The repipelining task for OM data taken in grism mode is omgchain.
It produces images of the detected sources and background, extracts source
spectra and region files, and makes source lists and postscript and PDF plots.
At present, unlike omichain, omgchain does not allow for keywords
to specify filters or exposures; calling this task will process all grism mode data.
To run the pipeline on grism mode data with the GUI:
To run the pipeline on fast mode data in the Command Window, type:
There are two types of output files: those that start with g are
intermediate or auxiliary files and source lists; those that start with
p are products. The output files are are described in Table 9.2.
To demonstrate some of these output files, we have rerun the pipeline on the example dataset and downloaded the output to a local machine. The processed image, rotated to align with the columns of the image (p0125320801OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT), is shown in Fig. 9.3 (left). Two region files are overlayed: p0125320801OMS005REGION0001.ASC, which corresponds to the sources detected in this rotated image (green), and p0125320801OMS005SPCREG0001.ASC, which corresponds to the sources in the spectra list file (red) and indicates the locations of the zero and first orders. The task omgchain automatically extracted the spectrum of the red region (p0125320801OMS005SPECTR0000.FIT); this is shown in Fig. 9.3 (right).