PARAMETERS extension

There will be a BINTABLE extension called PARAMETERS containing the parameter definitions and tabulated values. The header keywords will be :

  1. NINTPARM - the number of interpolated parameters (integer).
  2. NADDPARM - the number of additional parameters (integer).

and the columns will be :

NAME 		 12A 		 name of the parameter.

METHOD J interpolation method (0 if linear, 1 if logarithmic)
INITIAL E initial value in the fit for the parameter
DELTA E parameter delta used in fit (if negative parameter is frozen)
MINIMUM E hard lower limit for parameter value
BOTTOM E soft lower limit for parameter value
TOP E soft upper limit for parameter value
MAXIMUM E hard upper limit for parameter value
NUMBVALS J the number of tabulated parameter values
VALUE nE the tabulated parameter values (n is NUMBVALS)

If NINTPARAM is greater than one then the VALUE vector column should be defined either as nE, where n is the maximum value OF NUMBVALS for all the parameters, or as PE. The tabulated parameter values must be stored in VALUE in increasing order.

For additional parameters METHOD, NUMBVALS, and VALUE need not be set because they are not used.

The parameters will appear in XSPEC in the order in this extension.

This extension should also include the standard OGIP keywords :

HDUCLASS 		 'OGIP'           

HDUVERS '1.0.0'

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Last modified: Monday, 18-Oct-2021 15:22:13 EDT