CALDBINFO -- Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed for a user
caldbinfo infomode
This task will check and report back on whether a local or remote Calibration
Database (Caldb) appears to be correctly set-up and accessible to a user. The
level of checking and detail of the reporting depend upon the user-defined
parameters infomode and chatter as described below.
Error messages returned by this task indicate that the Caldb the user is trying to access is not correctly set up. Users may want to increase the chatter parameter value (chatter = 30 is usually sufficient) in order to display the full range of available diagnostic messages.
If you encounter problems with Caldb access, contact the Caldb Manager by sending an e-mail to the
Calibration Database Mailing list at the HEASARC Feedback page.
- infomode [string]
This parameter controls the level of Caldb configuration testing.
If infomode=BASIC, the task simply checks that the required Caldb environment variables are defined.
If infomode=INST, in addition to performing the checks for infomode=BASIC,
the routine checks that a user-defined mission/instrument combination exists
in the Caldb Configuration file. The location of the relevant
files and directories are reported as long as the chatter parameter is greater than or equal to 1.
- mission [string]
The name of the mission for which the Caldb Configuration file is to be
searched. This parameter is only required when infomode=INST.
- instrument [string]
The name of the instrument for which the Caldb Configuration file is to be
searched. This parameter is only required when infomode=INST.
- (chatter = 9) [integer]
Flag to indicate how chatty the task is at execution. A value of 9 is the
default, with lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output respectively.
A value of chatter=0 gives totally silent running, with the exception of
error messages. For all values of chatter, a message will be written to STDERR
if any errors are encountered.
1. Do a basic (but silent) check that the Caldb is set-up
ca> caldbinfo infomode=BASIC chatter=0
2. Do a basic check that the Caldb is set-up, but reporting detailed
information to STDOUT
ca> caldbinfo infomode=BASIC chatter=20
3. Silently check that the Caldb is set-up & accessible for a given
mission/instrument combination
ca> caldbinfo infomode=INST chatter=0 mission=XTE instrument=PCA
none known
crcif, quzcif
- v1.0.0 (1995 Jul)
First public release
- v1.0.2 (2003 Feb)
- Minor updates
Ian M George