QUZCIF2 -- Returns the name and location of calibration files
quzcif2 mission instrument detector filter codename date time expr
This task is a command-line interface to the Calibration Database access software. It writes to the standard output datasets in the Database which meet the selection criteria as specified by the input parameters. The number of datasets returned and displayed to standard output can be restricted using the MAXRET parameter.
For each dataset which satisifies the specified criteria, the filename field (with the complete directory path) and the extension number is printed. If the user is accessing the HEASARC CALDB using remote access, the full URL of the files is returned.
Any datasets which are stored off-line (on magnetic tapes, for example) will be displayed with the word 'OFFLINE' and the off-line media will appear before the filename and extension number.
Datasets which are located on the HEASARC server can be accessed if the user's CALDB environment variable is set to https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb and can be optionally downloaded to the user's current working directory (if the retrieve parameter is set to "yes").
If no datasets are found which satisfy the specified criteria, then the message "No datasets found matching selection criteria" is displayed, as long as the chatter parameter is greater than 0.
Before using this task, the 'CALDB' and 'CALDBCONFIG' environment variables (logicals) must be set. See the Caldb Installation Guide for details.
% setenv CALDB https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb % quzcif2 asca sis0 - - ascalin 1994-06-20 12:00:00 - https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/asca/sis/bcf/s0_teldef_070294.fits 02. Find the ALIGNMENT dataset for the FPM instrument of the NuSTAR mission for the optical axis, from the HEASARC CALDB:
% quzcif2 nustar fpm - - alignment now now TYPE.eq.OPTICAL https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits 3
3. Find the ALIGNMENT dataset for the FPM instrument of the NuSTAR mission for the optical axis, from the HEASARC CALDB, and retrieve the file using retrieve=yes, and overwrite the file if it exists in the current working directory, with verbose output:
% quzcif2 nustar fpm - - alignment now now TYPE.eq.OPTICAL retrieve=yes chatter=1 clobber=yes maxret=-1 ...... environ-var/logical CALDB defined ......... CALDB path = https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb ... environ-var/logical CALDBCONFIG defined ... CALDBCONFIG file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/caldb.config ...... environ-var/logical CALDBALIAS defined ......... CALDBALIAS file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/alias_config.fits ...... CALDB is configured for the FPM instrument onboard NUSTAR ......... Cal Index File: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/nustar/f pm/caldb.indx ......... Instrument directory: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/nu star/fpm gtcalf 1.2.3 : Searching CALDB for quality values = 0 ...... Searching for CAL_QUAL = 0 ...... Quality: Found 527 matches out of 1172 rows ...... Telescope: Found 527 matches out of 527 rows ...... Instrument: Found 88 matches out of 527 rows ...... Detector: Found 88 matches out of 88 rows ...... Filter: Found 88 matches out of 88 rows ...... CAL_CNAME: Found 66 matches out of 88 rows ...... Checking boundary expression =TYPE.EQ.OPTICAL ...... Boundary: Found 11 matches out of 66 rows ...... Time check: Found 11 matches out of 11 rows ... Found 1 rows after final selections nuCalign20200901v001.fits 34. Find the files which have CAL_QUAL value of 5 for the Swift XRT MATRIX files
% quzcif2 swift xrt - - matrix now now - chatter = 1 quality = 5 ...... environ-var/logical CALDB defined ......... CALDB path = https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb ... environ-var/logical CALDBCONFIG defined ... CALDBCONFIG file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/caldb.config ...... environ-var/logical CALDBALIAS defined ......... CALDBALIAS file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/alias_config.fits ...... CALDB is configured for the XRT instrument onboard SWIFT ......... Cal Index File: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xr t/caldb.indx ......... Instrument directory: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/sw ift/xrt gtcalf 1.2.3 : Searching CALDB for quality values = 5 ...... Searching for CAL_QUAL = 5 ...... Quality: Found 389 matches out of 729 rows ...... Telescope: Found 389 matches out of 389 rows ...... Instrument: Found 389 matches out of 389 rows ...... Detector: Found 389 matches out of 389 rows ...... Filter: Found 389 matches out of 389 rows ...... CAL_CNAME: Found 63 matches out of 389 rows ...... Boundary: Found 63 matches out of 63 rows ...... Time check: Found 63 matches out of 63 rows ... Found 10 rows after final selections https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0s0_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0s6_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0to2s0_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0to2s6_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxpc0s0_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxpc0s6_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxpc0to12s0_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxpc0to12s6_20070901v011.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0s6_20070901v012.rmf 1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxwt0to2s6_20070901v012.rmf 15. Search for a non-valid codename with chatter = 0 (with remote access to the HEASARC CALDB):
% quzcif2 swift xrt - - matrix1 now now - chatter = 0 ERROR - cifsl3 1.0.1: No match for CAL_CNAM = MATRIX1 in https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/caldb.indx ERROR - cifsl3 1.0.1: STOPPING ERROR - gtcalf 1.2.3: Fatal - STOPPING6. Search for a non-valid codename with chatter = 2 (with remote access to the HEASARC CALDB):
% quzcif2 swift xrt - - matrix1 now now - chatter = 2 quality = 0 ...... environ-var/logical CALDB defined ......... CALDB path = https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb ...... environ-var/logical CALDBCONFIG defined ......... CALDBCONFIG file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/caldb.config ...... environ-var/logical CALDBALIAS defined ......... CALDBALIAS file = /Users/mcorcora/software/caldb/alias_config.fits ...... CALDB is configured for the XRT instrument onboard SWIFT ......... Cal Index File: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xr t/caldb.indx ......... Instrument directory: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/sw ift/xrt gtcalf 1.2.3 : Searching CALDB for quality values = 0 ... using cifsl3 1.0 ...... Searching for CAL_QUAL = 0 ...... Quality: Found 336 matches out of 719 rows ...... Telescope: Found 336 matches out of 336 rows ...... Instrument: Found 336 matches out of 336 rows ...... Detector: Found 336 matches out of 336 rows ...... Filter: Found 336 matches out of 336 rows ERROR - cifsl3 1.0: No match for CAL_CNAM = MATRIX1 in https://heasarc.gsfc.nas a.gov/FTP/caldb/data/swift/xrt/caldb.indx ... Allowed Values of CAL_CNAM are: ... using rcnfig 2.0.2 ... RATEDN2FLUX EEF EVTRANGE HKCONV HKRANGE BIAS MKFCONF SPECRESP TDPOSERR POSERR TDPOSDATA POSDA ERROR - cifsl3 1.0: STOPPING ERROR - gtcalf 1.2.3: Fatal - STOPPING7. Specify date= '-'
% quzcif2 'mission=MAXI' 'instrume=GSC_2' 'detector=-' 'filter=-' 'codename=HVBITHIST' 'date=-' 'time=-' 'expr=-' https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/caldb/data/maxi/gsc/bcf/mx_gsc2_hvhist_20180213.fits 1
The current expr parser cannot precheck the expression well. Subexpressions such as "cor.eq.7.and.and.energy.eq.5" will be incorrectly interpreted as "cor=7" and "and.energy=5".
udcif, crcif, caldb