'sxssecid' executes in two calculations using the SXS event file : a) recalculate the grade for each event; b) associate secondary events to the primary. The setting of the parameter 'regrade' determines the order in which sxssecid executes the two functions. If 'regrade' is set to 'yes', 'sxssecid' first recalculates the grades and after associates secondary to the primary using the new recalculated grades. If 'regrade' set to 'no', the grade are not recalculated and 'sxssecid' only associates secondary to the primary using the column specified in the parameter 'itypecol' (d/f ITYPE). In both calculations events are excluded if : 1) they are flagged as baseline (BL) or event lost (EL) in the on-board graded column ITYPE and/or 2) any of the parameters 'ckrisetime' (event with risetime >127), 'ckctrec', 'ckctel', 'ckant' (event flagged in the STATUS column) are set to yes. By default all events below a PI threshold (see parameter 'pxpithr') are set to orphans when associate the secondary to the primary and skipped when assign new grade if regrade = yes.
Regrading Calculation
There are two components in the grade definition :
1) if an event is primary or secondary and 2) if an event is
High Mid or Low resolution. 'sxssecid' regrades the events per pixel
by first identifying if an event is primary or secondary,
using the parameter 'dtprimary', and after if it is High or Mid
or Low resolution with the parameters 'dtmidhigh' and 'dtlowmid'.
These parameters are used as follows. A primary event is
defined as having no preceding event within 'dtprimary' and a
secondary event has at least one preceding event within 'dtprimary'.
An High-res event has no events within 'dtmidhigh' on either side,
and Mid-res none within 'dtlowmid' on either side.
Combining the two definitions : a) Hp events have no preceding event within
'dtprimary' and none within 'dtmidhigh'. b) Mp events have no preceding
events within 'dtprimary' and must have the following event within
'dtmidhigh' and 'dtlowmid'. Lp events have no preceding events
within 'dtprimary' and must have the following event within
'dtlowmid'. Ms events have at least one preceding event within
'dtprimary' and no event within 'dtlowmid'. Ls events have at
least one preceding event within 'dtprimary' and one event
within 'dtlowmid'.
The new grades are written to a new column specified by the
'itypecol' parameter using the same on-board convention
which is : 0 for Hp, 1 for Mp, 2 for Ms, 3 for Lp, 4 for Ls,
5 for Baseline-BL, 6 for Lost - EL, 7 for Rejected - Rj.
The name of the column may not be set to 'ITYPE' since a
column named ITYPE already exist in the event file with
the grades determined on on-board.
Identification of the secondary
The on-board processing assigns grades to each event however does not
link the secondary to its parent primary. 'sxssecid' associates
secondaries to its parent event that occurs within the same pixel.
The primary-secondary association uses the grade definition as well as
a timing test. The grade information is defined in a column of the event file
(see parameter 'itypecol'). The timing test attempts to locate primary-secondary
within the same pixel that are within a time interval specified in the
parameter 'dtmidhigh'. It assumes that there is only one primary either an
Hp and/or Mp and/or Lp for each pixel and all the secondaries are associated
to these primary before next primary occurs.
The output of the primary-secondary association
uses three columns: INDEX provides a unique index for each event,
GROUPS links the secondary to the primary, SEQ records the sequence of the associated
events in a group. The GROUPS column is populated as follows:
Hp Mp and Ls events have GROUPS=INDEX; secondaries have GROUPS set equal
to the index of the parent primary ; secondary events that do not have a primary
within 'dtmidhigh' (orphans) have GROUPS set to a negative value with
magnitude equal to the INDEX of the previous primary in the same pixel;
events classified as baseline (BL) or lost (EL) have GROUPS set to NULL;
GROUPS is set to NULL also for events that satisfy the condition set by the
parameters 'ckrisetime' (event with risetime >127), 'ckctrec', 'ckctel',
'ckant' (event flagged in the STATUS column) if they are set to yes.
The sequence in the SEQ column is assigned using the ITYPE+1 on the events
in that sequence. For example the sequence Mp Ms Ms is recorded as 233 where each
digit is ITYPE+1. All events that belong to the same sequence have the same value
in the SEQ column. The value in SEQ is set to NULL if the event
is an orphan and set to 999 if there more than 9 events in a group.
1. Find the associated primaries for secondaries in the file event_in.fits based on their original grades and the definition of secondaries given by the value of dtmidhigh in CALDB. Create event_out.fits with INDEX, GROUPS and SEQcolumns populated accordingly.
sxssecid infile=event_in.fits outfile=event_out.fits
2. Find the associated primaries for secondaries in the file event_in.fits based on a regrading with secondaries defined as those with preceding events within 60 ms, and high/mid/low resolution defined, respectively, as events with no events within 80 ms, at least one event within 80 (but not within 20) ms, and at least one event within 20 ms. Write the new grades to a new ITYPE2 column, and use this for identifying secondaries.
sxssecid infile=event_in.fits outfile=event_out.fits dtprimary = 60 regrade=yes dtlowmid=20 dtmidhigh=80 itypecol=ITYPE2