XISUCODE (Jun07) suzaku.xisucode XISUCODE (Jun07) NAME xisucode -- Fill microcode information in the FITS header USAGE xisucode microcode_file infile1 [infile2 ...] DESCRIPTION The task obtains information of XIS minor modes for the input 1st FITS files (FFFs) from a microcode list file in CALDB, and writes important parameters for calibration (WINOPT, WIN_ST, WIN_SIZ, SNAPTIME, PSUM_L, CI, BINNING, SRAV_VER and DELAY) in the header keywords of the input FFFs. The task also put a correct TIMEDEL keyword value for the WINDOW and BURST modes. The task reads the CODE_ID keyword in the input 1st FITS file, and finds information of the microcode with the same ID in the microcode list. When data are taken with the charge injection option (CI = 2 for SCI-54rows or 3 for SCI-108rows), the keywords SCIPERIY, SCISTATY, SCISPEED, SCIN, SCIYn, AP4N, AP4Yn, AP256N, and AP256Yn are also filled. BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Ken Ebisawa, M.OZAKI (ISAS/JAXA), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU), H.MATSUMOTO (Kyoto Univ) LAST MODIFIED May 2007