extpha - [P] Extracts source spectrum files from PSPC _src files
This script will extract the source spectrum files out of a PSPC *_src (or
*_qsrc) file. You may specify the filename and a list of source id numbers
(column name SOLST_ID in the SRCTBL extension) on the command line, but all
you have to do is type 'extpha'. (Typing ALL instead of a list of numbers
will extract all of the spectra in the src file). This script uses fextract
to get the PHA extension, fdump and fcreate to reprocess the OAH extension to
acceptable form (but a new FTOOL is planned to do this), and fappend to put
them together. Various utility routines clean up the keywords. ARFs are made
If any are omitted or confused, you will be prompted:
- -(no)arf
Do (not) create an ARF (Ancillary Response File), using
PCARF, to go with each spectrum. The name of the RMF file
used and the ARF file will be written to keywords in the
PHA file so that XSPEC can find them automatically.
- filename
The input source file name.
- ID_list
A comma or space separated list of source IDs (column
SOLST_ID in the SRCTBL extension). 'ALL' will request all
sources in the file. This list must be preceeded by a
filename argument (see above).
- -h
Print help information. Do not execute.
- rmf=/path/rmf
Use the RMF (Response Matrix File) at /path/rmffile.
- -v
Verbose mode. Lets you see extra information and some
messages produced by the ftools called by this script.
Jan93 ftools.rosat