BRCALDB -- Browse a Caldb installation
brcaldb milist
This task is an interactive interface to the Calibration Database. It allows the user to repetatively filter a list of datasets based on their calibration characteristics and also provides the capablility of copying datasets from the database to a user-specified directory.
Before using this task, the 'CALDB' and 'CALDBCONFIG' environment variables (logicals) must be set. See the Caldb User's Guide for details.
After executing the task, the user is shown a list of missions and instruments. The list displays those missions and instruments for which the Database contains data holdings. Immediately after this list is displayed the user is prompted to select those missions and instruments which he or she wishes to browse. The response to this prompt can contain multiple missions and instruments, but each mission/instrument set should be separated by a comma. For example, if the user wished to browse ASCA's GIS2 calibration datasets and ROSAT's HRI calibration datasets, he or she would enter
asca gis2, rosat hriAfter the appropriate mission and instrument data are loaded into memory, the user is free to enter any valid brcaldb command. The commands are described in the command-line help. From within brcaldb, type "help" for more information.
1. Run brcaldb as if it were being executed from a script. Load ASCA GIS2 entries, and execute the commands given in the cmd.xco file.
example% brcaldb banner=no milist="asca gis2" reprompt=no <cmd.xco
Apparently segfaults when using remote Caldb access
Ian M George