Release Notes for Swift 1.0

Nov 23, 2004

This release includes : 
 - The first version of the Swift software
 - New Package: Attitude 
 - New tools to manipulate FITS files (HEAtools)
 - HEASoft 5.3.1 with a change in xselect (v2.2a) 

This document contains notes about the content of the new Swift
software and changes to xselect.  For details about installing
the Swift 1.0 software, please see:

   For the source code distribution:

   For the pre-compiled binary distribution:

Below are listed the Swift specific tools, the new multi-mission tasks 
related to attitude, new tools to manipulate FITS files and the change
to xselect. 

More information of the individual tasks can be obtained using the
fhelp utility.  Type "fhelp ftools" to obtain a full listing of all the
tools available, or "fhelp <sub-package-name>" to list all of the tools
in a particular subpackage, e.g., "fhelp swift".  Finally, type
"fhelp <toolname>" for more detailed help on a particular tool.



  - batbinevt - Compute mask weighted light curves or spectra from BAT event
  - batcelldetect - Perform source detection using the sliding cell method.
  - batclean - Read in a DPI and clean out a fit to the diffuse background.
  - batdph2dpi - Compress a 3-d image cube along the first (energy) dimension
    to create a 2-d image.
  - batdph2pha - Read in a DPH and output a file containing a spectrum for each
  - batdrmgen - Compute BAT detector response matrix for a known source
  - bateconvert - Read in an event file and apply energy conversions.
  - batfftimage - Make sky image from detector plane image by FFT deconvolution.
  - bathotpix - Locate and mask out hot pixels in a BAT detector image.
  - batid2xy - Convert between detector ID and x/y position in the BAT array.
  - batmasktaglc - Derive light curves from mask tagged rate packets.
  - batmaskwtevt - Compute mask weights for an event file.
  - batmaskwtimg - Compute mask weights for the entire detector BAT plane.
  - batsumdph - Add specified rows in a BAT_DPH table and generate a new,
    single-row BAT_DPH extension.
  - battblocks - Estimate interesting GTIs for time-variable data.


  - uvot2pha - Create a pha file from a UVOT image and region files.
  - uvotbadpix - Create pixel quality map from a bad pixel list.
  - uvotdetect - Detect sources in an UVOT image using XIMAGE.
  - uvotevgrism - Filter a UVOT grism event list and determine wavelength
  - uvotexpmap - Generate exposure maps for UVOT sky images.
  - uvotflatfield - Perform flatfield correction for UVOT images.
  - uvotimgrism - Extract UVOT grism spectra and calculate wavelength scale.
  - uvotimsum - Sum UVOT sky images or exposure maps.
  - uvotmag - Photometrically calibrate sources in a UVOT image.
  - uvotmaghist - Generate magnitude history for UVOT image file.
  - uvotmodmap - Correct a UVOT image for modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise.
  - uvotpict - Creat a finding chart image.
  - uvotrmfgen - Create a UVOT response matrix.
  - uvotscreen - Filter a UVOT event list.
  - uvotstarid - Match a source list against a star catalog to identify sources.
  - uvottfc - UVOT TDRSS finding chart processing.


  - xrtcalcpi - Fill or update PI column in XRT event files (PC, WT and PD
  - xrtcentroid - Calculate source centroid for a given area (box) using XIMAGE.
  - xrtevtrec - Reconstruct events, calculate PHA and assign grade for WT and
    PD modes.
  - xrtfilter - Run 'prefilter' and 'makefilter' to create a filter file from
    housekeeping data.
  - xrtflagpix - Flag events for bad pixels and calibration source location.
  - xrthkproc - Process XRT housekeeping header packets file.
  - xrthotpix - Search for hot and flickering pixels for XRT Photon Counting
  - xrtimage - Subtract bias and clean bad pixels in XRT Imaging Mode data.
  - xrtmkarf - Generate an ARF file for an input RMF file.
  - xrtpcgrade - Calculate the PHA values and assign event grades.
  - xrtpdcorr - Subtract the bias to the event PHA values taken in Photodiode
  - xrtpipeline - Run in sequence the tasks for XRT data processing.
  - xrtproducts - Generate high level product data files from a cleaned event
  - xrtscreen - Generate GTIs and use them (and other criteria) to perform
    event screening.
  - xrttam - Perform attitude correction to detector coordinates using the
    TAM device.
  - xrttdrss - Process XRT TDRSS messages.
  - xrttimetag - Assign event arrival times and fill DETX/DETY columns for
    Windowed Timing and Photodiode modes.
  - xrtversion - Prints the version and date of the Swift-XRT subpackage.


  - swiftversion - Report overall version number and date of entire
    HEAdas/Swift package.
  - swiftxform - Perform image transformations on a multi-extension Swift
    image file.


  - barycorr - Generalized multi-mission barycenter correction tool.

     * NOTE specific to Swift: Does not yet completely apply the UTCF. It
       currently will read and apply the UTCFINIT keyword value, but does
       not use the UTCF_log or any finer time corrections based on
       information from the Misson Operation Center.


  - applyxform - Transform a list of coordinates.
  - aspect - Calculate the mean pointing for an attitude file.
  - attcombine - 
  - attdump - Report the R.A., Dec, and Roll for an attitude file.
  - combinexform - Create or modify a transform.
  - coordinator - Convert raw coordinates to detector and sky coordinates.
  - det2att -
  - draw_teldef - Produce a PostScript plot of coordinates described by a
    teldef calibration file.
  - expomap - Generate an exposure map.
  - getwcs - Extracts the WCS keywords for a teldef file coordinate system.
  - getxform - Extract a transform between coordinate systems in a teldef file.
  - imagetrans - Apply a coordinate transform to an image.
  - imagexform - Transform an image from one coordinate system to another.
  - makefilter - Create a filter file from Housekeeping files.
  - prefilter - Derive attitude and orbit related quantities.
  - transform_wcs - Modify WCS keywords according to a transform.


  - ftcalc - Calculate values in a table column
  - ftchecksum - Verify or update the checksum keywords in a FITS file
  - ftcopy - Copy a file, applying optional filters
  - ftcreate - Create a FITS table from ASCII template files
  - ftdelhdu - Delete a HDU in a FITS file
  - ftdelrow - Delete rows from a table
  - ftdiff - Display differences between 2 FITS files
  - ftedit - Edit one or more image pixels or table elements
  - ftemplate - Create a new FITS file using an ASCII template file
  - fthedit - Edit one or more header keywords
  - ftimgcreate - Create a FITS image from an ASCII data file
  - ftkeypar - Read a keyword and copy its value to the parameter file
  - ftlist - List the contents of the input file
  - ftmerge - Merge rows from multiple input tables into a single table
  - ftpaste - Merge columns from 2 input tables into a single table
  - ftselect - Copy selected rows from the input table to a new table
  - ftsort - Sort rows in a table
  - ftstat - Calculate statistics of images or tables
  - ftverify - Check that a file conforms to the FITS format


Version 2.2a:

  - Replaced getting MJDREF from the MDB by reading MJDREF[F/I] and TIMESYS
    from the event file. These are used when time filtering based on UTC or
    MJD ranges.

  - Now includes conversion from UTC to TT if TIMESYS='TT'.

HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk

If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site ( and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]:

Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby

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Last modified: Wednesday, 24-Nov-2004 12:16:49 EST