infile,s,a," ",,,"Please enter typeII PHA filename" outfile,s,q," ",,,"Please enter output filename" chatter,i,h,9,,,"Please enter Chatter flag" cmpmode,s,q,,,,"Please enter expansion mode Squish or Expand" backfile,s,h,"%",,,"Bkgd file name to be written in o/p file" corrfile,s,h,"%",,,"Correction file name to be written in o/p file" arfile,s,h,"%",,,"ARF filename to be written in o/p file" rmfile,s,h,"%",,,"RMF filename to be written in o/p file" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite output file if it already exists ?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,"Mode"