pcarmf -- creates a .rmf file for an specified anode chain (i.e. combination of layers) in a given pcu


        pcarmf outfile pcuid lld_code cdate chatter


This task creates a response matrix for a particular pcu with 900 energy channels and 256 pulse height channels. Half of the 900 channels are between 0 and 10 keV; half are between 10 and 70 keV. Channels are equally spaced within these ranges except that channel boundaries are created at Xenon photoelectrc absorption edges. Future versions may need more channels around the K edge. The user specifies the desired pcu, anode chain, the name of the energy to channel conversion file, and the date of the obsevation.


outfile [file name]
The name of the output .rmf file.

pcuid [integer]
The desired pcu. Note that the pcu's are numbered from 0 to 4.

lld_code [integer]
The desired lld code. The valid values are: (1, 2, 3) = (L1, R1, L1+R1), (4, 8, 12) = (L2, R2, L2+R2), (16, 32, 48) = (L3, R3, L3+R3), 63 = all xenon layers, 64 = propane layer. In addition, users may specify the "back" layers, L2+R2+L3+R3, using a value of 60.

(e2c_model = 3) [integer]
The energy to channel model. The only model supported by this version is 3, which first translates the energy of the photon into the number of secondary electrons, and then allows a quadratic fit for channel number as a function of number of electrons. The x-axis (number of electrons) is renormalized to be approximately the energy for convenience for plotting inside xspec.

(e2cfile = "caldb") [file name]
The name of the file containing the channel to energy parameters. If e2cfile = CALDB, PCARMF will search the calibration data base for the appropriate file, based on values of pcuid, lld, e2c_model, and date. Any other string is interpretted as a FITS file in the local directory, unless nofits is set to 1.

(nofits = 0) [integer]
If this flag is 1, then c2efile is interpretted as the name of a local ascii file with the parameters of channel to energy conversion. For expert use only.

(scale_hack = 0) [integer]
If this flag is 1, then a fudge factor is applied to the response matrix which forces the fit to the Crab for a particular layer/detector to be the same as that obtained by including all the layers and detectors. For expert use only.

(scale_file = "none") [file name]
If scale_hack = 1, this local ascii file is assumed to contain the efficiency corrections. In absence of this file, no correction is done. The file must contain 25 rows, each with an energy and correction value. Efficiencies at energies below the lowest tabulated value will not be changed, nor will efficiencies above the highest tabulated value. For intermediate energies, the efficency correction is a linear interpolation between the nearest tabulated points. Note that the energies must increase monotonically. For expert use only.

cdate [string]
The date of the observation, in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

chatter [integer]
Chatter parameter controlling how much to tell the user. Larger values give more information.

(clobber = yes) [string]
Delete output file if it exists? (override with !filename)

(xe_gm_cm2_l1_p<n>) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of Xe in layer 1. for each of the detectors. The default value varies from detector to detector. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_gm_cm2_l2_p<n>) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of Xe in layer 2 for each of the detectors. The default value varies from detector to detector. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_gm_cm2_l3_p<n>) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of Xe in layer 3 for each of the detectors. The default value varies from detector to detector. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_gm_cm2_pr<n>) [real*4]
The amount of xenon in the propane layer, given in gm/cm^2. The default value varies from detector to detector. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(pr_gmcm2) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of the Propane layer. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(my_gmcm2_p<n>) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of the summed mylar windows. The default value varies from detector to detector. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(al_gmcm2) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of the summed aluminum. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(pralmy_mult_p0 = 1.0) [real*4]
Multiplicative factor which adjusts propane, aluminum and mylar density for PCU0. Whatever values are entered for pr_gmcm2, al_gmcm2 and my_gmcm2_p0 are multiplied by pralmy_mult_p0.

(pralmy_mult_p1 = 1.0) [real*4]
Same as pralmy_mult_p0, but for PCU1. See pralmy_mult_p0 for more information.

(pralmy_mult_p2 = 1.0) [real*4]
Same as pralmy_mult_p0, but for PCU2. See pralmy_mult_p0 for more information.

(pralmy_mult_p3 = 1.0) [real*4]
Same as pralmy_mult_p0, but for PCU3. See pralmy_mult_p0 for more information.

(pralmy_mult_p4 = 1.0) [real*4]
Same as pralmy_mult_p0, but for PCU4. See pralmy_mult_p0 for more information.

(xe_gmcm2_dl) [real*4]
Density in gm/cm^2 of the Xenon cell boundary layer. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_kedge_veto) [real*4]
Non-self veto fraction above the K-edge. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_ledge_veto) [real*4]
Non-self veto fraction above the L3-edge. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xeKedge = 34.561) [real*4]
Xenon K-edge energy in keV.

(xeL3edge = 4.782) [real*4]
Xenon L3 absorption edge in keV.

(xeL2edge = 5.104)
Xenon L2 absorption edge keV.

