debug,i,h,0,0,2,"0=silent,1,2 gives more verbose output" title,s,h,"SPISUMHIST",,,"title to write as comment to FITS header" rogroup,s,h,"",,,"R/O Group" rwgroup,s,h,"",,,"R/W Group" n_counts_input_files,i,h,2,0,100 ,"number of counts files to be combined" n_per_pointing, i,h,2,1,100 ,"number of counts files to be combined for each output pointing set" counts_input_files_1,s,h,"bkg_50_SP.fits[1]",,," input count file" counts_input_files_2,s,h,"cyg_x1_SP.fits[1]",,," input count file" counts_output_file,s,h,"cyg_x1_b50_SP.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DSP.tpl)",,, "output counts file" plot_spectra,i,h,0,0,1,"1=plot 1D spectra for all detectors and first pointing only" plot_2D,i,h,0,0,1,"1=plot 2D spectra all detectors and all pointings"