Extract lightcurves and spectra using the high gain data (PI_HIGH) from a CGBM SGM
event file. Generate lightcurves for bands 155-410, 411-2026, 2027-4031,
and a TOTAL channel band 155-4031 using each of 1.0 s and 64 ms time bins.
Limit the events used to make products to those contained within GTIs
defined by the file bssgm12700.gti.
Use the HEASoft reference data to define the CGBM rebin grouping when making rebinned spectra.
Create a log file of this named cgbm_speclc.log, overwritting any
previous log file with that name.
cgbm_speclc infile="cgbm_20210104_sgm_112700.evt.gz" outfile="sgm12700" gtifile="bssgm12700.gti"
timebin1=1 timebin2=0.064 pirangel="155:410" pirangem="411:2026" pirangeh="2027:4031"
ecol="PI_HIGH" binfile=REFDATA lconly=no
Extract a lightcurve from a CGBM SGM instrument event file, but no spectra.
The lightcurve contains three channel ranges: 155-410, 411-2026,
and a TOTAL channel band 155-2026 using a 0.5 s binning. Use only events within the
GTI specified by bssgm12700.gti.
cgbm_speclc infile="cgbm_20210104_sgm_112700.evt.gz" outfile="sgm12700" gtifile="bssgm12700.gti"
timebin1=0.5 timebin2=NONE pirangel="155:410" pirangem="411:2026"
ecol="PI_HIGH" lconly=yes
Extract a spectra, but no lightcurve, from the CGBM SGM instrument using the
low gain data in the event file. Do not create a rebinned spectra.
cgbm_speclc infile="cgbm_20210104_sgm_112700.evt.gz" outfile="sgm12700" gtifile="bssgm12700.gti"
timebin1=NONE ecol="PI_LOW" binfile=NONE