SPECTRA extension

The grid of spectra appear in the last extension as a BINTABLE called SPECTRA which contains the following columns

PARAMVAL 		 mE 		 vector of interpolation parameter values for the spectrum 

where m is the number of interpolation parameters
INTPSPEC nE spectrum where n is the number of energy bins
ADDSP001 nE spectrum contribution for 1st additional parameter
ADDSP002 nE spectrum contribution for 2nd additional parameter

The ADDSPnnn columns are only included as necessary (i.e. there will be NADDPARM of these columns). The spectra are ordered with the last parameter changing fastest eg if we have two parameters each of which takes three values (1,2,3) then the spectra are ordered (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3).

If the NXFLTEXP keyword was read from the PRIMARY header then for each unique PARAMVAL there will be NXFLTEXP rows.

This extension should also include the standard OGIP keywords :

HDUCLASS 		 'OGIP'           

HDUVERS '1.0.0'

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Last modified: Monday, 18-Oct-2021 15:22:13 EDT