

mxproduct --object=object ra dec tstart tstop


mxproduct is a perl script running the MAXI ftools and general ftools to generate MAXI images, light curves, spectra, and response files. The MAXI event files and auxiliary files have to be downloaded in advance.

mxproduct uses the following MAXI tools :


ra [double]
Right Ascension (degree)

dec [double]
Declination (degree)

tstart [string]
Start time and date of the observation. The parameter can be entered in this format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss or without the time component yyyy-mm-dd.

tstop [string]
Stop time and date of the observation. The parameter can be entered in this format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss or without the time component yyyy-mm-dd.

(split = 1 [integer])
Whether to spilt the output file into multiple event files or have a single merged event file (0:single file, 1:[outfstem]_g%x.evt).

(radi_i=0.0 [double])
Inner extraction radius (degree).

(radi_o=10.0 [double])
Outer extraction radius (degree).

(nx=200 [integer])
Number of pixels in the x-direction.

(ny=200 [integer])
Number of pixels in the y-direction.

(pixsize=0.1 [double])
Pixel size in degrees.

(outform=20 [integer])
SSC instrument only. Output data format (10:GRADE, 11:PHA, 20:EXT).

(dt [double])
Length of each time step in seconds.

(coltha_max_gsc [double])
Maximum absolute value of source theta relative to a GSC camera in degrees.

(coltha_max_ssc [double])
Maximum absolute value of source theta relative to a GSC camera in degrees.

(obscol_dname=REFDATA [string])
The directory where the field of view parameter files exist. This is set to the refdata directory by default.

(sarjfnamelist=trend/isalist.fits [filename])
The name of the list file for the solar panel angles. This list file contains the filename and path to all of the solar panel angle files used by the tool.

(pmfnamelist=trend/isplist.fits [filename])
The name of the list file for the solar paddle angles. This list file contains the filename and path to all of the solar paddle angle files used by the tool.

(gtiskip=0 [boolean])
Skip calculating good time intervals? 1: yes 0: no

(srcregfile_gsc=NONE [filename])
Source region file name for GSC instrument. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.

(srcregfile_ssc=NONE [filename])
Source region file name for SSC instrument. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.

(bgdregfile_gsc=NONE [filename])
Background region file name GSC instrument. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.

(bgdregfile_ssc=NONE [filename])
Background region file name SSC instrument. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.

(bgdscale [double])
Background region / source region scale factor. -1.0 is specified for a LC type background.

(phindx [double])
This is the spectral index of the events assuming a powerlaw spectrum.

(nh [double])
This is the hydrogen column density in the direction of the observation.

(src_dcolphi_max_gsc [double])
Maximum allowed difference in phi between event position and source region for the GSC instrument (degree).

(src_dcolphi_max_ssc [double])
Maximum allowed difference in phi between event position and source region for the SSC instrument (degree).

(src_dcoltha_max_gsc [double])
Maximum allowed difference in theta between event position and source region for the GSC instrument (degree).

(src_dcoltha_max_ssc [double])
Maximum allowed difference in theta between event position and source region for the SSC instrument (degree).

(bgd_dcoltha_min_gsc [double])
Minimum allowed difference in theta between event position and background region for the GSC instrument (degree).

(bgd_dcoltha_min_ssc [double])
Minimum allowed difference in theta between event position and background region for the SSC instrument (degree).

(evt_colphi_max_gsc [double])
Maximum allowed value of phi for an event for the GSC instrument (degree).

(evt_colphi_max_ssc [double])
Maximum allowed value of phi for an event for the SSC instrument (degree).

(effcalc [boolean])
Determine the transmission efficiency correction for the data? (0: No, 1: Yes)

(ebandfname_gsc [filename])
Ascii file which which contains the lower and upper channel of each PI band. The default contents of this file are as follows: 40 119 120 239

(ebandfname_ssc [filename])
Ascii file which which contains the lower and upper channel of each PI band. The default contents of this file are as follows: 192 547 548 1917

(abs_colphi_min_gsc [double])
The minimum allowed value of collimator phi in each scan for GSC instrument (degrees).

(abs_colphi_max_gsc [double])
The maximum allowed value of collimator phi in each scan for GSC instrument (degrees).

