uvot2pha - create a pha file from a UVOT image and region files


uvot2pha infile=<filename> srcreg=<filename> bkgreg=<filename> srcpha=<filename> bkgpha=<filename> respfile=<filename>


This tool uses UVOTSOURCE to compute fully-corrected counts and areas from specified regions of a UVOT image and then calls ASCII2PHA to generate corresponding OGIP-compliant PHA files for the source and background regions.

Note that because of the way UVOTSOURCE is invoked the user must be set up to access the HEASARC's Calibration Database (CALDB).


infile [filename]
UVOT FITS image file. If a particular extension isn't specified then the first extension will be used.

srcreg = "source.reg" [filename]
Name of source region file (ascii) generated, eg, by XIMAGE or DS9. Must be smaller than 5 arcsec.

bkgreg = "background.reg" [filename]
Background region file (ascii) generated, eg, by XIMAGE or DS9

srcpha = "source.pha" [filename]
Name for the output FITS source PHA file.

bkgpha = "background.pha" [filename]
Name for the output FITS background PHA file.

respfile [filename]
Name of the UVOT response file to be used. Specifying "CALDB" will cause the tool to look up the proper file in the Calibration Database and use it.

(logfile="NONE") [filename]
Name of the log file to which the verbose uvotsource output will be appended. The default value of "NONE" will suppress writing to the log file.

(phatype = "rate") [string]
Output pha files may be expressed in COUNTS or RATE (default)

(ra = -) [string]
Right Ascension. If provided, it will be written in the output pha file as RA_OBJ. The default is to do nothing.

(dec = -) [string]
Declination. If provided, it will be written in the output pha file as DEC_OBJ. The default is to do nothing.

(date_obs = -) [string]
Start date for observation. If provided, this value will be written in the output pha file as DATE-OBS. By default the value of DATE-OBS, if present, will be copied from the input file instead.

(time_obs = -) [string]
Start time for observation. If provided, this value will be written in the output pha file as TIME-OBS. By default the value of TIME-OBS, if present, will be copied from the input file instead. The FITS standard allows for the time to be included as part of DATE-OBS so that a separate TIME-OBS keyword is not needed.

(date_end = -) [string]
End date for observation. If provided, this value will be written in the output pha file as DATE-END. By default the value of DATE-END, if present, will be copied from the input file instead.

(time_end = -) [string]
End time for observation. If provided, this value will be written in the output pha file as TIME-END. By default the value of TIME-END, if present, will be copied from the input file instead. The FITS standard allows for the time to be included as part of DATE-END so that a separate TIME-END keyword is not needed.

(tmpdir = .) [directory]
Location to write two very small temporary ascii files. The default is the current working directory.

(chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
Standard HEAdas chatter parameter (1-5) controlling the verbosity of the task.

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Standard HEAdas clobber parameter; controls whether the output pha files (and temporary ascii files) are permitted to overwrite existing files.

(history = yes) [boolean]
Standard HEAdas history parameter; controls whether the runtime parameter values should be written in block of HISTORY keywords in the output pha files.


The following examples illustrate running uvot2pha

1. run uvot2pha prompting for all options:

2. run uvot2pha specifying image and region files on command line (output and response filenames will be prompted for):

      uvot2pha infile=sw00000001001ubbsky.img srcreg=source.reg bkgreg=background.reg
3. run uvot2pha specifying the RA/DEC (with required parameters prompted for):

      uvot2pha ra='23 21 01' dec='-41 48 36'




October 2008