To setup your account for working with in-flight data at NASA/GSFC ================================================================== last update of this file: March 30, 2006 Follow the instructions step by step! create on your home directory a directory for the parameter files: cd mkdir pfiles mkdir data_rep copy the parameter files to your pfiles directory (e.g. from my pfiles): cp /Home/lhea2/beckmann/pfiles_osa51/*.par ~/pfiles start the script to initialise your account: source /Home/lhea2/beckmann/init_isdc.osa5.1 rehash or include this into your start-up shell. Now go to your data_rep directory, create an obs/ directory and set the links to the data directories: FOR ARCHIVED DATA: ------------------ cd data_rep setenv REP_BASE_PROD $PWD mkdir obs ln -s /INTEGRAL1/test/consolidated02/scw scw ln -s /INTEGRAL1/test/consolidated02/ic ic ln -s /INTEGRAL1/test/consolidated02/idx idx ln -s /INTEGRAL1/test/consolidated02/aux aux ln -s /INTEGRAL1/test/consolidated02/cat cat Now you can work under your personal data_rep/ with the archived in-flight test data! Please note that there are some disk space limits. In the scw/ directory you can easily see, which revolution numbers are available: ls scw/