REBINLC (Oct99) ftools.xte REBINLC (Oct99) NAME rebinlc -- Simple tool to rebin OGIP-compliant lightcurves USAGE rebinlc infile multiple outfile columns clobber DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS infile [string - input file name] The name (and optionally, extension number) of the input FITS file containing the lightcurve to be rebinned. multiple = 1 [integer - rebinning factor] An (integer) multiplier which controls the rebinning. The output FITS lightcurve will have a TIMEDEL equal to the TIMEDEL of the input lightcurve multiplied by this factor. outfile [string - output file name] Name for the output file containing the rebinned lightcurve. (columns = -) [string - column names] Intended to contain the names of the relevant columns in the lightcurve extension. NOT YET OPERATIONAL. The tool expects, by default, to find either RATE, COUNTS, or FLUX, depending on the lightcurve type (specified by the HDUCLAS3 keyword), along with and ERROR and FRACEXP column. (clobber = no) [boolean] Should an existing file having the same name be overwritten? (mode = ql) [string] FTOOLS internal -- users should not need to change. EXAMPLES NOTES: This tool will (hopefully) someday be completely generic but for now it is fairly rigid about the column names it expects depending on the HDUCLAS3 keyword. It was designed specifically for rebinning of HEXTE lightcurves to allow for background subtraction to be done properly and is used in this way by the REX script. However, it should work properly on any OGIP-compliant lightcurve containing either RATE/COUNTS/FLUX columns along with ERROR and FRACEXP columns. BUGS Please report problems to SEE ALSO LCURVE