8.12 Binning or Histogramming Specification

The optional binning specifier is enclosed in square brackets and can be distinguished from a general row filter specification by the fact that it begins with the keyword 'bin' not immediately followed by an equals sign. When binning is specified, a temporary N-dimensional FITS primary array is created by computing the histogram of the values in the specified columns of a FITS table extension. After the histogram is computed the input FITS file containing the table is then closed and the temporary FITS primary array is opened and passed to the application program. Thus, the application program never sees the original FITS table and only sees the image in the new temporary file (which has no additional extensions). Obviously, the application program must be expecting to open a FITS image and not a FITS table in this case.

The data type of the FITS histogram image may be specified by appending 'b' (for 8-bit byte), 'i' (for 16-bit integers), 'j' (for 32-bit integer), 'r' (for 32-bit floating points), or 'd' (for 64-bit double precision floating point) to the 'bin' keyword (e.g. '[binr X]' creates a real floating point image). If the datatype is not explicitly specified then a 32-bit integer image will be created by default, unless the weighting option is also specified in which case the image will have a 32-bit floating point data type by default.

The histogram image may have from 1 to 4 dimensions (axes), depending on the number of columns that are specified. The general form of the binning specification is:

 [bin{bijrd}  Xcol=min:max:binsize, Ycol= ..., Zcol=..., Tcol=...; weight]
in which up to 4 columns, each corresponding to an axis of the image, are listed. The column names are case insensitive, and the column number may be given instead of the name, preceded by a pound sign (e.g., [bin #4=1:512]). If the column name is not specified, then CFITSIO will first try to use the 'preferred column' as specified by the CPREF keyword if it exists (e.g., 'CPREF = 'DETX,DETY'), otherwise column names 'X', 'Y', 'Z', and 'T' will be assumed for each of the 4 axes, respectively. In cases where the column name could be confused with an arithmetic expression, enclose the column name in parentheses to force the name to be interpreted literally.

In addition to binning by a FITS column, any arbitrary calculator expression may be specified as well. Usage of this form would appear as:

 [bin  Xcol(arbitrary expression)=min:max:binsize, ... ]

The column name must still be specified, and is used to label coordinate axes of the resulting image. The expression appears immediately after the name, enclosed in parentheses. The expression may use any combination of columns, keywords, functions and constants and allowed by the CFITSIO calculator.

The column name (and optional expression) may be followed by an equals sign and then the lower and upper range of the histogram, and the size of the histogram bins, separated by colons. Spaces are allowed before and after the equals sign but not within the 'min:max:binsize' string. The min, max and binsize values may be integer or floating point numbers, or they may be the names of keywords in the header of the table. If the latter, then the value of that keyword is substituted into the expression.

Default values for the min, max and binsize quantities will be used if not explicitly given in the binning expression as shown in these examples:

    [bin x = :512:2]  - use default minimum value
    [bin x = 1::2]    - use default maximum value
    [bin x = 1:512]   - use default bin size
    [bin x = 1:]      - use default maximum value and bin size
    [bin x = :512]    - use default minimum value and bin size
    [bin x = 2]       - use default minimum and maximum values
    [bin x]           - use default minimum, maximum and bin size
    [bin 4]           - default 2-D image, bin size = 4 in both axes
    [bin]             - default 2-D image
CFITSIO will use the value of the TLMINn, TLMAXn, and TDBINn keywords, if they exist, for the default min, max, and binsize, respectively. If they do not exist then CFITSIO will use the actual minimum and maximum values in the column for the histogram min and max values. The default binsize will be set to 1, or (max - min) / 10., whichever is smaller, so that the histogram will have at least 10 bins along each axis.

Please note that if explicit min and max values (or TLMINn/TLMAXn keywords) are not present, then CFITSIO must check every value of the binned quantity in advance to determine the binning limits. This is especially relevant for binning expressions, which must be evaluated multiple times to determine the limits of the expression. Thus, it is always advisable to specify min and max limits where possible.

A shortcut notation is allowed if all the columns/axes have the same binning specification. In this case all the column names may be listed within parentheses, followed by the (single) binning specification, as in:

    [bin (X,Y)=1:512:2]
    [bin (X,Y) = 5]

The optional weighting factor is the last item in the binning specifier and, if present, is separated from the list of columns by a semi-colon. As the histogram is accumulated, this weight is used to incremented the value of the appropriated bin in the histogram. If the weighting factor is not specified, then the default weight = 1 is assumed. The weighting factor may be a constant integer or floating point number, or the name of a keyword containing the weighting value. The weighting factor may also be the name of a table column in which case the value in that column, on a row by row basis, will be used. It may also be an expression, enclosed in parenthesis, in which case the weighting value will be evaluated for each binned row and applied accordingly.

In some cases, the column or keyword may give the reciprocal of the actual weight value that is needed. In this case, precede the weight keyword or column name by a slash '/' to tell CFITSIO to use the reciprocal of the value when constructing the histogram. An expression, enclosed in parentheses, may also appear after the slash, to indicate the reciprocal value of the expression.

For complex or commonly used histograms, one can also place its description into a text file and import it into the binning specification using the syntax '[bin @filename.txt]'. The file's contents can extend over multiple lines, although it must still conform to the no-spaces rule for the min:max:binsize syntax and each axis specification must still be comma-separated. Any lines in the external text file that begin with 2 slash characters ('//') will be ignored and may be used to add comments into the file.


    [bini detx, dety]                - 2-D, 16-bit integer histogram
                                       of DETX and DETY columns, using
                                       default values for the histogram
                                       range and binsize

    [bin (detx, dety)=16; /exposure] - 2-D, 32-bit real histogram of DETX
                                       and DETY columns with a bin size = 16
                                       in both axes. The histogram values
                                       are divided by the EXPOSURE keyword

    [bin time=TSTART:TSTOP:0.1]      - 1-D lightcurve, range determined by
                                       the TSTART and TSTOP keywords,
                                       with 0.1 unit size bins.

    [bin pha, time=8000.:8100.:0.1]  - 2-D image using default binning
                                       of the PHA column for the X axis,
                                       and 1000 bins in the range
                                       8000. to 8100. for the Y axis.

    [bin pha, gti_num(gtifind())=1:2:1] - a 2-D image, where PHA is the
                                       X axis and the Y axis is an expression
                                       which evaluates to the GTI number, 
                                       as determined using the
                                       GTIFIND() function.

    [bin time=0:4000:2000, HR( (LC2/LC1).lt.1.5 ? 1 : 2 )=1:2:1] - a 2-D
                                       histogram which determines the number
                                       of samples in two time bins between 0 and
                                       4000 and separating hardness ratio, 
                                       evaluated as (LC2/LC1), between less than
                                       1.5 or greater than 1.5.  The ?: 
                                       conditional function is used to decide
                                       less (or greater) than 1.5 and assign
                                       HR bin 1 or 2.

    [bin @binFilter.txt]             - Use the contents of the text file
                                       binFilter.txt for the binning