1. Introduction
XIMAGE User's Guide
XIMAGE User's Guide
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 History
1.3 Calibration Information
1.4 Caveat Emptor
1.5 Installation
1.6 Reporting problems
2. Getting Started
2.1 Command
2.2 Data
2.3 Coordinates and Overlays
3. Plot Images
3.1 Displaying
3.2 Color
3.3 Image Placement
4. Source analysis
4.1 Background
4.2 Sosta
4.3 Counts
4.4 Detect
4.5 Remove
4.6 Extract
4.7 PSF
5. Mosaics
5.1 Without Exposure Maps
5.2 With Exposure Maps
6. Commands A-F
6.1 alias - rename a command string
6.2 background - calculate average image background
6.3 bglevels - calculate background levels
6.4 boxreg - select a box region
6.5 cct - change color table
6.6 centroid - calculate centroid
6.7 cey - change the equinox
6.8 chheader - change header information
6.9 chmdb - change mission information
6.10 circlereg - select a circular region
6.11 close_pg_window - close the pgplot device
6.12 colors - display and modify available colors
6.13 contour - display iso-intensity contour levels
6.14 coord - coordinate conversions
6.15 ccorr - coordinate correction based guide sources
6.16 counts - sum counts in a given area
6.17 cpd - change plot device
6.18 crop - crop image
6.19 curve - draw curve between two sky positions
6.20 detect - source detection
6.21 display - display the current image
6.22 draw - draw shapes
6.23 excess - find excesses
6.24 exit - quit
6.25 extract - extract a spectrum or lightcurve
6.26 finding_chart - query STScI DSS for image
6.27 flip - flips image array
6.28 free_saved - free the saved image
7. Commands G-R
7.1 gencolor - generate color image from event file
7.2 grid - overlay a sky coordinate grid
7.3 header - display header summary
7.4 help - ximage help
7.5 hotspot - show position of EXOSAT CMA hot spot
7.6 iminfo - text overlay
7.7 label - write labels on the image
7.8 levels - manipulate intensity levels
7.9 log - open a log file
7.10 map - manipulate image maps
7.11 marith - perform arithmetic with image maps
7.12 moper - perform mathematical operation between image maps
7.13 offset - calculate offset
7.14 pcontour - core contour plotting
7.15 pimage - core image plotting
7.16 pixel_to_ra_dec - convert pixel to sky coordinates
7.17 powplot - start POWplot viewer
7.18 prarray - print Tcl array to screen or file
7.19 psf - estimate the point spread function
7.20 ra_dec_to_pixel - sky to detector coordinates
7.21 rdarray - read text file into Tcl array
7.22 read_image - read an image or events files
7.23 rebin - rebin the current image
7.24 recall - recall past command
7.25 remap - remap image to new coordinates
7.26 remove_sources - remove sources
7.27 rescale - rescale the current image
7.28 resize - change the pixels size of the current image
7.29 restore_image - restore the saved image
7.30 rotate - rotate the current image
8. Commands S-Z
8.1 saoimage - Start the SAOIMAGE display package
8.2 save_image - save the current image in memory
8.3 scale - plot color scale
8.4 screengrab - capture /xtk plot
8.5 script - write a command script
8.6 search - slide-cell search
8.7 select - cursor selection
8.8 show - current ximage status
8.9 skymap - overlay a star chart
8.10 skyview - retrieve an image from skyview
8.11 slice - draw an x or y slice of the image
8.12 smc - minimum display level
8.13 smooth - gaussian image smoothing
8.14 sosta - source statistics
8.15 srcmrg - merge detect output files
8.16 sum_images - add the saved and current images
8.17 surface - plot a surface based on the current image
8.18 syscall - spawn system call
8.19 timestamp - plot time/user info
8.20 title - set an image title
8.21 uplimit - calculate upper limit
8.22 value - print data value
8.23 viewport - set viewport
8.24 vignetting - correct exposure map for vignetting
8.25 vplabel - write label with respect to viewport
8.26 wcs - monitor and manipulate wcs coordinate data
8.27 write_image - write the current image to a file
9. Data formats
9.1 Input
9.2 Output
9.3 Ximage-Specific Files
Alex Padgett 2010-03-25