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SWIFT BAT Calibration Files: Release History

SWIFT BAT Calibration Files: Release Notes History


  • Swift BAT CALDB 20230607 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 12 Mar 2024
     *) bcf/swbbadpix20041120v009.fits.gz
     Update of the bad pixels and bad time slists valid unil   

    Previous CALDB BAT releases

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20171016 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 16 Oct 2017
    *) bcf/swbbadpix20041120v005.fits.gz
    *) bcf/swbbadtimes20041120v006.gti
    *) bcf/swbpulsecal20041120v001.fits
       Update of bad pixels, bad times and gain files. 
       The bad times includes revisions since Version 5 last released on 2009-01-30.
       The bad pixels indludes revisions since Version 4 last released on 2008-10-26.
       The gain has been updated from the start of mission. Instead of a single file,
       the gain has been calculated in intervals of six months.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20090130 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 30 Jan  2009
      * bcf/swbbadtimes20041120v005.gti VERSION 5
       This 'global bad time' file is the same as version 4, except for
       the correction of the MJDREF* keywords, which had a small 3.7
       second error in all previous versions.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20081026 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 03 Dec  2008
      * bcf/swbbadpix20041120v004.fits.gz
       This is an updated file with ongoing updated information.  In
       particular, it records changes during the BAT reboot and recovery
       in October 2008.
      * bcf/swbparams20030101v009.fits
        These are updated files with ongoing updated information.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20080306 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 06 Mar 2008
     * bcf/swbbadpix20041120v003.fits.gz VERSION 3
       This is an updated file with ongoing updated information.  In
       particular, it records DM threshold changes during September 2007.
     * bcf/swbbadtimes20041120v003.gti
       This is an updated file with ongoing updated information.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20070924 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
     Update 2007-09-24
     * bcf/swb20041120v002.teldef
       BAT instrument TELDEF alignment files have been updated to account
       for changes in the star tracker alignment (the effective spacecraft
       boresight).  These changes were implemented by the flight
       operations team in attempts to recover from the August 2007
       safe-hold event.  As a part of this update, all star tracker
       alignment updates have been accounted for, even ones early in the
       mission (December 2004).  Here is the summary of changes:
           swb20021001v002.teldef PRE-LAUNCH (no change)
           swb20041120v001.teldef OBSOLETED
           swb20041120v002.teldef NEW FILE (represents post-launch defaults)
           swb20041209v001.teldef NEW FILE
           swb20041213v001.teldef NEW FILE
           swb20041215v001.teldef NEW FILE (represents nominal 2004-2007 default)
           swb20070828v001.teldef NEW FILE (first change post-safe-hold)
           swb20070904v001.teldef NEW FILE
           swb20070911v001.teldef NEW FILE

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20070713 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
     Update 2007-07-13 
     * bcf/swbbkgspec20041120v002.pha VERSION 2
       This is a minor change to the formatting of the file, which removes
       the EBOUNDS extension from the CALDB index file.  This works around
       a strange problem in the CALDB query interface.  Also, some HISTORY
       keywords have been removed to make the file contents more readable.
       The numerical contents of the file have not been changed.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20070522 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
     Update 22 May 2007
     * bcf/wbbkgspec20041120v001.pha VERSION 1
       This is a new calibration file.  
       It contains a "typical" background spectrum, both the entire array
       rate and the rate per enabled detector.  The background provided
       corresponds to "low" background outside of SAA.  This file is used
       in conjunction with the task 'batphasimerr' to make simulated
       spectra with proper error bars.
       The data are stored in the file as a standard OGIP Type-1 spectrum 
       with standard survey energy binning.  The columns are:
        ||CHANNEL||Channel number||
        ||RATE||Total array count rate||
        ||STAT_ERR||Statistical error of RATE||
        ||RATE_DET||Rate per enabled detector||
       The file also has a standard EBOUNDS extension appended after the
       spectral extension.
       This file must be released with build 21.
     * bcf/swbbadpix20041120v002.fits.gz VERSION 2
       This is an updated file with ongoing updated information.  In
       particular, it records changes during reboots in December 2006 and
       March 2007.
     * bcf/swbbadtimes20041120v002.gti VERSION 2
       This is an updated file with ongoing updated information.  In
       particular, it records changes during reboots in December 2006 and
       March 2007.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20061014 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
     Update 2006-10-14
      * bcf/swbbadpix20041120v001.fits.gz VERSION 1
       New calibration file. The file contains a series of maps
       that are a crude mission-level quality maps which 
       indicate which detectors were known to have issues or problems 
       which affect science analysis.
       This file is valid from software release Swift 2.6.
      * bcf/swbbadtimes20041120v001.gti VERSION 1
       New calibration file.  The file contains the global good and bad time
       intervals for BAT science analysis. The user should use this file
       in conjunction with the task 'batglobalgti' to chose the desired
       quality level. 
       This file is valid from software release Swift 2.6.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20060530 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 2006-05-30
     * bcf/swbdistort20041120v001.fits  VERSION 1
       New calibration file
       This file contains the distortion map of the BAT.  
       This file is valid only for software releases after Swift 2.4.  

