OGIP Weblet Location: [HEASARC] [CALDB] [DOCS]


"The On-axis Point Spread Function: In-flight comparison with the PANTER results"

Desc. Gives a detailed description of an analytical parameterization of the PSF by Hasinger etal; as published in Legacy, 2, 77.
Code: CAL/ROS/92-001
Authors: Hasinger, Turner, George and Boese.
On-line versions available: (postscript, HTML)
Maintained: by the CALDB
Notes: Published in Legacy, 2, 77. A brief addendum (CAL/ROS/92-001a) is also available in which the parameterization is compared to a later high signal-to-noise observational dataset. See also the parameterization of the off-axis PSF is given in CAL/ROS/93-015.

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Page Author: Michael F. Corcoran 1-301-286-5576
Last Update: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 10:34:39 EDT