SIMPLE = T /Dummy Created by MWRFITS v1.6a BITPIX = 16 /Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS NAXIS = 0 /No data is associated with this header EXTEND = T /FITS data set may contain extensions CONTENT = 'LIGHT CURVE' /file contains rate data ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file TELSCOP = 'SWIFT ' /Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J2223.9-0207 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 335.957 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -2.10300 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format AUTHOR = ' ' /Program name that produced this file NAME = 'SWIFT J2223.9-0207 ' /Object name FACET = 5 /BAT survey facet number BSURVER = '5C ' /BAT survey processing version BMOSVER = '98 ' /BAT survey mosaicking version CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 32 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 149 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /required keyword TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns in table COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'RATE ' /name of this binary table extension TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format TIMESYS = 'TT ' /The time system is MJD TIMEUNIT= 'd ' /Time unit CLOCKCOR= F /if time corrected to UT TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' /Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' /Time assigned by clock TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data TIMEDEL = 8 /[d] Time binning INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J2223.9-0207 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 335.957 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -2.10300 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' /Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'LIGHTCURVE' /Extenion contains light curve data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' /Total data values HDUCLAS3= 'COUNT/S ' /Light curve is unit of count/s TELAPSE = 680.99514 /TSTOP - TSTART EXPOSURE= 5936728.5 /Total exposure, with all known correction NAME = 'SWIFT J2223.9-0207 ' /Object name FACET = 5 /BAT survey facet number CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / TTYPE2 = 'RATE ' / TTYPE3 = 'ERROR ' / TTYPE4 = 'EXPOSURE ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'D ' / TUNIT1 = 'd ' /physical unit of field TFORM2 = 'D ' / TUNIT2 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM3 = 'D ' / TUNIT3 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM4 = 'D ' / TUNIT4 = 's ' /physical unit of field END @ ߼!J6?w?n@@@azjr?ߠ? @@@1>R+?E@r@`?rԤ?ƀ?!@<@@zjr? Y?&`@u@`_?- ?$@1@I?I?6ƨ@x@`0u?`?@@L?`? @@F?!"?A@jT@`_?.樀?(/@@y?`?8@b' @`9y?;?.`@f@`Pc? 7@ܔ@ξ?@z@`V?0d2 ?7d@y@`Ht?C?w@@?E ? r;@@Ũ@_L?? @@@?y@?M]@@@_`>n?|@ 2@@&? u ? `@@`_?> ? @D@u. ?%:(@+@`% р? <: @j @iYb?_@?{@@@ `O+??A`@ڵ@ ߍ2[H?? @c@!_o?V?J@}=@!&?=?@@"#/??_@@@#>ѥM? Ψ@@ @$l|!>k? ^@O;@$ (>\:?hL@=a@%_D?_?U@4 @% Z-?P @?@[@@&_p#>?wz@@_@&+޾`?`@8A@'` \>~W@?@@'Vb?J`?]@ձ@)d? J?@U@*`=?)? %y@o@*>#* ?=@@|`@+_?Wf?e@@L@@+Ξr?:? `@l@,_뉖> ? !`@?@@,D0u>O ?`@m@@-_Ξr? ?7@@ܾ@-rԤ?0?@M@@.`iYb?$@?@?@.>? ?5@S=@/`?'?$@Ϻ@@/0u? O? [@@`@0`K'?`??@=@0"d?>2 >`@@@1Z?? @>@1w?U?ɚ@@2 /T>`?&6@F@2,? =`?@%@@3 \?ɀ?t@F@30u?x?C@j`@4 >w? ?(`@*f@4%??ܠ@\@5"? ?@q@5!J6?W`?e@@6 >΀?4@@@@6? )@? @@@7 =?k?wl@@7Ͽ?'h@?@@8Z-? "`?@@8#/> ? @@9 @f?ՠ? @@@9? ?a3@N@: D??>@ʗh@:?o ?$@$1@; M2[H?)*O?}@B<@;ѥXҀ?X߀@ɸ@>aÓP?`@`@>#/?%] ?@l@? ? d?@̞@??? 3*@@/;@@@ ?Nf`? @Y @@3t?"d@?(l`@ `@A \?@ ?3ʮ@]@A%?-`?>L@@E &?@v+?C#@@x<@@EVb?!ޱ ?7!v@@@F ӊ0?-@X`@^m@@FL?@5;@@G A?h ?c@4@G;֊?)N?@o@H t5W?'@@@HN??" @@I 0u?5?2@@I!?#K@?.@@J =`?`@ @J"d>?i@T@K K'? F?4@wq@K#zjs? R?@hu@L Z-? ? @*@@LFk?&?Ro`@U@M 5~5Z?i?@޿@@M \? ?<@@lA@N iYb? @?@@N#/?p>Nd@@O U?[`?b@m @O?F_?=@@P??@|`@P?>A @Q x?=*?A @Q D> ? K@R@R K'>f@?Oe@k@R_??@`@S? 9@m@@U`?a,? s0@Ⲩ`@Uo>'? @ڦ6 @V tߵd@?@K@VU? $? @@W =?w? ˀ@T+@Wt?"?@J@X;֊?!W9? 5@@ݑ`@X ӊ?#s ?`@ny@@Y^?r? U@.E@Y_?0h&?Y@.@@Z Fl?*2,?9T@A@Z.`?z<?[8 @ @@[^?+I ?$8@@@[ D? ]?`@>`@\ ? m?? @@\ Z-ĿR@?j`@9@] ?I?@O@] ?q?e`?@׋e@^ 2:?-@bڀ@^?f?@x@_ Fk?!8?@`@_W|? 7Ơ?@@{@` K'@?]@@@`M??MW`@Y@@a ?*C@?$ @@aFk?Df?;`@@@b`?1l?8# @ `