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Running latex2html

Once one has run LaTeX (Section 4.1) one can run latex2html simply by:

latex2html yourfile.tex
(where yourfile.tex is the name of the *.tex file input to LaTeX). latex2html will pick up any of the other files which resulted from the LaTeX run (such as postscript files containing figures, tables of contents etc) based upon the contents of the *.tex file. Various pieces of information will be dumped during the latex2html run, along with any error or warning messages.

latex2html has a relatively large number of command-line options plus a bunch of default parameters & values in the .latex2html-init, which control where the output files are written, how the document is split, how images are included, what goes at the header and footer of the html pages etc. These are described in detail in the latex2html manual (see the latex2html "Home Page"). Here briefly outline the features we most commonly use, and things to bear in mind:

Rest of Section Incomplete

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Mike Corcoran 2002-02-15