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20051103 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 2005-11-03
     * bcf/swbparams20030101v008.fits VERSION 8
       This file contains updated response matrix parameters based on an
       improved analysis of on- and off-axis Crab observations.
       This file applies to all observations, and is not tied to a
       particular software release.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20051006 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update  2005-10-06
     * bcf/swbaperflux20041120v001.fits VERSION 1  (NEW FILE)
       This new file is a slightly trimmed aperture map, optimized for
       reproducing the fluxes of cosmic sources.  Because of irregular and
       unknown passive materials which intrude into the edges of the field
       of view, the fluxes from the "full" aperture map (swbaperture*)
       will sometimes be degraded, especially if the source is far off
       axis.  This map should reduce the degradation significantly, and is
       recommended to be used in place of the swbaperture* file.  It has
       the keyword value APERTYPE = 'FLUX'
     * bcf/swbaperedge20041120v001.fits VERSION 1  (NEW FILE)
       This new file shows the trimmed regions that were used to reduce
       the swbaperture* file to the swbaperflux* file.  When used with the
       batmaskwtimg task, this aperture map shows which portions of the
       array will be illuminated by irregular passive materials, and
       should thus be masked out for bright sources.  The file has the
       keyword value APERTYPE = 'MASK_EDGES'
     * bcf/swbaperture20041120v002.fits VERSION 2
       This new version of the full aperture map is the same as version 1,
       except that it has more pad cells around the edges of the map.  The
       APERTYPE = 'DETECTION' keyword is also present.  The BAT team now
       considers this map to *not* be optimal for most BAT analysis work,
       because of the presence of irregular passive materials which
       intrude into the edges of the field of view.  Use swbaperflux*
     * bcf/swbaperture20030101v003.fits VERSION 3
       This version is the same as version 2, with the addition of the
       APERTYPE = 'DETECTION' keyword (see above).
     * bcf/swbparams20030101v006.fits VERSION 6
       New keywords named SIGMA_* which give batdrmgen information it
       needs to produce an energy-dependent noise resolution.  Revised
       GAIN_* keywords that are used by batdrmgen to adjust the model gain
       so that the peaks line up right (to account for the new noise
       model). A set of new PSV_0 and CCFUNP* keywords so that the fudge
       correction is appropriate for the cosine-correction change and the
       noise resolution change.  This file applies to all observations.
       ** This file is meant to be released with Swift build 16. **
     * bcf/swbparams20030101v007.fits VERSION 7
       New parameter file which supercedes version 6.  This file contains
       a new parameter, PB_EDGEN, which controls how lead tile edges are
       treated.  The new parameter file has been optimized to fit the Crab
       for multiple angles and at all energies from 15-150 keV.  This file
       applies to all observations.
     * cpf/swbresponse20030101v006.rsp VERSION 6
       The swbresponse file is a typical on-axis response
       with the above changes to the swbparams file, and batdrmgen v3.0.
       This file applies to all observations.
       ** This file is meant to be released with Swift build 16. **
     *  cpf/swbresponse20030101v007.rsp VERSION 7
       The swbresponse file is a typical on-axis response
       with the above changes to the swbparams file, and batdrmgen v3.1.
       This file applies to all observations.
       ** These files are meant to be released with Swift build 16. **

