fdelrow -- Delete specified rows in a FITS table


        fdelrow infile[ext#] firstrow nrows confirm proceed


This task deletes rows in a FITS table. Since the input FITS file is modified by this utility, the user is given an opportunity to confirm before deleting the rows.


infile [file name]
The file name and the number or name of the extension containing the specified rows to be deleted. The extension number or name has to be specified explicitly.

firstrow [integer]
The start row of the block of rows to be deleted.

confirm = yes [boolean]
If set to YES, the following information (keyword values) about the extension containing the specified rows will be printed; EXTENSION, EXTNAME

At this point the user may proceed or quit without modifying the input FITS file.

On the other hand if the 'CONFIRM' hidden parameter in the parameter file is set to NO, then the specified rows will be deleted without query.

proceed = yes [boolean]
If the 'CONFIRM' parameter is set to YES, then the program prints out the keyword values and query the user (PROCEED? ) whether (s)he would like to continue. If the 'PROCEED' parameter is set to NO, then the program exits without modifying the input file.


1. Delete the rows 1-20 in the second extension of the file test.fits, without querying for confirmation.

                  ft> fdelrow test.fits+2 1 20 Y Y


For the safety, the user has to specify the extension name or number explicitly in input file name. If the user does not give an extension number or name, the program will generate an error message and quit.


ftdelrow. fv, the interactive FITS file editor, can also be used to delete rows from a FITS table.


Mar97 ftools.futils