ATHR Counter (PN): Above Threshold Counter - Number of pixels found by EPEA above the programmed threshold
Coarse frame time (MOS, PN, RGS, ERM): - End time of a frame integration (expressed in seconds). The granularity may differ from instrument to instrument.
Coarse/Fine readout interrupt latched time (RGS): Time at the start of the readout. Coarse is in seconds, whereas Fine is equal to an equal
division of 1 second in 16 bits (
DEFA Counter (PN): DEFA Read Counter - Number of pixel read by EPEA
Discarder Line Counter (PN): - Number of discarded pixel lines (frames) when the line (frame) rejection mode is selected
DSP (OM): - Digital Signal Processor
FIFO overflow flag (MOS): - Flag for a FIFO overflow
Fine frame time (MOS, PN, RGS, ERM): - End time of a frame integration (expressed in 1/40th of seconds)
Gatti flag (MOS): - Differential non-linearity in the analog-to-digital conversion is minimised with a sliding Gatti scale. The flag is set at the end of each sliding scale cycle
MIC (OM): - Microchannel plate intensified CCD
Number (No.) of events rejected by lower thresholding (MOS): - Number of events whose energy is below the programmed threshold (noise) counted by the EMDH, within a frame or cycle, and therefore not sent to ground
Number (No.) of events rejected by upper thresholding (MOS): - Number of events whose energy is above the programmed threshold (cosmic rays) counted by the EMDH, within a frame or cycle, and therefore not sent to ground
Number (No.) of valid events (MOS): - Number of valid events
Pattern number (MOS): - Pattern type of a recognised event
Peripheral pixel above Threshold Columns (MOS): - Number
pf pixels, belonging to the peripheral ring of the 55 matrix,
whose energy is above the EDU threshold
Sequence/CCD-N index (RGS): read-out sequence to be used for the exposure
Split Event Reconstruction (SER) (RGS): see [9]
The exact definition of the count rates in the Low Energy (L[012C]) and high energy (H[012C]) detectors and the boundaries for the accumulated spectra (SP_[LH]E[ CS]) of the ERM are given in [2].