XISCOORD (March 2009) suzaku.xis XISCOORD (March 2009) NAME xiscoord -- calculate the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y coordinates of the XIS events USAGE xiscoord infile outfile attitude pointing DESCRIPTION The task calculates the ACT, DEC, FOC and sky X/Y coordinates of each event in the input XIS event file and output an event file with those columns filled. The ACT, DEC and FOC coordinates describe event positions in an individual detector or positions co-aligned between detectors. The task reads those information from the telemetry definition (teldef) file specified in the hidden option "teldef", and which are generally stored in the CALDB. The sky X/Y coordinate describes event arrival direction with respect to the nominal R.A. and Dec. position defined in the FITS header (TCRVL10 and TCRVL11 for the R.A., Dec. reference positions and TCDLT10 and TCDLT11 for the X/Y pixel scales). To know the satellite attitude at each event arrival time, the task reads an attitude file corresponding to each observation specified in the attitude option, or uses an average EULER angle with additional ea1, ea2 and ea3 options with the attitude option EULER. The pointing option specifies the type of the reference position to be referred for the nominal R.A. and Dec. position. With the "KEY" parameter, the task read the the RA_NOM and DEC_NOM keywords in the input event file, while the "USER" can give the user-defined nominal R.A., Dec. position with putting the additional ref_alpha and ref_delta options. PARAMETERS infile [filename] Input event FITS file. outfile [filename] output event FITS file. (ignore_frames = yes) [boolean] Flag to ignore the FRAMES extension attitude [filename] Attitude file name, or EULER. When EULER is specified, fixed Euler angles are used for the attitude of the satellite. ea1 [real] 1st XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. ea2 [real] 2nd XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. ea3 [real] 3rd XYZ-Euler angle (deg), asked when attitude=EULER. pointing [string] pointing type, KEY/USER. When KEY is specified, the RA_NOM and DEC_NOM keywords in the input event file are referred to as the sky reference position. When USER is specified, a user can set the RA, DEC and ROLL of the sky references, manually. ref_alpha [real] R.A. of the sky reference position, asked when pointing=USER. ref_delta [real] DEC. of the sky reference position, asked when pointing=USER. ref_roll = 0.0 [real] Roll angle of the sky reference, asked when pointing=USER. (teldef = CALDB) [filename] Input teldef file. The file is generally stored in CALDB, named ae_xiN_teldef_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. (aberration = yes) [boolean] correct aberration. (rand_seed = 7) [integer] random number seed (rand_skip = 0.0) [real] random number skip count (hk_time_margin = 3600) [real] time margin in second to consider AE-temp is valid (hk_aetemp_min = -30) [real] minimum value in degC to consider AE-temp is valid (hk_aetemp_max = +40) [real] maximum value in degC to consider AE-temp is valid (num_event = -1) [integer] number of event (-1: all, 0: exit) (event_freq = 1000) [integer] Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = -1) [integer] ANL verbose level (-1: full, 0: minimum) (anl_profile = yes) [boolean] Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) [integer] message chatter level (0: min, 2: norm, 5: max) EXAMPLES 1. Calculate the detector and sky coordinates for the event file ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.fff, and create a new event file ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.unf by referring to ae_all19990902_2325_2625.att, with sky reference position taken from the keywords RA_NOM, DEC_NOM. % xiscoord infile=ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.fff \ outfile=ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.unf \ attitude=ae_all19990902_2325_2625.att pointing=KEY 2. Calculate the detector and sky coordinates for the event file ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.fff, and create a new event file ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.unf, for the the average satellite Euler angles (187.25,88.0,70.0) and the sky reference point (187.25, 2.0) with the roll angle of the sky reference 0.0. % xiscoord infile=ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.fff \ outfile=ae_x_all19990902_2325_2625_xis0_5x5.unf \ attitude=EULER pointing=USER \ ea1=187.25 ea2=88.0 ea3=70.0 \ ref_alpha=187.25 ref_delta=2.0 ref_roll=0.0 BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Emi Miyata (Osaka University), Atsushi Senda (RIKEN), Aya Bamba (RIKEN), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU), and the XIS team. LAT MODIFIED May 2007