Release 1.12.0 Java library development has been moved to GitHub project: nom-tam-fits. Thanks to Richard van Nieuwenhoven for setting everything up and getting things started. Ritchie has made some substantial additions to the code and by putting it on GitHub has opened development to community participation. If you wish to get the latest version of the library please go to the Web site at . Numbered releases will still be made here. Currently the release here involves a little hand tweaking to use the same names and structure as we have used previously, but ultimately this will all be automated. Other changes in this edition include (all Ritchie's work): - Enumerations added for ~1000 more or less standard FITS header keywords. This makes compiling references to headers possible. - Added tests for new enumerations. - Moved the sources to GitHub and the artifacts to the central repository - Setup maven as build system, incl reorganisation of the project. Tests are not included in the published jars any more. - Changed the license to the official license which attempts to put things into the public domain where possible but has verbiage to accommodate regions where it may not be. - All of the contributors to the project and the history of changes has been set up on the GitHub site in a standardized way. - Some changes may require Java 1.6 to compile and run the code.