The tasks mosback and pnback take the intermediate files produced by mosspectra and pnspectra, as well as information from the calibration database, and turn them into model QPB spectra and images in detector coordinates. They must be run separately for each call of mosspectra and pnspectra with different region selections (spectral analysis) or different band selections (image analysis) The following are examples of their calls:
mosback inspecfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi
elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T"
mosback inspecfile=mos2S002-fovt.pi
elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T T F T T"
pnback inspecfile=pnS003-fovt.pi
elow=350 ehigh=1100 quads="T T T T"
where inspecfile is the source region spectrum produced by mosspectra or pnspectra, elow and ehigh are the limits of the energy band for the creation of the images and must be the same as used in the mosspectra or pnspectra calls. The seven ccd#'s for mosback and four quad#'s for pnback must be the same as used in the mosspectra and pnspectra calls. For pnspectra one also needs the spectrum extracted over the same source region from the OOT events file, inspecoot. Note that multiple bands can be run without overwriting vital files. However, as mentioned above, if multiple regions from the same exposures are extracted (e.g., for spectral analysis purposes such as investigating the radial profile of a cluster of galaxies) renaming of certain files is required.
The output of mosback is primarily diagnostic:
The essential output files for mosback is:
The files produced by pnback are similar and the essential files are: