

mxextract gsc @gsc.list 1 crab crab crab 83.633083 22.0145 0 8 200 200 0.1 trend/attlist.fits


Create a event file for a given sky position (see paramaters ra and dec), and inner and outer radius of the region (see paramaters radi_i and radi_o), from the HEALPix event files. The event position in the output event file maybe resampled using the paramaters nx ny and pixelsize. This task is used in mxproduct.


inst [string]
Name of the instrument (gsc, ssc)

infname [filename]
Name of input event file, or file name containing a list of event filenames. The list file is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of an event file and is entered as "@event_list.txt".

split = 1 [integer]
Whether to spilt the output file into multiple event files (one for each of the HEALPix file) or have a single merged event file (0:single file, 1:[outfstem]_g%x.evt).

outfname [filename]
Name of output event file if split=0.

outfstem [filename]
Output file stem if split=1 (output file names in this format: [outfstem]_g%x.evt).

object [string]
String value for the OBJECT keyword that is set in output event file(s).

ra [double]
Right Ascension (degree). Together with the dec parameter, they are the position coordinates of the center region to extract events.

dec [double]
Declination. (degree). Together the dec parameter they are the position coordinates of the center region to extarct events

radi_i=0.0 [double]
Inner extraction radius (degree).

radi_o=10.0 [double]
Outer extraction radius (degree).

nx=200 [integer]
The selected events maybe resampled using the nx , ny and pixsize parameters. nx specified number of pixels in the x-direction in the resample region.

ny=200 [integer]
The selected events maybe resampled using the nx , ny and pixsize parameters. ny specified number of pixels in the x-direction in the resample region.

pixsize=0.1 [double]
The selected events maybe resampled using the nx , ny and pixsize parameters. Pixel size in degrees.

(leapsecfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the leapsecond calibration file. Used to apply leapsecond correction to mission time.

attlist=DEF [filename]
Name of the spacecraft attitude files used by the task. It can be entered as a single file or a file list where The list file is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of one attitude file and is entered as "@list.txt".

(teldefgsc=CALDB [filename])
Text formate list of GSC telescope definition files (or CALDB). If a list is specified it must be givin in this form @filename.

(teldefssc=CALDB [filename])
Text format list of GSC telescope definition files (or CALDB). If a list is specified it must be givin in this form @filename.

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes (yes/[no]).

(chatter = 1) [integer]
Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.

(history = yes) [boolean]
Records tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no).

(mode = ql) [string ql|hl|q]
Mode to query the parameter file. Acceptable values include: "ql (query and learn/remember), "hl" (hidden and learn/remember), "q" (query but don't remember), "h" (hidden).

outform=20 [integer]
SSC instrument only. Output data format (10:GRADE, 11:PHA, 20:EXT).


Extract a sngile GSC event file a list of plural files (gsc.list), where the reference (RA, DEC) is (83.633083, 22.0145) and radius is 8 degree, X and Y image pixel sizes are 200 x 200, and the pixel size is 0.1 degree.

 mxextract gsc @gsc.list 1  crab crab crab 83.633083 22.0145 0 8 200 200 0.1 trend/attlist.fits       

