mkcaldir -- Create the Caldb directory structure
This task creates "bcf" and "cpf" storage subdirectories beneath each directory specified in the caldbconfig file. These subdirectories store "Basic Calibration Files" and "Calibration Product Files", respectively. If the directory specified in the caldbconfig file does not exist, it will be created. Optionally, empty Calibration Index Files also specified in the caldbconfig file can be created by this task.
The path to the caldbconfig file is obtained from the CALDBCONFIG environment variable or logical. The user may also need to set the CALDB environment variable or logical before executing this task. See the Caldb help page and Caldb User's Guide for more information on how to set these system variables.
1. Create a Caldb directory structure along with empty Calibration Index Files and print informational messages about what this task is doing.
example> mkcaldir chatter=20 mkcifs=yes
none known
Ian M George
(301) 286-6094