There are a number of circumstances in which one would like to
use a different or external source list to generate the masks.
This can be done in a relatively straightforward manner
by modifying the external source list so that it has the same
format as the emllist.fits file. Most of the columns do not
matter for the purposes of making a mask, but the RA,
Dec, RADEC_ERR, should all be populated with the
correct (or at least reasonable) values.
The DIST_NN column should be set to a
large number (like 1000) so that the make_mask routine
will not ignore sources. Then, for each observation:
region eventset=mos1S001-allevc.fits
expression="(ID_INST == 2)&&(DET_ML >= 100)"
energyfraction=0.4 radiusstyle=contour
outunit=detxy verbosity=1
region eventset=mos1S001-allevc.fits
expression="(ID_INST == 2)&&(DET_ML >= 100)"
energyfraction=0.4 radiusstyle=contour
outunit=xy verbosity=1
makemask imagefile=mos1S001-fovimt.fits
cheesefile=mos1S001-stinky-cheeset.fits .
This sequence reproduces the actions of cheese for the user-modified
source list extern_emllist.fits. The output cheese mask,
mos1S001-stinky-cheeset.fits, can replace the cheese output
mos1S001-cheeset.fits and used in standard ESAS processing or
used as an explicitly added mask during image creation.