Version 1.07.0 (11/11/11) This release contains some new features suggested by Booth Hartley (IPAC) who supplied modified code including: - Allow a FITS file to have invalid data after a valid FITS HDU. User can call FitsFactory.setAllowTerminalJunk(true) to enable this. The Fits object will return all valid HDUs. Note that whatever follows the valid FITS data must start with something that is clearly not FITs. This includes modifications to FitsFactory and Header. - Allow users to find original size of headers as they were read from some source file. The library throws away duplicate key values, so that the number of header cards in the header as read may be smaller than the original data. The getOriginalSize() gets the original size of the header in bytes. A resetOriginalSize() allows the user to tell the library that this header has been updated on disk and now has the same number of records as internally. - Fixed the order of the EXTEND keyword to follow the NAXISn keywords when it is specified. This constraint on the EXTEND keyword is no longer required in the latest version of the standard, but it doesn't hurt anything and may make the file more acceptable to some readers. - Fixed JavaDoc errors for a number of files. Additionally - Fixed a bug in Header.rewriteable() related to the same issue as the original size. - Updated Fits.setChecksum so that it will now set both the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords. - Added tests for the new capabilities above and updated the checksum test. - The version of the Javadocs included has been updated.