(xeL1edge = 5.453) [real*4]
Xenon L1 absorption edge keV.

(EscFracKb) [real*4]
The fraction of events above the Xenon K-edge which are detected in the Xenon K-Beta escape peak. Version 1.0 of PCARMF treats this fraction as independent of LLD, and independent of energy. Brookhaven data suggest that this ratio may vary by ~ 10 % as energy varies from 34-60 keV. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscEnerKb = 33.62) [real*4]
The offset in keV of the Xenon K-Beta escape peak.

(EscFracKa) [real*4]
The fraction of events above the Xenon K-edge which are detected in the Xenon K-Alpha escape peak. Version 1.0 of PCARMF treats this fraction as independent of LLD, and independent of energy. Brookhaven data suggest that these assumptions are justified. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscNormKb) [real*4]
Normalization of the Xenon K-Beta escape line. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscEnerKa = 29.70) [real*4]
The offset in keV of the Xenon K-Alpha escape peak.

(EscFracL1) [real*4]
Fraction of L-alpha escape for 1st layer. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscFracL2) [real*4]
Fraction of L-alpha escape for 2nd layer. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscFracL3) [real*4]
Fraction of L-alpha escape for 3rd layer. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(EscEnerLa = 4.110) [real*4]
Energy in keV of the L-alpha escape photon.

(DeltaE_L3 = 0.085) (DeltaE_L2 = 0.032) (DeltaE_L1 = 0.012) (DeltaE_K = 0.180)
The offset, in keV, in the channel to energy law observed at the Xenon edges. The default values are from the literature. The values that are reported to XSPEC as the channel boundaries are not always strictly adjacent; this is necessary for display purposes in energy space, but causes some gaps for some display options. The calculation is believed to get the effective channel width correctly.

(delta_el_L = 3.9) [real*4]
Electron offset for L escape.

(delta_el_Ka = -2.26) [real*4]
Electron offset for K-alpha escape.

(delta_el_Kb = 3.84) [real*4]
Electron offset for K-beta escape

(LBL_sigma = 3.0) [real*4]
Use LBL Xenon cross sections ? Use the following values: 0=Henke; 1=LBL; 2=McMaster; 3=EPICS2017.

(xe_xsect_k1_norm = 1.0) [real*4]
Only if using EPICS2017 Xenon cross sections (LBL_sigma=3), multiplicative factor for K shell cross section values.

(xe_xsect_l1_norm = 1.0) [real*4]
Only if using EPICS2017 Xenon cross sections (LBL_sigma=3), multiplicative factor for L1 shell cross section values.

(xe_xsect_l2_norm = 1.0) [real*4]
Only if using EPICS2017 Xenon cross sections (LBL_sigma=3), multiplicative factor for L2 shell cross section values.

(xe_xsect_l3_norm = 1.0) [real*4]
Only if using EPICS2017 Xenon cross sections (LBL_sigma=3), multiplicative factor for L3 shell cross section values.

(xe_xsect_m_norm = 1.0) [real*4]
Only if using EPICS2017 Xenon cross sections (LBL_sigma=3), multiplicative factor for M shell (and higher) cross section values.

(energy_scale = 1.0) [real*4]
Fudge on channels per keV.

(area_factor = 1.0) [real*4]
Global (multiplicative) area fudge factor.

(epoint) [real*4]
Reference energy for electron tracks. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(track_coeff) [real*4]
Coefficient for electron tracks. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(track_exp) [real*4]
Exponent for electron tracks. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(resolution_factor) [real*4]
Multiplicative coefficient on resolution. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(pcc_coeff) [real*4]
Partial charge coefficient. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_pr_daily_change0) [real*4]
Daily increase in xenon in propane layer, PCU0. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_pr_daily_change1) [real*4]
Daily increase in xenon in propane layer, PCU1. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_pr_daily_change2) [real*4]
Daily increase in xenon in propane layer, PCU2. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_pr_daily_change3) [real*4]
Daily increase in xenon in propane layer, PCU3. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(xe_pr_daily_change4) [real*4]
Daily increase in xenon in propane layer, PCU4. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(w_xe_fact) [real*4]
Scale factor for w_xe. The default values stored in the .par file are not recommended to be changed.

(cdate0_0 = "1997-12-20") [real*4]
Reference date for PCU0.

(cdate0_1 = "1997-12-20") [real*4]
Reference date for PCU1.

(cdate0_2 = "1997-12-20") [real*4]
Reference date for PCU2.

(cdate0_3 = "1997-12-20") [real*4]
Reference date for PCU3.

(cdate0_4 = "1997-12-20") [real*4]
Reference date for PCU4.

(cdate1_<n>) [real*4]
Second reference date for xenon in propane layer. For PCUs 0 and 1 is effectively a date of the propane layer loss. For other PCUs not valid (as of July 2009).




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