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20050714 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 14 Jul 2005
     * swbsyserr20030101v002.fits VERSION 2
       A slight improvement to the systematic error vector to be used with
       spectral fitting.  This file applies to all observations.
    Update 24 Jun 2005
     This calibration file update extends the upper limit of the incident
     photon energy range of batdrmgen to 10 MeV.
     * swbdepthdis20030101v003.fits VERSION 3
        Contains additional information about energy deposition in CZT to
        higher energies than in version 1.  This file applies to all
     * swbparams20030101v005.fits VERSION 5
        Keywords have been adjusted so that the passive material
        absorption model is valid up through 10 MeV.  Modified CFUNP* and
        PSV_0 and GAIN_* keywords so that they give the appropriate
        correction function for the new gain adjustment method of
        batdrmgen 2.9.  This file applies to all observations.
     * swbresponse20030101v005.rsp VERSION 5
        This template response matrix is used for the incident photon
        energy grid.  Version 5 has additional energy bins which extend up
        to 9000 keV.  This file applies to all observations.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20050327 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 28 Mar 2005
     * cpf/swbresponse20030101v004.rsp VERSION 4
        This file has been updated for the on-axis response delivered in
        Swift 2.0.  While the response matrix contents have changed, the
        energy bins used by batdrmgen have not changed.  This file
        applies to all observations.
    Update 27 Mar 2005
     * cpf/swbsyserr20030101v001.fits
        This is a new file to the BAT CALDB area which contains the
        estimated systematic error due to the BAT response matrix.  It is
        essentially formatted according to the OGIP standard for spectral
        files, but with a single interesting column, SYS_ERR.  This
        contains the fractional systematic error for a standard 80-bin
        spectrum.  The user is meant to append the column to their
        spectrum, as in:
           ftpaste input.pha swbsyserr20030101v001.fits'[col SYS_ERR]' output.pha
        Once this is done, output.pha is ready for use with XSPEC.
    Update 18 Mar 2005
     * bcf/swbparams20030101v004.fits
        This response matrix file has been improved based on new fits to
        the ground calibration data, including mu-tau values for some
        blocks that were not available until recently.  Passive absorption
        coefficients have been updated.  New correction function
        coefficients have been developed.  The exponential tail model has
        been removed from the response.
        This file applies to all observation times, but REQUIRES BUILD 14
        SOFTWARE (Swift ver 2.0).
     * bcf/swbpulsecal20030101v003.fits
     * bcf/swbquadres20030304v003.fits
         This pair of files contains new voltage-to-ADU conversion coefficients,
         including a new FULLCUBIC cubic model, derived from ground calibration
         data.  These files apply to observations at all times.  They
         DEPEND ON BUILD 14 SOFTWARE (Swift ver 2.0).

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20050218 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Update 16 Feb 2005
     * swbgsecal20030304v003.fits
         Incorrect values were inadvertently included in version 2 of
         this file.  This file contains the data of version 1, with
         the keyword clean-ups of version 2.  This file is used for ground
         calibration only, not flight. Clean-up of the keywords and

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20050201 Release Note
  • ===========================================================
    Updated 31 Jan 2005
      * cpf/swbresponse20030101v003.rsp VERSION 3
        On-axis response matrix.  It is primarily used in the response
        matrix generation, to choose the incident photon energy binning.
        However it can also be used by general users for simulations.
        Changes to the 'params' calibration file have improved the
        response knowledge below 20 keV.  These changes have been folded
        into this template response using batdrmgen v2.5.
    Updated 20 Jan 2005
      * bcf/swbparams20030101v003.fits VERSION 3
        Contains corrections to the model coefficients for the attenuation
        of passive materials in the field of view, based on improved
        knowledge (esp. below 20 keV).  Also contains corrections to the
        mu-tau detector physics coefficients.  Applies to all observation

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20050107 Release Note
  • ==============================================================
    Updated 24 Dec 2004
       * New files pertaining to BAT boresight correction
     * bcf/swbaperture20041120v001.fits
         Revised content based on in-flight calibration of the BAT
         boresight.  Contains revised focal length and mask shift values.
         Validity date: post launch
         [previous file is still valid before launch]
     * bcf/swb20041120v001.teldef
         Revised content based on in-flight calibration of the BAT
         boresight.  Contains new misalignment matrix.
         Validity date: post launch
         [previous file is still valid before launch]
    Updated 19 Dec 2004
        * One new file, swbpulseflt20040101v001.fits, is introduced
        * This file is *required* for Swift build 11 (Swift ver 1.1) analysis
     *  bcf/swbpulseflt20040101v001.fits
         NEW FILE TYPE.  Contains actual on-board pulser DAC to energy
         conversion coefficients.  The current file contains the default
         per-sandwich average coefficients.
     *  bcf/swb20020101v002.teldef
         New version, now in accord with HEASARC format recommendations;
         units of DETX/Y changed to "pixel" (NOTE: no software uses the
         units, so this is for information only)
     *  bcf/swb4ebound20030101v002.fits
         New versions, now in accord with HEASARC format recommendations.
         Actual contents unchanged from versions 1.
     *  bcf/swbaperture20030101v002.fits
         New versions, now in accord with HEASARC format recommendations.
         Actual contents unchanged from versions 1.
     *  bcf/swbdepthdis20030101v002.fits
         New version, now in accord with HEASARC format recommendations.
         Actual contents unchanged from swbdepthdis20040326v001.fits.
         One TUNIT value changed.
     *  bcf/swbgsecal20030304v002.fits
         New version base on new knowledge of the ground calibration.
         This file is used for ground calibration only, not
         flight. Clean-up of the keywords and columns.
     *  bcf/swbparams20030101v002.fits
         New version, now in accord with HEASARC format recommendations.
         Actual contents unchanged from version 2.
     *  bcf/swbpulsecal20030101v002.fits
         New versions, based on improved knowledge of electronic pulser
         and energy calibration.

  • Swift BAT CALDB 20051117 Release Note
  • ==============================================================
    First release

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    Last modified: Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 19:11:18 EDT