# TESS Program G022070 Title: Transit Searches Of Brown Dwarf Radial Velocity Candidates PI: Carmichael, Theron - Harvard University Type: SMALL Summary: Astronomers know of only 19 transiting brown dwarfs. This means that only as many brown dwarfs have well-characterized radii and masses. This limits our ability to test substellar evolutionary models and build a fundamental understanding of this population of objects between planets and stars. Seven brown dwarf candidates discovered by radial velocity surveys stand to have transit searches conducted on them and six confirmed brown dwarfs have poorly constrained radii derived from their original light curves. We propose to use TESS to conduct transit searches of these 7 brown dwarf candidates and to obtain modern, high-cadence light curves of these 6 confirmed brown dwarfs to improve the radius uncertainties on them. # Sector 014 targets observed (2) 123199213,280.7838,43.1281,10.12,G022070 235682463,287.2924,76.5599,4.82,G022070;G022133;G022103;G022223;G_NONSTANDARDMASK;G_NOPHOTOMETRY;G_SPECIAL_APERTURE_25_25 # Sector 015 targets observed (1) 235682463,287.2924,76.5599,4.82,G022070;G022133;G022103;G022223;G_NONSTANDARDMASK;G_NOPHOTOMETRY;G_SPECIAL_APERTURE_25_25 # Sector 016 targets observed (1) 235682463,287.2924,76.5598,4.82,G022070;G022133;G022103;G022223;G_NONSTANDARDMASK;G_NOPHOTOMETRY;G_SPECIAL_APERTURE_25_25 # Sector 017 targets observed (2) 432549364,0.3621,39.3838,10.22,G022197;G022070;G022053 235682463,287.2924,76.5598,4.82,G022070;G022133;G022103;G022223;G_NONSTANDARDMASK;G_NOPHOTOMETRY;G_SPECIAL_APERTURE_25_25