#!/usr1/local/bin/perl5 # Bob Crosier 3/8/95 # Bob Crosier 3/22/95 (modified from webclean.pl) # Bob Crosier 6/02/95 required the RunningDisplay subroutine # This Perl script MAKES CHANGES TO FILES; BE CAREFUL # Pass this Perl script a bunch of filenames on STDIN # (e.g. by piping it the output of 'find' or 'ls') # This script will make changes within the files, but when done, the files # will have the same owner/permissions. # #This Perl script removes external links and replaces them with the URL. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This require has a number of useful support subroutines. require "support_subs.pl"; $program = "shuttlechange"; if ($ARGV[0] ne '') { $diff_dump = "diff_dump"; $diff_tmp = "DIFFTMP"; if (-e $diff_dump) { unlink $diff_dump; } } if ($ARGV[0] ne 'x') { $write_flag = 1; } $greeting = <<"Greeting"; THIS PERL SCRIPT CAN CHANGE FILES ! This script reads in filenames on STDIN (so pass it output from 'find' or 'ls') Any comments from this run will go into file $program.comments. Any warnings or error messages will go into file $program.warn. I will always ignore the file "heasarc_results.html", which is the MOMspider result file, a huge ~ 16MB file, and not relevant to these changes. Also, heasarc_results_small.html will be ignored. I will use STDOUT for a running display of files processed... Greeting print $greeting; open(COMMENTS, ">$program.comments") || warn "Cannot open file $program.comments: $!"; open(STDERR, ">$program.warn") || warn "Cannot open file $program.warn: $!"; $num_files = 0; while ($full_filename = ) { chop($full_filename); &RunningDisplay( $full_filename ); # I catch if the current filename is that of a zero length or unwriteable (to me) # file, and if not, read the entire file into memory (Perl: no limits) before # I make any changes to the text, then write it all back out to the same # filename, preserving owner and permissions. $current_file = ""; if (-z $full_filename) { warn "File $full_filename has 0 size ! \n"; } elsif (! -w $full_filename ) { warn "File $full_filename is not writeable to me ! \n"; } elsif ( $basename eq "heasarc_results.html" ) { warn "File $full_filename is being deliberately skipped. \n"; } elsif ( $basename eq "heasarc_results_small.html" ) { warn "File $full_filename is being deliberately skipped. \n"; } else { open(HTMLIN, $full_filename) || warn "Cannot open file $full_filename for input: $!"; # Read the entire file into variable $current_file $string_found_flag = 0; while ($line = ) { $current_file .= $line; } # Following are example search and replace statements. This is where you have # to put in your own. It must end with $string_found_flag = 1. The search # must use "isg" if you want it to be a global search (g) that ignores case (i) # and looks at more than one line at a time (s). # to remove shuttle_left and shuttle_right from files if ($current_file =~ /www\-dsed\.llnl\.gov\/files\/programs\/unix\/latex2html\/manual\//isg) { $current_file =~ s/www\-dsed\.llnl\.gov\/files\/programs\/unix\/latex2html\/manual\//www\.cs\.man\.ac\.uk\/software\/latex2html\/manual\/manual\.html/isg; $string_found_flag = 1; } # Write any changed text back into the exact same filename if ($string_found_flag) { if ($write_flag) { open(HTMLOUT, ">$full_filename") || warn "Cannot open file $full_filename for output: $!"; print HTMLOUT $current_file; close(HTMLOUT); if ($diff_dump ne '') { system("cp $full_filename $diff_tmp"); } } else { open(DD,">$diff_tmp")||warn "Could not write $diff_tmp!"; print DD $current_file; close(DD); } if ($diff_dump ne '') { system("echo Comparing $diff_tmp to $full_filename >> $diff_dump"); system("diff $diff_tmp $full_filename >> $diff_dump"); unlink $diff_tmp; } } } close(HTMLIN); } print "\nDone \n"; close(COMMENTS); # end of shuttlechange.pl