(abs_colphi_min_ssc [double])
The minimum allowed value of collimator phi in each scan for SSC instrument (degrees).

(abs_colphi_max_ssc [double])
The maximum allowed value of collimator phi in each scan for SSC instrument (degrees).

(srctime_min [double])
The minimum source time allowed for each scan (seconds).

(bgdtime_min [double])
The maximum background time allowed for each scan (seconds).

(colexp_min [double])
The minimun collimater effective area exposure value (cm^2 s) allowed per scan.

(scnts_min [double])
The minimun number of source counts allowed per scan.

(bcnts_min [double])
The minimun number of background counts allowed per scan.

(hvsel [integer])
HV selection (1: 1650V only, 2: 1550V only, else: no selection)

(camlist_gsc [string])
GSC hex-ID list. This string identifies which GSC cameras are present in the observation.

(camlist_ssc [string])
GSC hex-ID list. This string identifies which GSC cameras are present in the observation.

(moondist [double])
Minimum value of the source distance (degrees) from the moon in each scan, used only for the ssc case.

(dlpath [boolean])
Data downlink path (0: Low, 1: Med)

(outpath [string])
Path of output products directory

(image_gsc [integer])
Does the script stop after the creation of the GSC Image file? (0: no 1: yes)

(image_ssc [integer])
Does the script stop after the creation of the SSC Image file? (0: no 1: yes)

(skip_gsc [integer])
Whether to run all GSC tasks or not. 0: Run all GSC tasks 1: Skip all GSC tasks.

(skip_ssc [integer])
Whether to run all SSC tasks or not. 0: Run all SSC tasks 1: Skip all SSC tasks.

(object [string])
Name of the object used as a stem to name the output files. NOTE : the object name should not include mathematical symbols as -/+ nor spaces or dots. If the object name include coordinates please substitute -/+ with m/p. For example a) if the object is Cyg X-1, please enter cygx1; b)if the object is IGRJ16318-4848 plese enter igrj16318m4848.

(skip_auxil_list [integer])
Skip the creation of the auxilery list files? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxextract_gsc [integer])
Skip task mxextract for the gsc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxextract_ssc [integer])
Skip task mxextract for the ssc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxscancur_gsc [integer])
Skip task mxscancur for the gsc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxscancur_ssc [integer])
Skip task mxscancur for the ssc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxgtiwmap_gsc [integer])
Skip task mxgtiwmap for the gsc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(skip_mxgtiwmap_ssc [integer])
Skip task mxgtiwmap for the ssc case? 1: yes 0: no.

(camera_flag_gsc_1650v [string])
Flag string, contains infomation about which cameras are present for the 1650 data mode.

(camera_flag_gsc_1550v [string])
Flag string, contains infomation about which cameras are present for the 1550 data mode.

(datapath [string])
Path to the directory where the input data resides.

(auxpath [string])
Path to the auxiliary files directory.

(attlist=attlist.fits [filename])
Name of the attitude list file. It can be either a fits or text format list. It specifies the spacecraft attitude files which are used by the task.

(isalist=isalist.fits [filename])
The name of the list file for the solar panel angles. This list file contains the filename and path to all of the solar panel angle files used by the tool.

(isplist = isplist.fits [filename])
The name of the list file for the solar paddle angles. This list file contains the filename and path to all of the solar paddle angle files used by the tool.

(mountdata = 0) [integer]
Whether locally mounted data is used or not 0: no 1: yes

(gscdl = low [string]
The GSC downlink path [low] or med.

(cleanup = no) [boolean]
Determines whether to delete temporary files (yes/[no]).

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes (yes/[no]).

(chatter = 1) [integer]
Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.

(history = yes) [boolean]
Records tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no).

(mode = ql) [string ql|hl|q]
Mode to query the parameter file. Acceptable values include: "ql (query and learn/remember), "hl" (hidden and learn/remember), "q" (query but don't remember), "h" (hidden).(Optional)


Extract MAXI image, light curve, spectra and responses for Crab from 2010-02-01 to 2010-02-05.

mxproduct --object=crab 83.633083 22.0145 2010-02-01 2010-02-05 


mxextract, mxscancur, mxgscandat, mxsscandat, mxlcscan, mxgtiwmap, mxgrmfgen, mxsrmfgen