FESDB2RDF (Jun94) ftools.gro FESDB2RDF (Jun94) NAME fesdb2rdf -- Converts Egret QVP and EXP files into a single RDF FITS format file. USAGE fesdb2rdf qvpfile expfile rdffile DESCRIPTION fesdb2rdf reads i/p QVP and EXP (optional) data files and writes an o/p FITS data file in OGIP standard format. The data is written in the form of 2 BINTABLE extensions 1) (EXTNAME = EVENTS) contains event data from the QVP file. 2) (EXTNAME = TSI) contains information from the i/p EXP file. Extension 1 has undergone the following changes from the i/p file 1) Time fields compressed to a single double precision value. 2) Column order has been rearranged. 3) scaling factor inposed on (x,y,z)barycenter columns. 4) spare fields not transferred Extension 2 has undergone the following changes from the i/p file 1) input data is in ascii format, output extension is binary 2) format changes as required for 1) above ie. hex character values -> integer A1 logical values -> logical A1 character values -> byte PARAMETERS qvpfile [qvp file name] Name of QVP file from which event data is to be taken expfile [exp file name] Optional input file. Name of the exposure history file rdffile [o/p rdf file name] Name of the OGIP standard FITS format file to be created (exp=no) [boolean] Flag indicating the existance of the exposure history file EXAMPLES 1. Take data from QVPxxx.fits and EXPxxx.fits and create OGIP standard file RDFxxx.fits ft> fesdb2rdf QVPxxx.fits EXPxxx.fits RDFxxx.fits 2. Take data from QVPxxx.fits and create OGIP standard file RDFxxx.fits With no exposure history file... ft> fesdb2rdf QVPxxx.fits "-" RDFxxx.fits ft> fesdb2rdf QVPxxx.fits expfile=" " RDFxxx.fits BUGS SEE ALSO