SIMPLE = T /Dummy Created by MWRFITS v1.6a BITPIX = 16 /Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS NAXIS = 0 /No data is associated with this header EXTEND = T /FITS data set may contain extensions CONTENT = 'LIGHT CURVE' /file contains rate data ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file TELSCOP = 'SWIFT ' /Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J1234.7-6433 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 188.724 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -64.5660 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format AUTHOR = ' ' /Program name that produced this file NAME = 'SWIFT J1234.7-6433 ' /Object name FACET = 2 /BAT survey facet number BSURVER = '5C ' /BAT survey processing version BMOSVER = '98 ' /BAT survey mosaicking version CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 32 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 167 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /required keyword TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns in table COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'RATE ' /name of this binary table extension TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format TIMESYS = 'TT ' /The time system is MJD TIMEUNIT= 'd ' /Time unit CLOCKCOR= F /if time corrected to UT TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' /Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' /Time assigned by clock TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data TIMEDEL = 8 /[d] Time binning INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J1234.7-6433 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 188.724 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -64.5660 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' /Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'LIGHTCURVE' /Extenion contains light curve data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' /Total data values HDUCLAS3= 'COUNT/S ' /Light curve is unit of count/s TELAPSE = 680.99514 /TSTOP - TSTART EXPOSURE= 4916766.4 /Total exposure, with all known correction NAME = 'SWIFT J1234.7-6433 ' /Object name FACET = 2 /BAT survey facet number CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / TTYPE2 = 'RATE ' / TTYPE3 = 'ERROR ' / TTYPE4 = 'EXPOSURE ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'D ' / TUNIT1 = 'd ' /physical unit of field TFORM2 = 'D ' / TUNIT2 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM3 = 'D ' / TUNIT3 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM4 = 'D ' / TUNIT4 = 's ' /physical unit of field END @ ߼!J6?%?`@@@azjr?t?S@ⓤ@1?0?5@y @`?rԤ?v?] @|@@zjr?o9?o@v@`_?\?qx@s@I??a@h@`0u?!Y?@"@L? m?{@@;`@`B?To?Ϡ@)R@F?)ػ`? @E@`_??@5!@y?`?7@@r@`9y?$Z?}?@@պ??@b@`W|? V@? V@-@?# ?B @@`V4@?(?`?@z@@?!ܦ`?Ӏ@rD@^(? +2@?$@@ѥ<>?! @0@ \?$t? H @9!@rԤ?1*?ݥ@@r@`P?-? E`@4 @?X?^`@v@`V? $?`@着@c^? L?"s@?& ?:*@ߞ@@/`?$͠?_@p@/0u?!X`?h A4@0`K'??+@@n @0"d?-,?=D @@1Z?k ?/@ռi@@2 /T?'&`?&@BЀ@2,?"=?m@p@3 \?,AK`?@`@30u?&M?:@ł@4 >w?w`?v6@,@4%?s @?T`@AB@5"?$}? !@@Z@5!J6?K? @Z:@@6 ? ( ?U@#v@6?s?0@Џ@@7 =?/? `@`@7Ͽ?k`? @۠ @8Z-?#Ĵ?ߊ@>@8#/?=?' @4 @9 @f??@ӵ@@9?u?m@@: D?8`?(a@@ @:?,<? @"@@; M2[H?g?J@Z@;ѥaÓ?*P?6@Z`@>#/?*A ?u@3@? ?%S?$x@@@??$}? z@<@@@ ?? S@ @@3t?u ?@@١`@A \?$ю@?@"@A%??j@@@B!J6?@?!ء@T?@B?,?4i@=@@C(C?C^8`@x"@C}ϑ+߾2?,v @&@@D ,|O!Z?#"`@T@D0u??`@3!`@E &?)=?@@ @EVb?&?&@@b @F ӊ?`?'@@Z@FL??c7`@͘@G AQ@?!m@@7@G;֊]@?/@-@@H t?!ܛ@? *@@HN?-h?d@@M@I 0u?"`?L @@I!?? @i@J =>c?'`@+@@J"d>?F-@9@K K'?2j ?@_@K#zjs? ?@\@L Z-ĿYɠ?=@ @LFk [?>c@ @M 5~5Z>ۘ'`?66e@"@M \? ?$-@x@N iYb?d?u@e@N#/>w#`?ú @%@@O U. ?,D@@Y`@O? 0`?$@q@P?ѱ?#4O@Dz @PξR?&CR@@Q x?m@? @ @Q D?3?U@֗@R K'?"K?h@h @R_?,?@@S`?@W@T 0u?_K@?Ɂ@@TN?-R?`@@U`?%n ?@@@Uo?4ae?#@5@V t?C ?3Tn@L@@VU?:â?$7@@W =>GӀ?y@O@@Wt?N@?@@d@X;֊?? QG@@E@X ӊ?;_?@@Y^?v ?c@q @@Y_?"5`? ~@z@@Z Fl??^@@@Z.`??`@@[^?@?w@@@[ D?). ?]@݃@\ ?(}?#`@B6@\ Z-?&? Ւ@@] ?!iI`? U@;m@] ?q??@'@^ 2?e? @@t@^?$) ? `@@_ Fk?'Y@? |@s`@_W|?'Wp?@a@` K'>?b@$@`M>r?u߀@! @a ?%`e ?Z@@@aFk>?!Z@@;@b`?'} ? À@&