
heasoftpy is a python wrapper around the HEASoft tools.

This notebooks is a quick "Getting Started" guide. It contains a walkthough the main features of the package

The first thing we need is to import the heasoftpy package. Please follow the insallation instructions in in README file.

The general package help can printed by doing hsp? or

Example 1: Exploring The Content of a Fits File with ftlist

The simplest way to run a task is call the function directly (after installing the package) as: hsp.taks_name(...)

Here too, we can print the help text for a task using standard python help: hsp.task_name?

For ftlist, there two required inputs: infile and option, so that both paramters need to be provided, otherwise, we will get prompted for the missing parameters

Running a task returns an HSPResult instance, which is a simple container for the results that contains:

In this case, we may want to just print the output as:

A returncode = 0 indicates the task executed without problems.

We can print the content result to see all the returns of the task:

We can modify the parameters returned in results, and pass them again to the task.

Say we want to print the column header:

Notice how the column header is printed now!

If we forget to pass a required parameter, we will be prompted for it. For example:

In this case, parameter filist:option was missing, so we are prompted for it, and the default value is printed between brackets: (T), we can type a value, just press Return to accept the default value.

For tasks that take longer to run, the user may be interested in the seeing the output as the task runs. There is a verbose option to print the output of the command similar to the standard output in command line tasks.

There is an alternative way to calling a task, and that is by creating an instance of HSPTask and calling it. For the example of ftlist, we would do:

the ftlist instance acts just like the function hsp.ftlist above.

The parameters of the task are attributes of the HSPTask object (called ftlist here), so they can be easily modified:

Note that the line out = ftlist() executes without querying for parameters because it uses parameters from the previous run, which are stored in ftlist.params and returned in out.params

Disable parameter query

For some tasks, particularly pipelines, the user may want to runs the task without querying all the parameters. In that case, we can pass the noprompt=True when calling the task, and heasoftpy will run the task without checking the prameters. For example, to process the NuSTAR observation 60001111003, we can do:

r = hsp.nupipeline(indir='60001111003', outdir='60001111003_p', steminputs='nu60001111003', 
                   noprompt=True, verbose=True)

this will call nupipeline without querying all parameters (using the defaults), and printing all progress as it runs (verbose=True)