian M George
Code 668,
MD 20771
Last Update: 1993 Sep 20
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This document summarizes how to both install new and update old
s/w tasks into the
OGIP calibration database subroutine library (callib), and ftools sub-
package (caltools).
Intended audience: Caldb s/w managers at NASA/GSFC only.
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This document gives step-by-step instructions on how to
install a new routine in
OGIP calibration database subroutine library (callib) and
how to install a new task in the ftools/caltools sub-package.
Instructions are also given on how to update pre-existining routines and
It should be noted that this document is not likely to be of general
interest, being intended for the limited number of people
responsible for maintaning the OGIP Caldb s/w at NASA/GSFC.
1.1 Helpful Hints
When editing files do not add new lines to the beginning or end of sections.
Often the sections have special characters (commas, colons, tabs, etc.)
at the beginning or end which help the make/mkpkg utilities to recognize
the beginning or end of that section.
For example, the file x_caltools.x
contains the following lines:
# The caltools package
task st2rpsf,
There is a tab character between task and st2rpsf, and no
comma after pspcrpsf. In addition, there is a tab on the last line
following pspcrpsf. Therefore, it is recommended that new lines are
insterted in the middle of sections rather than writing new lines to the
end or beginning.
Also, when adding new lines it is recommended that a representative line
from the section being edited be examined to see where the non-printable
characters are located. This will guide you when you are adding the lines
necessary to install your software.
1.2 Overview
Section 2 lists the steps required to install a new, or
update a pre-existing, callib subroutine.
Then Section 3 lists the procedures for installing or
updating a caltools task in the 'developers' area at GSFC. Finally
Section 4 discusses the actual building of the IRAF and 'Host
Interface' versions of caltools at GSFC.
2 The caldb subroutine library
2.1 Installing a new subroutine
2.1.1 System independent routines
- move fortran file into .../callib/src/gen
- edit file .../callib/make.com to include the line
$for [.gen]filename
- edit file .../callib/mkpkg to include the line
- make the host version by using the commands
cd .../callib
- fix any errors
- build the IRAF version of ftools (see Section 4.1)
- fix any errors
- inform Kent of the new make files and the new source code
2.1.2 System dependent routines
- move fortran files into .../callib/src/vms and
- edit file .../callib/make.com to include the line
$for [.vms]filename
- edit file .../callib/mkpkg to include the line
- make the host version by using the commands
cd .../callib
- fix any errors
- build the IRAF version of ftools (see Section 4.1)
- fix any errors
- inform Kent of the new make files and the new source code
2.2 Updating a pre-existing subroutine
2.2.1 System independent routines
Follow the steps given in Section 2.1.1
ignoring steps
2 and 3.
2.2.2 System independent routines
Follow the steps given in Section 2.1.2
ignoring steps 2 and 3.
3 The caldb ftools/caltools sub-package
3.1 Installing a new task
- create the directory .../caltools/src/taskname
- move the follwing files into the the directory
- taskname.f
- htaskname.c
- taskname.par
- Makefile
- make.com
- mkpkg
- move the file taskname.txt to directory
- edit the file .../caltools/host/Makefile
line beginning all:
include the taskname in the list of tasks
add the lines:
cd ../src/{taskname}; make "F77LIBS=$(LIBSYS)"
- edit the file .../caltools/host/make.com
to include the lines:
$set def ftools:[caltools.src.taskname]
- Build the Host version by using the commands:
cd .../caltools/host
make taskname
- fix any errors
- move the file taskname.hlp to the directory
- edit the file .../caltools/caltools.cl
to include the line
(yes that comma is important !)
- edit the file .../caltools/caltools.hd
to include the line
taskname hlp=doc${taskname}.hlp,
- edit the file .../caltools/caltools.men to include
taskname - description of task
- edit the file .../caltools/src/mkpkg to include the lines:
- under the line beginning install:
$ifolder (caltools$taskname.par,
$copy taskname/taskname
.par caltools$taskname.par
- under the line beginning libpkg.a:
- edit the file .../caltools/src/x_caltools.x to include
(yes that comma is important !)
- build the IRAF version of ftools (see Section 4.1)
- fix any errors
- inform Kent of all the files that you have edited or added
3.2 Updating a pre-existing task
- move new source code, new parameter file into the
.../caltools/src/taskname directory
- make the host version of the task by using the commands
cd .../caltools/host
make taskname
- fix any errors
- make the IRAF version of ftools (see Section 4.1)
- fix any errors
- inform Kent of the new source code, parameter files
4 Building the IRAF & Host versions of ftools
4.1 The IRAF version of ftools
- change to the directory /ftools/DEC/develop
- execute the command setenv ftools /ftools/DEC/develop/
(yes that last backslash is important.)
- execute the cammand +mkpkg -p ftools+
4.2 The Host Interface version of ftools
- change to the directory /ftools/DEC/develop/host
- execute the command make
File translated from
version 3.13.
On 21 Apr 2004, 21:21.