HXDWAMPI (July 2008) suzaku.hxd HXDWAMPI (July 2008) NAME hxdwampi -- make gain correction for the WAM FITS USAGE hxdwampi input_name hklist_name trn_bintbl_name trn_gainhist_name DESCRIPTION Fill 'TRN_PI' column in WAM FITS. The gain drift is not corrected in the current hxdwampi (gain is considered in the response matrix). The task expends the reduced PH table via HXD-DE on-board process. The setting is identified by the column 'TRN_TBL_ID', which is defined in the caldb FITS file named "ae_hxd_wampht_YYYYMMDD.fits". The HXD-WAM team quits maintenance of this tool on July 2008. PARAMETERS (read_iomode = create) HXD WAM fits input I/O mode: overwrite or create (time_change = n) HXD WAM fits update TIME : y or n (pi_change = y) HXD WAM fits update PI : y or n (quality_change = n) HXD WAM fits QUALITY update :y or n (gtimode = n) HXD WAM fits using GTI : y or n (gti_time = S_TIME) HXD WAM fits using time : TIME or S_TIME input_name [filename] HXD WAM fits file name (create_name = NONE) HXD WAM fits created file name (used only with read_iomode set to create) hklist_name [filename] HXD HK fits file or @HK file list. trn_bintbl_name [filename] The definition table of the PH compression process in HXD-DE. This is a CALDB file. The name is ae_hxd_wampht_YYYYMMDD.fits the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. trn_gainhist_name [filename] Gain history FITS of WAM. (rnd_seed = 7) Random number seed (rnd_skip = 0) Random number skip (num_event = -1) number of event (-1=all, 0=exit) (event_freq = 10000) Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = -1) ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum) (anl_profile = yes) Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) Message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES Fill PI value for the WAM event file "ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wam.fff" using gain history files named "ae_hxd_wam_ghf.fits" and bin table "ae_hxd_wam_pht_20050613.fits": % hxdwampi input_name="ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wam.fff" \ hklist_name="@hk.list" \ trn_bintbl_name="ae_hxd_wam_pht_20050613.fits" \ trn_gainhist_name="ae_hxd_wam_ghf.fits" BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Yukikatsu TERADA (Saitama University) and the HXD-WAM team, suzaku-wam@astro.isas.jaxa.jp. LAST MODIFIED July 2008