# TESS Program GO5144 Title: PRECISE EXOPLANET TRANSITS FOR THE BRIGHTEST STARS USING TESS 20-SECOND CADENCE DATA PI: DANIEL HUBER - UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII (MANOA) Type: SMALL Summary: A key innovation of the first TESS extended mission was the introduction of 20-second data, which shows up to 30% better photometric precision than 2-minute data for bright stars due to differences in cosmic ray rejection algorithms. We propose to use 20-second data to improve transit parameters for all bright (T<10mag) TESS Objects of Interest and search for small planets around the brightest stars that may have been missed using 2-minute data in the prime mission. Our program will yield improved radii and orbital eccentricities for several key exoplanet systems, including planets slated atmospheric studies with JWST, and may lead to the detection of a transiting planet around the brightest star to date.